
Kaede and Shizune returned to their residence.

A masked ninja is standing in front of Tsunade.

Seeing Kaede coming in, he looked towards Kaede and said solemnly at Kaede: “Kaede Jonin, Lord Hokage gave instructions to let you go to the Land-of-Lightning border frontline with Lady Tsunade.”

Kaede turned his head and looked towards Tsunade and said: “What do you think of Teacher Tsunade?”

Tsunade took a sip of tea, then poured another cup, and then took another sip.

There was silence in the room. Neither Shizune nor the Anbu ninja started to talk to talk until Tsunade had two cups of tea before she stood up and took a deep breath.

“The three Great Ninja Village united, didn’t expect such an unprecedented bad situation, even if you don’t want to manage it, it seems that it won’t work.”

She is not interested in war. Yes, but this does not mean that she can sit back and watch the Three Great Ninja Village enter the Land of Fire. In that case, her life will be destroyed. When the time comes, she can’t find a place to gamble.

Only in peacetime, can you easily be a medical sacred hand, treat some intractable diseases to obtain high consultation fees, and then go to the casino to splurge.

“Then, leave it to me in Cloud Ninja Village.” Tsunade looked towards Kaede and Shizune, and said: “Kaede, Shizune, pack things up and set off now!”

“Then I won’t bother.”

Anbu ninja bowed his head at Tsunade, and then = used a Body Flicker Jutsu, which turned into smoke and disappeared.

Tsunade gazed muttered up in the direction that Anbu ninja disappeared.

“Is the teacher worried about the situation of this war?”

Kaede walked over and looked Tsunade.

Tsunade looked towards Kaede with a dignified nodded gaze, saying: “The sneak attack of Hidden Mist Village is expected, but didn’t expect Hidden Stone Village and Hidden Cloud Village to unite. I am afraid the situation this time will be very bad…Really, the last time I went to the Land-of-Wind battlefield I said it was the last time.”

The situation is too bad.

It was so bad that she was deeply worried before she reached the frontline.

Orochimaru should deal with Stone Ninja on the Land-of-Grass side, but Orochimaru alone will definitely not be able to withstand Stone Ninja’s attack, at least let Jiraiya or Danzo pass.

If Danzo passes, then Jiraiya will definitely deal with Mist Ninja, but Jiraiya is also impossible to deal with Mist Ninja’s attack alone, Namikaze Minato must support.

In the end, Cloud Ninja is left.

Although her fighting strength has been restored, Kaede’s strength is also extremely strong, but it is difficult to say whether she can withstand Cloud Ninja’s attack, and other battlefields are also in great danger.

If the three Great Ninja Village were completely released, and even Tailed Beast and Jinchuriki were used, the situation facing Konoha would be even worse!

But there is no point in worrying about these.

Now we must rush to the battlefield over there as soon as possible.

“Don’t worry too much.”

Kaede thoughtfully said: “Although the three Great Ninja Village have joined forces, they can really work with a common purpose spare no Is effort offense? Impossible. Even if they restrain each other’s sneak attack, they will do the most conservative battle and expect other villages to consume our battle strength first.”

Hear Kaede Tsunade gave Kaede a surprised look. Didn’t expect Kaede not only to have a strong strength, but also to have such a judgment on the situation of war.

I hit the point almost instantly.

Tsunade suddenly couldn’t help being sighed.

It would be fine if Kaede was her younger brother, the age difference is not big, but innate talent and strength, as well as this kind of judgment of the situation, are far more than many adult ninjas. No matter what aspect of his talent, there are almost no defects, even if he is still very young, he can already vaguely see the shadow of’Hokage’.

However, she is also happy to accept such a dísciple. Although Kaede is also Orochimaru’s dísciple, she has already caught up with her weight.

Tsunade threw the distracting thoughts behind his head, nodded said: “You are right, even if they send a large army to suppress the situation, they will not easily launch a full-scale attack, but will wait for other villages to attack first. It’s also the key that Konoha needs to grasp.”


Kaede nodded and said: “I think Lord Hokage’s tactics should be delayed tactics without accidents. Third, Great Ninja Village will not easily attack this point in an all-round way. Taking advantage of Land of Fire natural resources and dragging the war for a year or two, Great Ninja Village will inevitably become more and more difficult.”

Tsunade Weirdly looked Kaede.

Kaede was a little uncomfortable being stared at by Tsunade’s gaze, and could not help but helplessly said: “What do you think I do, is there any problem with my judgment?”



Tsunade shakes one’s head, and said: “It’s no problem at all, it’s just…”

She stared at Kaede for a moment, and said: “It shouldn’t be in your body now be pretending to be the soul of that guy Orochimaru, right?”

Forget the previous judgment, and the latter one hadn’t even anticipated her in advance, Kaede had already made an inference, and in her opinion This inference is also pretty close, or if she serves as Hokage, there is a high probability that she will make this decision after considering it for a long time.


A few question marks popped out of Kaede’s head, and said helplessly: “I am not the clone of Orochimaru teacher… and normal people can make such a quick judgment. Think about it.”

Tsunade looked weirdly at Kaede. She looked at Kaede’s expression and didn’t seem to be pretending. For a while, she wanted to say,’Do you have any misunderstandings about normal people? ‘

In fact.

Kaede does misunderstand normal people.

Because from his point of view, equivalent to has a clear grasp of the entire history of Naruto World, and is very familiar with the Great Ninja Villages in the three wartime periods, including the style of behavior of each village, so it’s a good idea. Will naturally judge the problem from a global perspective.

However, in fact, it is difficult for ordinary ninjas to do this, only those extremely good ninjas, such as Namikaze Minato, or Sarutobi Hiruzen, Danzo, these rulers standing at the apex of a Ninja Village , Will have such a perspective.

In Kaede’s view, it is easy to infer the situation, even for a ninja like Tsunade, it is not possible to make a judgment all at once. It requires serious thinking.

“Lady Tsunade, everything is packed.”

Just then, Shizune’s voice came.

She has packed up some things that should be cleaned up and placed them on the floor in the center of the room.

“Let’s go.”

Tsunade reached out and patted Kaede’s shoulder lightly, and walked to the door.

Kaede has refreshed her cognition many times in a row, and this time her cognition has been updated, that is, Kaede also has a strong overall view and judgment ability, and talents in these areas Maybe even she can’t compare with.

Kaede looked at Tsunade’s back, showing a looking thoughtful look. He also gradually realized that there is a big difference in the’normal angle of view’ between himself and the ninja of this World.

But there is nothing more.

With his current strength, he is not afraid to show extraordinary talents in these areas, let alone in front of Tsunade.

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