Sure enough, as he expected, after releasing the realm of time, he can apply the effect of turning back time on anything he touches, and this effect is actually reflected , Is the picture just now.

This state is also somewhat similar to—

Kamui of the time system!

“This move is called…a eclipse.”

Kaede murmured in his heart.

The power of retrospective time that erodes everything and disintegrates everything-Eclipse!

Different from Kamui, Kamui only allows the attack to pass through the body, while’eclipse’ is to disperse everything the body touches.

The only limitation is that the things you touch cannot exist for too long, otherwise the time energy is not enough to go back to before its birth, making it completely collapsed.

Because of this.

The formidable power of this move is insufficient in terms of attack.

Because even if he exhausts all his time and energy at one time, he can at most make a person go back to the state of twenty years ago. Although it is possible for ninjas under twenty years old to be touched and killed, this What does not at all mean.

On the contrary, in terms of defense, Ninjutsu was almost completely ineffective against him, because he didn’t exist suddenly spit out a Great Fireball that had been in his mouth for more than ten years.

The same goes for Magnet-Style Gold Dust including Rasa.

Though the time of the birth of Gold Dust goes back to the very distant past, it is condensed by Rasa, but it is only a matter of a few seconds, and a few seconds back can make it fall apart.

“Double speed, retrospect, realm of time, bullet of retrospect, eclipse.”

“The ability of the time system is almost that at present.”

Kaede muttered to herself.

While Kaede was doing a summary of his abilities, Rasa looked over him gradually, and couldn’t hold back anymore. He shouted in a low voice and his hands snapped together.

“Magnet-Style! Gold Dust giant blade!”


A large number of Gold Dust split second surged, controlled and gathered by him, in front of Kaede, condensed into a huge Gold Dust knife, and slashed toward Kaede.

In the face of this cut, Kaede just casually raised his head, raised his right hand, extended an index finger, and tapped it against the Gold Dust knife.

“A finger?!”

Seeing this scene, Sand Ninja nearby was almost a little surprised.

Under the gaze of countless people, Kaede’s simple finger came into contact with the blade of the huge Gold Dust blade controlled by Rasa.


The huge Gold Dust blade, which was five or six meters long, suddenly solidified in the sky.

Under the almost unbelievable gaze of Sand Ninja’s Anbu Commander and the others, the solidified Gold Dust blade trembled, as if it had been subjected to some terrifying force, crashed and scattered!

It was sluggish.

Together with Fourth-Kazekage Rasa himself, they were all stupid. He almost tried his best to maintain the Blade of Gold Dust, but it was still useless, split second collapsed.

With just one finger, his Magnet-Style Gold Dust blade was destroyed. Kaede’s body, which doesn’t seem to be strong, has been tempered into a Vajra body that surpasses Raikage? !

“If there is only this level, then end here.”

Kaede stopped, retracted his finger, and pulled out the Kusanaru sword again, his gaze was already a little bit Sand Ninja of Fear.

Obviously standing on my side, it gave all Sand Ninja a feeling of looking down from the sky indifferently.

He calmly start to talk: “The peace built in war must be built on pain, so that people can realize the preciousness of peace, so… feel the pain.”


“Consider the pain.”

“Accept the pain.”

“Understand the pain.”

Shit! ! !

A flash of silver, shatter void, illuminates the ruins.

Under the shock, a large number of Sand Ninja released various Ninjutsu attempts to resist. Rasa even immediately joined forces with the ninja that had already been arranged to release the Magnet-Style barrier.


Everything collapsed in front of Kaede.

Neither barrier or seal nor other Ninjutsu can stop Kaede’s movement. Silver’s rays of light are like crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. They travel through the battlefield. Everywhere, Sand Ninja’s body was broken, and blood was sprayed to the ground.


“Hurry up withdraw here!!”

Faced with the unstoppable, a trace of Rasa also appeared in his eyes Shocked, he directed at the ninja loudly roared behind him, trying to continue to restrain Kaede with Gold Dust.

But Gold Dust can’t keep up with Kaede’s speed.

Without letting Gold Dust be bound, Gold Dust can’t touch him at all.

Instantly between.

The ninja who surrounds Rasa is corpse. Whether it is Jonin or Elite Jonin, they can’t resist a move in front of Kaede, and even Body Substitution Jutsu has no time to release.

Sand Ninja in the distance saw the scene here, and finally collapsed completely. A large number of ninjas began to collapse and fled towards all directions. Those Chunin Genin did not dare to come and support.

sou!! !

