
A punch fell, and the wooden pile in front of him was hit and exploded.

“Can rub the firelight…”

The effect of this fist made Kaede’s heart shake.

Eight-Inner Gates did not have the ability to remotely attack before the opened Six Sect, and once it reached the Six Sect, the fist could rub the flames with the air, and it could be mixed with flames. The air bomb slammed out, releasing the long-range Taijutsu-Morning Peacock!


After Kaede shouted in a low voice, her fists burst out suddenly and swung forward quickly.

The flame-like rays of light appeared under his fist, but it was always a little bit short, able to create flames, but could not blast out the flame bombs.

After dozens of consecutive fist swings, Kaede stopped.

“It’s a little bit…”

Kaede retired from the state of Eight-Inner Gates, and Chakra, who controlled the within-the-body, returned to calm. He took a deep breath and looked There was no frustration in his eyes, but a trace of excitement.

The third-gate of Eight-Inner Gates has brought more improvement than he expected!

The state of Time Acceleration triple speed, superimposed with Eight-Inner Gates third-gate Gate of Life, is already close to the speed of Eight-Inner Gates Six Sect, and it can achieve half a morning The effect of Peacock!

“It is impossible to achieve a long-range attack. Compared to the real Morning Peacock, it is still a lot worse, but the fist can rub the flames. One of the formidable power is estimated to be there.”


Kaede took a deep breath.

The waving fist rubs against the air to create a flame. It looks like a flame fist, but it can be regarded as a kind of Taijutsu, but it seems a bit difficult to name this Taijutsu.

The unfinished Morning Peacock……

Where is it?

It seems that there is no suitable animal name to put here, Morning Peacock of semifinished product, it is better to just call it Huoquan.

“By the way, after the cells are activated, the body’s resilience and vitality are really strong…The side effects of the third-gate are offset to the point that only a little bit of body soreness can be felt.”

After Kaede stretched his body, he could feel the painless limbs, and he was recovering quickly, and soon he was no longer sore and weak.

Know that this is the first time he has opened Gate of Life!

After one step further training and the body adapts to the first gate of Gate of Life, the side effect of one step further decreases, which may be completely offset by the resilience of cell activation!

“Orochimaru is indeed a genius if he can develop this technique.”

Kaede couldn’t help but sigh.

On the basis of cell activation, there are software transformations, molting techniques, etc., but he doesn’t have much interest in these. Making the body like a snake is not suitable for him. His only has this most basic cell activation technique.

“That’s right.”

At this moment, a single thought flashed through Kaede’s mind.

He took out the ninja sword White Fang, one-handed hand seals, split second into Chakra, crackle, White Fang’s blade appeared flashing thunder arc.

“Lightning-Style…Thunder Slash!”

After releasing Thunder Slash, Kaede took a breath and suddenly broke through the third-gate again.

The third-gate Gate of Life of Eight-Inner Gates was rushed away again, and the Chakra of within-the-body was once again frantically berserk, and the thunder arc maintained on the blade of White Fang also immediately appeared unstable. Volatility, but not at all split second.

“Sure enough, you can release Thunder Slash first, and then enter the state of the third-gate!”

Kaede’s heart was shaken.

He didn’t have any hesitation. After turning on the Gate of Life and entering the state of triple speed, he held the ninja sword White Fang and swung it forward.

Superimposed with the speed of Gate of Life, Time Acceleration, and the blessing of Lightning-Style Thunder Slash, when the blade fell an instant, a crescent-like arc of light split second flew out through the air.

oh la la! ! !

This crescent-like arc of light is about three chi long. It cuts up ahead, cutting out a gully on the earth in front of Kaede. It spreads all the way to five meters away before it fades away!

“It’s done.”

Seeing this scene, Kaede couldn’t help but smile.

This is the effect that White Light Chakra Sabre Second-Stage can achieve!

With Thunder Slash, the status of Eight-Inner Gates third-gate Gate of Life, and the triple-speed blessing of Time Acceleration, he relied on speed and power to forcibly break into White Light Chakra in a brutal way. Sabre Second-Stage within the realm!

“The formidable power should still be inferior to the real Second-Stage slash, but such an attack broke out in the split second. Even Jonin is difficult to parry and evade. If he is not alert enough, he may be It is possible for me to kill with one blow!”

Kaede judged the formidable power of this blow.

To deal with the experienced, speed and Ninjutsu Elite Jonin who are close to the shadow level, maybe it is hard to say, but the general Jonin encounters this move, there is a great probability that he will be split second!

“Finally, there is a unique trick that barely made it to the table, Secret Jutsu.”

“…this move is called the moon flash.”

Kaede exhaled, closing the Gate of Life.

Turn on Gate of Life twice in a short period of time, and the side effects are naturally very big. Even if the cells of the whole body are in an activated state, they cannot completely resist it. This time Kaede clearly felt the limbs. And the soreness of the waist muscles.

However, the pain is not too strong, and I can endure it for about ten minutes, and then gradually begin to recover.

“By the way, my current strength level is a little fuzzy.”

The general Special-Jonin should not last a few rounds in front of him now. If you use it ‘Moonflash’ is mostly capable of one hit instant kill.

And against the average Jonin, he is equally confident of gaining the upper hand, even defeating and beheading the other side in a very short period of time, and it is difficult to say if it is against Elite Jonin.

If you can’t solve the other side in a short time, you may be defeated by the other side, but as long as there is no messy Forbidden Jutsu, he wants to escape, and the average person can hardly catch him.

Probably between Jonin and Elite Jonin?

I roughly made such a judgment.

So what can be done after having a strength beyond Jonin, the answer is simple-continue training!

Ninja World is too dangerous, and Jonin’s strength is not enough to get out.

“Next is the fourth gate…If I can use Morning Peacock after turning on the fourth gate, then my strength should be comparable with Kage Level.”

Elite Jonin and There is a big gap between Kage Levels. There are still a lot of Elite Jonins in a village, but there are only a few Kage Levels.

In Kaede’s view, after reaching the peak of Jonin in all aspects, and then mastering some unique Secret Jutsu, it can be regarded as Kage Level or close to Kage Level. This vague position can barely be defined as Quasi-Kage , Between Elite Jonin and Kage Level, just like a part of Hidden Mist’s Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist.

Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist have different levels of strength. Some of them have their own strength at the level of Elite Jonin. After mastering a ninja sword, you can have the strength of Quasi-Kage level. Suikazan Fuguki of Greatsword Samehada.

Go up.

There is also a strength gap between Kage Levels. If you insist on distinguishing, you can probably distinguish between the weaker shadows of create, the stronger shadows, and the existence that stands at the top of Kage Level.

Gaara’s father Fourth-Kazekage is a weak shadow, Orochimaru who defected to Konoha has a strong shadow strength, and Sarutobi Hiruzen in Peak state belongs to Kage Level Peak and still has the ability to kill at that point in time. The ability to die Orochimaru.

If you want to have a certain degree of self-protection in Third Shinobi World War, you must at least reach the shadow level, or even reach the level of strong shadow, which is relatively safe, but it is only relatively safe , After all, even the monster like Third Raikage was consumed to death by tens of thousands of Hidden Stone Village ninja led by Tsuchikage Onoki.

In Ninja World, it is absolutely safe to not reach beyond Kaguya Ji level.

“There is still a long way to go…”

Kaede exhaled.

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