As early as when the two strands of Chakra erupted from the bottom of the river, Tsunade’s gaze changed accordingly, and he leaped towards the rear without hesitation and tried to retreat.

Although Kaede has repeatedly reminded her to be a little vigilant, and she immediately retreats when an emergency occurs, but the two silhouettes rushing out of the river bottom are too fast !

One of them is bathed in lightning.

The other one is like a monster, surrounded by crimson’s Chakra.

The identities of the two are fully exposed, they are the AB group of Cloud Ninja Village, the son of Third Raikage, the future Fourth Raikage Ye Yue Ai, and Eight-Tails Jinchuriki-Killer B!


Almost an instant, Ye Yueai and Killer B caught up with Tsunade who was jumping back in midair. The arm wrapped around Tailed Beast Chakra and the arm wrapped around the thunder arc staggered towards Tsunade. Come here, Tsunade will not be given any chance to hand seal!

“Not good!”

Tsunade’s pupils shrank violently, and the split second smelled a little bit dead aura!

If this move is not handled well, the head will be slashed down by the split second, and it will inevitably die. Even Strength of a Hundred Technique is useless, and there is no time for Strength of a Hundred Technique!

She didn’t have any hesitation, Chakra concentrated on the fist, and the two fists swayed to both sides, trying to use the fist to fight the two who attacked from the left and the right.

Kaede looked this scene, a faint light flashed in the eyes.

“No, it’s too late…”

At four times the speed, he can see that Tsunade’s fist is facing the Fourth Raikage and Killer B, but Tsunade The action is half a beat slow!

As this trend continues, her fist can at most only wipe the arms of Fourth Raikage and Killer B, but cannot collide with the arms of the two!

There is no hesitation.

As early as Fourth Raikage and Killer B were violent, they had already rushed to Kaede of Tsunade, reaching out and pushing forward.

At this time, dragging is too late, because the speed of the other side is not slower than the one who only has time to open the third-gate!

After all, it was the combination of Fourth Raikage and Killer B. The sneak attack of these two people was ambushing. Looking at the entire Ninja World, not many people can handle it. Not to mention Tsunade, even if it is Sarutobi Hiruzen here, A careless may die on the spot!

With a push from Kaede, Tsunade flew forward and landed on the edge of the river bank with a bang.


Tsunade did not have any sense of relaxation of avoided a catastrophe, but his face changed drastically, and he looked towards the direction behind him. What you can see is that the silhouettes of Fourth Raikage and Killer B have been criss-crossed.

Along with the interlacing of the two, in midair, a large number of limb fragments flew up, as if torn apart, and accompanied by a large amount of blood, spilled from in the sky.


Tsunade felt that his heart was pinched so sharply that his body was a little out of control in the split second.

She has realized what happened.

Kaede pushed her away from the dangerous position, but she had no time to do other actions, replaced her original position, and withstood the attacks of Fourth Raikage and Killer B!

Fourth Raikage and Killer B who landed on the ground did not land smoothly, but staggered.

Because of Kaede’s interference, the position of Jue Niu Lei Li’s hot knife was deviated, and the attack position changed from the neck to the body.

If the tacit understanding of the two had not reached an extremely high level, even if that blow could still shred Kaede’s body, it would have caused heavy injury to the arms of the two due to the collision.

“You can save people under our amazing Leili hot knife, this kid…”

Fourth Raikage and Killer B have already realized that they rushed into their attack range. Who is the one who saved Tsunade.

Konoha’s silver glitter!

They didn’t expect that they would miss the hot knife. This is the first time someone saved their goal in the process since they practiced this move. Both of them were very surprised. .

However, under accident arising from many causes, the silver flash blocked the fatal blow for Tsunade. It didn’t make a big difference. It didn’t make any difference that they had exhausted their thoughts, and they placed a barrier at the bottom of the river to ambush. For a long time, the meditation planned this time was ambushed.

“How come!”

Shinku Yuhi and other Konoha ninjas rushing out from both sides, their complexions have changed drastically. Didn’t expect Cloud Ninja to have an ambush, And also the son of Third Raikage and Eight-Tails Jinchuriki!

Although I don’t know what happened, what can be seen is that Kaede’s body was broken, accompanied by a lot of blood, falling from in the sky!

Shinku Yuhi loses blood color on his face.

He can sense the Chakra of the second Kaede nearby not at all, which means that it is not a clone or a Body Substitution Jutsu, it is the main body of Kaede!

I thought that Kaede and Tsunade came together to deal with Cloud Ninja’s troops. It was a fuss, but didn’t expect it!

The silver flash was killed by the other side!

Tsunade also seems to have been greatly affected!

In the trembling and unbelievable Konoha Ninja, Cloud Ninja’s smirk gradually appeared, Kaede’s body fell on the ground.

“Next is’Konoha Princess’.”

Fourth Raikage turned his head and looked towards Tsunade.

Silver flashed Tsunade against their superb Leli Hot Knife, and it couldn’t change the ending. It was still two to one, and Tsunade had no chance to survive.


Almost at this time, his expression abruptly solidified, and he turned his head violently and looked towards a direction not far away.

Not only him, Killer B next to him and Tsunade and the others not far away also watched almost at the same time.

Under countless incredible eyes.

I see.

The blood that spilled from the sky in the sky to the ground suddenly all flew up, together with the fragments of limbs, gathered in the same direction, and merged into one in the rays of light of silver!

Kaede’s expression remained unchanged, his eyes were calm, and the silver rays of light swayed again with strong Chakra fluctuations.

“How is it possible!”

“…Recovered? What kind of technique is that?!”

Almost everyone showed an unbelievable look.

Even Tsunade showed an incredible look. She could tell that it was not Genjutsu, and it should not be Body Substitution Jutsu.

This weird method is somewhat similar to Orochimaru’s ability!

She suddenly realized that Kaede is not only her dísciple, but also Orochimaru’s dísciple!

On Medical-Ninjutsu Orochimaru, it is natural not to mention on equal terms with her, but in terms of survivability, even if she has mastered the Strength of a Hundred Technique, she is still inferior to Orochimaru!

“This kid…even I was shocked.”

Tsunade glanced over the shocked Cloud Ninja and exhaled.

Bath in silver light.

Kaede looks at Ye Yueai and Killer B.

“The son of Third Raikage, and Eight-Tails Jinchuriki…Is there a shielding barrier at the bottom of the river? It was really dangerous just now, if it wasn’t for the preparation in advance.”

If he hadn’t been wary in advance, then it would really be too late to save Tsunade. The worthy-of is a crisis of the’straight flush’ level. Kaede in the heart sighed.

Ye Yue Ai sullenly, coldly-snorted, and said: “You are the silver flash that killed Chiyo, right? There are indeed some methods, and the speed is very fast, but depending on your speed, It’s far worse than me!”

Although Kaede’s abilities were a little weird and caused the ambush to fail, he still has absolute confidence in the strength of his brothers!

No too much nonsense.


As the voice fell, the lightning on Fourth Raikage’s body suddenly flourished, and the whole person suddenly violent, and at a speed almost impossible to see, instantly came to Kaede’s left side.

The hand knife wrapped around the lightning slashed towards Kaede’s neck, and at the same time he started to talk with a rough voice.

“Chiyo dance of thunder abuse level!”

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