The ninja near Rasa was almost slaughtered.

The other ninja looked far away, leaving Rasa alone. Kaede’s gaze fell back to Rasa’s body, and the silhouette shook and rushed towards Rasa.

Rasa also wanted to withdraw, but he couldn’t withdraw at all. Because of fear of Kaede’s power, he was forced to condense Gold Dust into a pair of armor Kinoe and put it on himself.


The realm of time has not been released again, and time traceback has not been used again.

Kaede just held the Kusanaru sword and pierced towards Rasa. The speed under the Eight-Inner Gates fifth gate and Raikiri’s powerful piercing power forcibly penetrated Rasa’s Gold Dust armor Kinoe !

The sword edge penetrated through the armor Kinoe, pierced Rasa’s shoulder, pushed it back, and nailed it to a huge rock not far away, and the Gold Dust also collapsed.


Kaede in front of Rasa looked, with fear in her eyes.

Kaede just stared at him like this, after a few seconds, he said: “Now we can talk about it, Lord-Kazekage.”

“You…what do you want to talk about ……”

Rasa started to talk with a trembling voice. I don’t know whether it is the pain of the shoulder being penetrated, or the fear of facing Kaede and facing death.

Kaede tilted her head slightly and said: “Land-of-Wind and Land of Fire joint border have a small town named Roran, tentatively considered a country, you should also know there… it’s mine Base.”


Rasa dripped cold sweat on his forehead.

Kaede gently pulled out the grass naruto sword, threw off the blood on the sword edge, and said: “Your people have invaded there before, so I am here… I don’t want anyone to invade there again. , Whether it’s Sand Ninja or some ninja, otherwise I’ll come to you again, understand?”

Rasa is so obsessed with power, and even his son is not at ease doing Jinchuriki, many times It goes without saying that Kazekage, who sent people to the assassination, cherishes life.

For this kind of shadow, Kaede has disdain to kill, or does not need to kill, with absolute strength, you can easily control the other side, as well as the entire Hidden Sand Village.


Let Hidden Sand Village take care of Roran’s security work.

If you change to Raikage’s kind of fortitude and unyielding, it can only kill things, after all, he doesn’t have Uchiha Madara’s Sharingan to control the other side.

And if you defeat Hidden Sand Village and kill Fourth-Kazekage Rasa, there will be a lot of Sand Ninja running around. Either he stays in Roran, or he needs to mobilize troops from Konoha to protect Roran. You have to consider Other troublesome questions.

This is just right now.

Of course.

A sinister ninja like Rasa will not be obedient, but unless he can find a way to deal with himself, or he dies, he will cherish life very much.

According to Rasa’s specific situation, even if this guy can live to the four wartime period, I am afraid that he will not find a way to deal with the power he has shown before.


Rasa trembles in response as he clutches the wound on his shoulder, even with a hint of surprise in his heart.

Didn’t expect Kaede didn’t invade Hidden Sand Village for Konoha, but as an individual. If it were the former, I am afraid that he is already a corpse now!

He really didn’t want to die, he didn’t want to die very much, he finally became Kazekage, and finally got rid of the dissidents and cleaned up Chiyo’s direct line, and then he really got all the power soon, if he died like this , Is unacceptable.

“Then I will leave it to you.”

Kaede glanced at Rasa, then turned and left, and walked out of Hidden Sand Village, the silhouette gradually disappeared into the sand. Among.

Until looked Kaede disappeared, the fear in Rasa’s heart gradually subsided. He clutched the wound, took a deep breath, stood up straight, and glanced over the destroyed Hidden Sand Village.

I think of the almost crushed strength that Kaede reveals.

He trembled slightly.


Rasa took a deep breath, made a decision, immediately condensed troops to count the losses, and dispatched an elite team to protect Roran.

As for holding Roran and trying to threaten to retaliate against Kaede and the like, he denied it as soon as it appeared.

Such behavior amounts to death.

Not considered for the time being.

Kaede’s power is too terrifying. The body that almost ignores all attacks is fast to almost lightning speed, which is simply not what a normal human ninja can handle!


Konoha 47 years.

After missing for more than two years, the Konoha silver, which was judged dead by the Great Ninja Village, appeared again in Ninja World and killed Hidden Sand Village alone, defeating the entire Hidden Sand Village, Kill Sand Ninja countless, heavy injury Fourth-Kazekage Rasa.

The news came out.

The entire Ninja World is boiling over!

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