“Hanzo of the Salamander, give it to me.”

Kaede looked sand table map, blunt’s start to talk channel.

For him, Hanzo of the Salamander is much easier to deal with than Tsuchikage. Tsuchikage can fly, but he can’t fly now. Once he comes up without a spike, he will fly into the sky after being evaded by Body Substitution Jutsu. , It becomes a remote counter wave.

Particle-Style Kekkei Tota’s long-range anti-wave effect needless to say, although there is the ability to reverse time, even if you eat Particle-Style, you can instantly recover, but Kaede doesn’t want to experience for oneself by Particle -Style Decomposes the feeling of molecular atoms.

“Oh? Did you choose to deal with Hanzo?”

Orochimaru looked towards Kaede in surprise, and said: “One thing I have to explain to you is that Hanzo is called by Ninja World The Demi-God man, his strength is not under Tsuchikage, and the character is careful and meticulous, which is much more difficult to deal with than Tsuchikage.”

Tsuchikage who holds Kekkei Tota is also very strong, but in Orochimaru It seems that Hanzo is more difficult to deal with, because the reason why Hanzo is called Demi-God by Ninja World is because almost no one has seen Hanzo get injured!

Hanzo is proficient in almost all kinds of Ninjutsu Taijutsu. When he judges that he can’t win, he will use Body Flicker Jutsu to escape without any muddle. Even when he is gaining the upper hand, he will not rush into it, but Will choose the safest style of play, a ninja who never puts himself in a dangerous situation.

Orochimaru, who has been hand to hand combat with Hanzo more than once, knows the difficulty of Hanzo.

“I know.”

Kaede gently nodded, and calmly said: “But I have already killed one of Five Kages. I am not interested in other movies. I want to compare it more. Learn about the strength of this Ninja World Demi-God.”

“Do you prefer to challenge the expert… Hmph hmph, it seems that after defeating Third Raikage, your self-confidence is stronger than before. “

Orochimaru said: “If you want to deal with Hanzo, pay more attention to his poisonousness. You have learned my cell activation. Even if you are poisoned by Hanzo, it won’t happen immediately. If you notice the poisoning You immediately retreat. The prudent man will not chase too far.”

Orochimaru paused, and continued to add: “But I still recommend you to deal with Tsuchikage, your acceleration ability, once On the contrary, the poisoning will cause the onset of the poison to accelerate. Hanzo’s ability still has a certain restraint on you.”

“Don’t worry.”

Kaede smiled and said: “I After studying Medical-Ninjutsu with Lady Tsunade for a period of time, even if it is poisoned, it can be sealed immediately, and the poison will not spread easily.”

When I heard Kaede, Orochimaru was slightly nodded.

If you learn Tsunade’s medical skills, you do have a certain ability to deal with it. If you use Kaede’s speed to fight Hanzo, you should not encounter any danger, and you can retreat if you are poisoned.

As for Kaede’s worship of Tsunade as a teacher again, he didn’t really care. As Sannin, a companion of Life and Death Together, he had no idea about Hokage’s Position, and he had almost nothing to do with him. For anyone in conflict, it would be a good thing that Kaede can become Tsunade’s dísciple.

Because Kaede also represents a part of Tsunade’s Willpower.

“Lord Danzo is not here?”

Kaede retracted his gaze looking towards the sand table, glanced at the camp and asked Orochimaru.

Orochimaru looked towards outside the camp and said: “Danzo went to Land-of-Rain to find Hanzo, tried to negotiate with the other side, but it’s almost time to come back.”

Just as Orochimaru’s voice fell, Danzo’s silhouette walked in from outside the camp with a cane. His gaze first fell on Kaede’s body, which solidified a bit, and then continued to walk in, saying:

“Negotiation has failed.”

“The guy Hanzo is very jealous of us now. He believes that once we win, Land-of-Rain will inevitably become a captured country. Hidden Rain Village is impossible to resist and win. Konoha.”

Orochimaru smiled gloomily and said: “Since Hanzo and Rain Ninja are unwilling to stay out of the matter, then Rain Ninja can only be included in the scope of war.”

Now Namikaze Minato is arrogantly in the Land-of-Water battlefield. The Mist Ninja who killed everyone became terror-stricken at the news. Kaede also beheaded Third Raikage, but Cloud Ninja did not dare to fight directly.

The remaining Hidden Stone Village and Rain Ninja are tricky, but Kaede is now at the battlefield here. Even if they deal with both sides at the same time, Orochimaru is still confident of winning.

Danzo nodded.

Then he turned his head and looked towards Kaede and said: “The battle over Cloud Ninja is hard.”

The tone and expression are very normal, and there is no abnormality.

Kaede walked to the side seat and sat down, poured himself a cup of tea, and responded casually: “Lord Danzo too.”

From transmigrated to this World, The innate talent who has always been trembling with fear reveals too strong will be attacked by Danzo. Even now, even if he faces Danzo, he is very indifferent, and Kaede can’t help feeling a little bit in his heart.

Seven years.

It looks like a short split second, but it has been almost seven years since he came to this World and actually spent time in this World.

Seven years of hard training, in exchange for today’s strength and results.

Orochimaru looked towards Danzo, briefly stated the next battle plan and Kaede to deal with Rain Ninja and Hanzo.

Danzo was also a little surprised at Kaede’s choice, but immediately felt that it would be better. After all, the number of Stone Ninja is far more than Rain Ninja. Kaede is going to face Tsuchikage, and there must be one more positive Commander in chief, either he or Orochimaru.

In this case, the remaining person will have to face Hanzo alone.

Now Kaede is going to deal with Rain Ninja and only needs to lead a unit. Even if Kaede is too young, with strong strength, he can still serve as the Captain of a unit.

“Counting the ninja who came back from the village not long ago, we currently have 57 people from Jonin, 5,600 people from Chunin, and 2,000 people from Genin…”

Danzo looked towards Kaede and said: “The total number of Rain Ninja is about less than two thousand people, and the number of elites is not many. Most of the ninja’s strengths are not enough to hold the positions of’Jonin’ and’Chunin’. You have a force of a thousand troops, to withstand Rain Ninja’s attack, are you sure to do it?”

Kaede sat there and drank two sips of tea.

After slowly putting down the teacup, he stood up and said calmly: “Don’t be so troublesome. All the troops will stay in front of Stone Ninja. Rain Ninja is over. I am enough.”

Rain Ninja except Hanzo of the Salamander, other people simply have no threat to him now, let alone 2,000 people, even 20,000 people don’t make much sense.

For him to take a thousand people to the action, he has to spend his thoughts on commanding a thousand people to fight, and he has to bear the responsibility of other ninja casualties, which is a drag for him.

As long as Hanzo is resolved, everything is over.

“A person?”

Danzo brows slightly wrinkle, saying: “Do not just crack a joke like this.”

Orochimaru also looked a little surprised Come over and say: “Are you planning to perform the’Beheading Operation’? Hanzo is not so easy to assassinate. Even when that guy is sleeping, he will send a large number of subordinates to protect all around.”

” I think I can give it a try.”

Kaede said calmly.

Danzo and Orochimaru both have some doubts about this. Both of them are familiar with Hanzo. They know that Hanzo is a character that is very difficult to assassinate. Once the assassination fails, there is a risk of falling into a siege, even with Kaede’s ability. Can get away.

However, Kaede was determined to act alone, and the two of them couldn’t dismiss Kaede’s opinion in the end.

After a long time.

Kaede left the Konoha camp alone and headed in the direction of Land-of-Rain based on the information he received about Rain Ninja.

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