Hidden Rain Village.

Somewhere on the left side of the center is not considered a high roof.

Hanzo of the Salamander, wearing a mask and armor, holding a scythe with a chain in his hand, is standing there with some gloomy eyes, the’Kaede’ in front of him turned into white smoke and dissipated.

“Shadow Clone?”

He turned his head and looked towards the village, the sense ability was activated, and soon the sense arrived in Hidden Rain Village, almost everywhere exactly the same Chakra.

There was a strange color in his eyes, and he said: “How come there are so many…”

The number of these Shadow Clones is too large, and each Shadow Clone has Chakra Reserves are almost close to Chunin’s level. Together they are far more than the Chakra Reserves that a normal ninja can have. This is already another Chakra at Tailed Beast Level!

In the battle in Hanzo of the Salamander sense Hidden Rain Village, his gaze changed abruptly, and his sense reached a Chakra that has the same origin as those Shadow Clone, but the degree is completely different. Suddenly it erupted and moved quickly in the direction where he was.

“so fast!”

Sense the movement speed of the other side, and the Hanzo of the Salamander pupils are miniaturized.

Almost less than ten seconds later, the other side appeared in his line of sight. He looked up and saw that it was on the top of a higher floor up ahead. A silhouette bathed in silver light stands on the edge of the top floor, overlooking him.

The silhouette is holding a grass naruto sword, and there are dazzling thunder arcs intertwined on the sword edge. It can be vaguely judged that the other side is not old, but the Chakra is almost not inferior to him!

“The silver flash that killed the Third Raikage… invaded my village. Is the purpose to kill me? But the old man’s head is not so easy to take away!”


Hanzo of the Salamander looked at Kaede coldly.


At the moment of himself, his face changed abruptly, and he saw a touch of silver light shuttle from the roof opposite, like a cold glow of shatter void.

The line of sight simply cannot keep up with the speed of the other side!

Shit! !

Kaede’s silhouette shuttled past, had a face-to-face encounter with Hanzo, and fell behind Hanzo.

“Too much nonsense…”

Kaede kept the posture of swinging the sword, squinting at Hanzo to the side and back.

Hanzo also maintained the posture of raising scythe. He captured Kaede’s movement trajectory with his sense ability, and also relied on the powerful Taijutsu and combat experience to block Kaede’s blow with scythe.

But, it only blocked a blow!

Shit! !

During an instant, Hanzo of the Salamander had numerous simultaneous simultaneous cracks, densely packed intertwine together, as if an instant had been cut countless times.

This is Kaede’s atomic cut!

oh la la! !

Hanzo of the Salamander, whose body was chopped into countless small pieces, with a trace of different color remaining in his eyes, and then the whole person oh la la, turned into a stream of water, and it was a water clone.

At the moment of myself, the ground of Kaede’s underfoot suddenly surged like a quagmire, turning into sheets of Explosive Tags, which were pasted along Kaede’s feet, winding all the way.


Hanzo of the Salamander appeared on another roof not far away, one-handed hand seals, cold start to talk, cold eyes glow flashed.

With a roar, Kaede split second entangled by the Explosive Tag was submerged by the explosion.

“Is there only this level?”

Looked at this scene, Hanzo of the Salamander squinted his eyes. In his sense, there is no other Chakra of the same kind. It is indeed Kaede’s main body that suffered the explosion.

He didn’t think that the silver flash that killed Raikage was an opponent that could be solved so easily, so he didn’t show the slightest carelessness, but kept the sense.

As the smoke dissipated.

He saw the scene inside.

I saw Kaede who was submerged by Exploding Flame Formation. The pants and clothes showed signs of charred, and the shoes were completely blown up and turned into coke.

But the weird thing is that Kaede, who is bathed in silver light and standing barefoot on the ground, has no trace of damage to his feet and calves, and is still smooth as new!

“How is it possible!”

Hanzo of the Salamander pupils shrank, revealing a hint of disbelief.

In his sense, Kaede should have been literally attacked by his Exploding Flame Formation. The damage and scorch marks on the clothes confirmed this, but the other side was not affected by anything. damage!

“When I rushed over from the sense, I immediately set up a sense barrier, used a water clone to hide the main body, and set up a trap for Exploding Flame Formation, which was deliberately placed behind the clone…”

Kaede’s far away gazed Hanzo of the Salamander said plainly: “Worthy-of is a man called Demi-God by Ninja World. It seems that it can’t be solved by split second.”


As the voice fell, Kaede directly thrown out a sword towards Hanzo of the Salamander.

The sword light turns into a silver unrolled bolt of white silk, like a bright moon falling down, wherever it goes, it seems to be able to split everything in half and fly to Hanzo of the Salamander through the air.

The crescent moon is in the sky!

Hanzo of the Salamander stepped back without hesitation, avoided Kaede’s slash, and then right hand one-handed hand seals, erected in front of him.

“Body Flicker Jutsu.”


His silhouette disappeared in an instant, making the sword that Kaede flashed over.

Kaede sword failed, his eyes gazed all around, but he couldn’t see the silhouette of Hanzo of the Salamander. He browsed slightly and tried to sense Hanzo of the Salamander’s Chakra, but couldn’t find it.

“Fire-Style! The technique of earth explosion!”

For the moment, I don鈥檛 know which direction the sound came from, and then the earth of his underfoot suddenly bulged, as if Volcanic eruptions are generally about to burst open.

Kaede silhouette flickered and landed on the roof of another building, avoiding the explosion.

“Sure enough, as expected by the old man, you who are skilled in speed and Chakra Reserves are huge… do not have a strong sense ability, this is your weakness!”

The hidden Hanzo of the Salamander sense is where Kaede is, and there is a hint of coldness in his eyes. He is a man called Demi-God by Ninja World. He is proficient in almost all the tricks of Taijutsu, Ninjutsu and Genjutsu, including sense ability. The same.

Before hand to hand combat with Kaede, based on Kaede’s need to rely on a lot of Shadow Clone to find his position, he decided that Kaede should not have the sense ability, even if it does, it must be quite weak. The sense range is very narrow.

just as expected.

After hiding Chakra and hiding, Kaede immediately couldn’t find his place.

“This kid, the speed is indeed the fastest ninja that old man has ever seen in his life. Chakra Reserves are also huge… But you can hide if you can鈥檛 find the old man main body. How many attacks have been made by the old man?!”

Hanzo of the Salamander eyes slightly narrowed, one-handed hand seals.

oh la la! !

A water blade burst open from a certain water pipe and slashed towards Kaede, who was very close.

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