In front of a huge ravine like a moat.

“Third Raikage turned out to be…”

Tsunade gazed the Third Raikage who fell on the ground, and the Chakra who sensed to Third Raikage disappeared. She couldn’t help but take a deep breath, which was completely unexpected Will die here in this way.

But if you think about it carefully, the formidable power of Kaede’s previous blow has already reached the level of super S-Rank’Secret Art’ Ninjutsu. Faced with Ninjutsu whose formidable power is at this level, Once she can’t avoid it, even if she possesses the Strength of a Hundred Technique, she will definitely die.


After recovering from the shock, Tsunade immediately heart shivered with cold, and the whole person jumped and fell directly next to Kaede.

The silver light bathed in Kaede’s body disappeared, and the body shook slightly, but he fell down with the grass sword not at all.

Seeing Tsunade coming, Kaede turned to look towards her and smiled, and said: “It’s okay, Teacher Tsunade…It’s just that Chakra is over-consuming.”

Tsunade not at all listen Kaede’s words, although she also judged Kaede’s condition through Katsuyu, she still put her hand on Kaede’s shoulder, Chakra Flow rose up, and injected Kaede’s within-the-body, sense Kaede’s physical condition.

Chakra shows signs of overconsumption.

In addition, the whole body is a bit overloaded, but apart from this there are no other injuries. Compared with the side effects after using Forbidden Jutsu last time, the difference is almost as different as heaven and earth.

While this made Tsunade relaxed, he was also a little surprised, looking towards Kaede and said:


“Follow the teacher and you train and I’ve been here for more than a month, but I’ve been resting.” Kaede laughed and said, “I also developed a technique that can restore the body to the state before the damage.”

Tsunade was slightly surprised and said: “Is it a technique formed by combining my Strength of a Hundred Technique and Orochimaru’s technique? Your condition is not like using Strength of a Hundred Technique.”

“It is indeed not Strength of a Hundred Technique.”

Kaede lightly nodded and said: “After all, with this Jutsu, my abilities have finally been completely improved, almost all aspects are There are no more defects.”

Tsunade looked with a hint of immaturity, and Kaede, whose appearance is no more than fifteen years old, couldn’t help being exhaled.

She knows exactly what this means.

A ninja is constantly improving his abilities from training to becoming Genin, Chunin, and Jonin.

Ninja’s ability to train to Jonin level means that he has found a route that suits him, and has walked some distance on this road.


Jonin level ninja, training Ninjutsu and the way out are often not perfect, and there will be various defects.

This defect does not refer to the defect of the ninja’s own ability, because almost doesn’t exist the all-round ninja, every ninja has one aspect that is good at and one that is not good at, the so-called’defect ‘Refers to the ninja’s shortcomings in coping ability.

In an easy-to-understand way, she has reached her level. Whether she encounters skilled in speed or ninja who is good at Ninjutsu and Genjutsu, she can almost deal with it.

This is the result of a combination of combat experience and ability enhancement.

In comparison.

Jonin Shinku Yuhi, who is good at sense and Genjutsu, in front of a ninja who is skilled in speed, he may not have time to use Genjutsu and it will be difficult to deal with.

If Shinku Yuhi can improve his power one step further, Chakra will rise to a level and develop Genjutsu to a deeper level, with abilities like Sharingan, and only need to look at it to activate Genjutsu , No need to hand seal, so that there will be no difficult situations when dealing with speed ninja, which represents the improvement of their own capabilities.

Whether it is she, Orochimaru, or Jiraiya, they are all ninjas that have perfected their own abilities, including every ninja that has a name in Ninja World, at this level.

This step is very difficult.

Almost trapped countless ninjas.

Many village Jonins, after mastering some Forbidden Jutsu Secret Jutsu, barely have the ability to be together with her level of ninja perish, but those are not at all perfecting their own abilities.

There are a lot of Jonin in any village. It may reach her level. Even Konoha is only a few people, no more than double digits.

The Kaede before, even if he killed Chiyo on battlefield, he can only be regarded as the Jonin who has mastered the’Forbidden Jutsu’. He has the ability to be together with a ninja perish like Chiyo, which is not really perfect. The ninja of its own ability.

And now Kaede is completely different!

Overcoming the side effects of Forbidden Jutsu, and possessing a grass naruto sword, can almost perfectly play the White Light Chakra Sabre inherited from White Fang…All these add up, it has completely become a perfect Ninja who has gained his own ability!

Every ninja who has perfected its own abilities will complete a leap in the level of strength when it does this, but the specific extent to which it will reach is different for each person.

After mastering the Strength of a Hundred Technique, she has reached the current level, with a strength that surpasses that of Jonin, but she is still somewhat powerless in the face of the Tailed Beast like Eight-Tails.

Jiraiya once showed off with her, Namikaze Minato has perfected her abilities and has reached an extremely outstanding level. Few people in the entire Ninja World can win Minato.

This is also verified from Namikaze Minato’s record.

Kaede is the same ninja.

After perfecting his abilities, he has surpassed countless ninjas and truly reached the level of’Five Kages’!

“You reached this level at the age of eleven. You are really a…a monster.”

Tsunade couldn’t help but sigh. She wanted to say genius, but I found that genius can no longer describe Kaede at this time, this kid is almost a monster!

Among her, Orochimaru and Jiraiya three people in the second wartime, only Orochimaru barely improved their abilities, and at that time they were already twenty years old!

“What kind of evaluation is that.”

Kaede rolled the eyes.

Tsunade took a look at Kaede. After a glance, he took off his jacket and threw it to Kaede, saying: “Since there is nothing wrong, put this on.”

In the previous battle, Kaede’s clothes had been burned into pieces by lightning arcs, and only a few important parts were left with a little cloth left behind.

Taking Tsunade’s jacket, Kaede took advantage of it.

The law of death for blasting clothes does not take effect on him, but the law of non-destructive clothes does not take effect either. After the opened fifth gate, it is difficult to keep the clothes from being damaged.

Although it’s not going to be exhausted, the tattered pieces of clothes on his body are indeed unsightly. Maybe he should find a way to make clothes that are not easy to break? !

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