“On talents, my younger brother is above me!”

Fourth Raikage saw Killer B Eight-Tails and swept battlefield after being transformed into a stretched taut Facial muscles slowed down slightly, coldly-snorted towards Kaede.

Kaede glanced at Eight-Tails, the unstoppable Eight-Tails after the rampage, and re-looked towards Fourth Raikage, slowly saying: “It seems that I can only end here.”

I wanted to continue to observe the Lightning-Style Chakra mode of Fourth Raikage to see if I could refer to it.

Fourth Raikage saw Kaede stop, and then stopped, looked at Kaede coldly: “You have some judgment ability, but unfortunately, I will not let you have a chance to escape Of.”


Kaede shaking one’s head, saying: “What I said end here is another meaning.”

With the voice After falling, his within-the-body Chakra suddenly surged, breaking through the fifth gate Gate of Limit of Eight-Inner Gates!


Along with the interweaving of faint trace thunder arcs, turbulent Chakra fluctuations erupted, violent and huge, making Fourth Raikage’s complexion drastically changed.


He couldn’t help but start to talk with horror.

Kaede used a certain method before, Chakra and speed skyrocketed, didn’t expect Kaede to be able to improve!

Almost in the split second, Fourth Raikage’s vigilance was raised to the highest level. He stared at Kaede, but Kaede’s silhouette was still out of his sight for an instant.


Fourth Raikage was shocked, and he flashed without hesitation, and the sword edge of Kusanagi sword almost rubbed his body.

Kaede bathed in silver rays of light, and in the area that he passed through, there seemed to be a faint trace of lightning arcs intertwined in the air. At this moment, Kaede has completely surpassed his speed!


The sword edge of Kusanaru sword flashed by again.

A blood line appeared on Fourth Raikage’s back. If he hadn’t hesitated to dodge, this sword would have been enough to split his back and severely hurt him!


As the son of Third Raikage, the ninja who used Lightning-Style to the extreme in terms of speed, it was the first time that he experienced being surpassed in terms of speed a feeling of!

At this moment, he is facing Kaede, almost like ordinary ninjas facing him. There is no resistance at all. He can only focus his attention to the limit, just like a stormy sea. Ye Bianzhou will overturn at any time!


Ye Yueai knew that the situation was not good, he could not keep up with Kaede’s speed, so he could only do his best to dodge Kaede’s attack, but dodge I did it once or twice, and it can’t be avoided ten times eight times!

Killer B, who was in a frenzy, didn’t hear Ye Yue’ai’s cry. At this time, he was using eight huge tentacles to completely smash Tsunade’s Katsuyu to pieces, almost grasping Tsunade.

“Bi, your big brother is in danger.”

The voice of Eight-Tails sounded in his mind.

Killer B was shocked. Looking in the direction of Ye Yue Ai, he saw a group of silver white rays of light, blocking Ye Yue Ai in place, and constantly passing by him. .

You can see that Ye Yue Ai has blood stains everywhere on her body, and she has obviously suffered serious injuries, and her right shoulder is almost penetrated!

“How could it suddenly become like this…”

Killer B was frightened, and immediately gave up attacking Tsunade and rushed in the direction of Ye Yue Ai.

Shit! !

The white sword light flashed past, piercing Ye Yue Ai’s heart.

Ye Yue Ai tried his best to dodge, but it can only avoid the vital point, and the right chest is still penetrated by Kaede!


Ye Yue Ai held the sword edge, coughed out a mouthful of blood, and kicked Kaede fiercely.

Kaede stepped down.


The thick thunder arc suddenly exploded, Ye Yue Ai could no longer hold the sword edge of the Kusanaru sword, and the whole person flew back, bringing up a bloody flower.

“Big brother!”

It was the first time Killer B saw Ye Yue Ai suffered such severe trauma, and what made him most unbelievable was that Kaede’s speed Still above Ye Yue Ai!

The first time he saw someone could be faster than Ye Yue Ai!


Killer B slapped a tentacle, curled up in the sky and spurt a mouthful of blood, unable to maintain the Lightning-Style Chakra mode.

Kaede didn’t intend to let the Fourth Raikage go. As soon as the silhouette flashed, he caught up with Killer B’s tentacle and swung his sword.

Shit! !

The tentacle of the octopus was split into two pieces, and the silhouette of Ye Yue Ai fell from it and fell to the ground.

Killer B burst into an angry roar, his huge body leaned forward fiercely. Before Kaede’s sword edge fell, he swallowed Yeyue Ai and firmly resisted the sword edge with his horn.


The silver thread flashed.

Eight-Tails’ horns were forcibly cut off by Kaede’s sword!

Eight-Tails roared, and the probing hand grabbed Kaede, but Kaede took a backhand sword and tore a crack in his palm.

“Eight-Tails…Chakra is indeed far more than Kage Level, but the method used is too single.”

Kaede looked calm.

Among all Tailed Beasts, only Nine-Tails has a strength that exceeds Kage Level, and the others, even the strongest Eight-Tails, are no more than Kage Level Peak.

For him now, almost doesn’t exist in Kage Level can surpass his ninja. Except for Nine-Tails, the other eight Tailed Beasts are no longer affected by him. In the eyes!

roar!! !

Eight-Tails roared, violent Chakra gushed out, the wound in the palm healed quickly, and at the same time tentacle slammed towards Kaede.

Eight-Tails under the full outbreak of Chakra, the turbulent Chakra has reached a level beyond human reach.


In the face of such a violent Chakra and attack, Kaede had an extremely plain expression, holding the Kusana sword in his hand, and directly greeted him.

The sword light flashes continuously, and with the roar of Eight-Tails, one after another wound can be seen constantly appearing, even the Eight-Tails of berserk, under Kaede’s sword Keep getting hurt!

The Cloud Ninjas in the distance seen in this scene are almost all dull, almost showing incredible looks.

Suppress Tailed Beast with one person!

Silver’s shining strength is even scarier than the rumors!


Tsunade was also a little shocked.

She knows exactly how violent the Eight-Tails of berserk is, but it is still suppressed by Kaede!

She can see that Kaede’s speed at this time is much faster than that of Chiyo, and Chakra fluctuates more!

I was shocked.

She can’t help but clenched the teeth slightly.

Kaede certainly defeated the son of Third Raikage and suppressed the Eight-Tails of berserk, but this power was exchanged for Forbidden Jutsu, and the side effects afterwards may be more serious than the last time.

If her strength is stronger, Kaede does not need to achieve this level, but she does not have the ability to block the other side when facing Berserk’s Eight-Tails.

The teacher needs to be protected by dísciple…

Last time, her blood phobia was not cured. Didn’t expect had cured blood phobia this time, but it still became such.

Tsunade took a deep breath, looking Kaede’s direction, she had a determination in her heart, no matter how serious Kaede’s side effects were this time, she would gamble on everything and must be cured!

“Bi, if this continues, my Chakra will be consumed too quickly. If you can’t maintain the consumption, you will be in danger when the time comes and you can’t fight like this anymore.”

“I know…but this guy didn’t plan to let my big brother and I leave at all, and it was impossible to escape at his speed.”

Killer B and Eight-Tails talk in their hearts .

He didn’t expect at all. Konoha’s silver flash strength is so terrifying. After defeating Ye Yue Ai, even Berserk’s Eight-Tails can’t resist it!

It’s simply more threatening than Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, more terrifying, and more difficult to deal with!

It is unbelievable that the other side of the information is just an eleven-year-old youngster!

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