Jiraiya walked into the camp and glanced at Kurenai Yuhi and Rin and the others.

Then looked towards Kaede in anger.

When he was young, he had never been so popular. There were no girls around him, and almost all girls were clustered around Orochimaru.

How the present scene resembles Orochimaru back then, especially Kaede is Orochimaru’s dísciple, which makes him look at Kaede obliquely.

But it’s okay.

His dísciple Namikaze Minato is equally excellent, not worse than Kaede.

“How’s your injury?”

Jiraiya didn’t take care of Kurenai Yuhi and the others who saluted, and expressed condolences to Kaede start to talk.

In terms of status, Kaede is far behind him, but in this war, Kaede was the hero who killed Chiyo. After finishing the battle, the first wounded he wanted to sympathize with was Kaede is here.

“Many thanks Lord-Jiraiya, I’m concerned, Teacher Tsunade said it’s okay.”

“Well, that’s good…”

Jiraiya nodded , And then suddenly discovered something was wrong, looked a little surprised Kaede, and said: “What did you call Tsunade just now?”

Kaede smiled and said: “I just asked Teacher Tsunade to teach me Medical-Ninjutsu, Teacher Tsunade I have agreed.”

Jiraiya: “…”

His face trembled unnaturally, and his expression was a bit stiff.

Two of Sannin have accepted Kaede as a dísciple. This is great. Although he didn’t want to suppress Kaede’s idea, he can’t implement it even if he has an idea.

Orochimaru is not afraid, but Tsunade is very dangerous. It is much shorter than Orochimaru. If Tsunade knows about it, even half a small town will be killed.

The son of White Fang,

The dísciple of Orochimaru and Tsunade,

The hero who killed Chiyo,

So many auras set Although Kaede is only less than eleven years old now, his status is far from that of an ordinary Jonin. If you go up a bit, you can almost talk to him on an equal footing.

“That’s it…”

Jiraiya thought for a while, and then changed the subject: “Yes, the village has officially promoted you to Jonin, and you are directly under Jonin. It belongs to the Sandaime Lord.”

Neither Rin nor Shizune had much reaction. In their opinion, Kaede became a Jonin as a matter of course, but Kurenai Yuhi’s heart surged. Not a small wave.

Directly under Jonin!

This status is different from ordinary Jonin!

Her father is Konoha’s Jonin, so she knows something about Konoha’s upper layer. She knows that there is a difference between Jonin and Jonin. Some of them belong to Anbu, the Torture Department, and the police force. Other departments are subject to the jurisdiction of the general Captain of each department.

In contrast, Jonin is not under the jurisdiction of Captain of any department. It belongs to Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, which is a ninja that only Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen can mobilize.

In other words.

Without Sarutobi Hiruzen’s orders, even Orochimaru, Jiraiya, or even Hokage’s assistant Danzo, are not qualified to directly issue orders to Kaede.

“It is an honor for me to get the attention of Lord Hokage.”

Kaede responded with a smile.

This appointment is not surprising to him. The strength he shows now is something that Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo cannot underestimate. In addition, he is Orochimaru’s dísciple and is placed in any department. Neither fit.

Jonin directly under his current position is the most suitable for his current position, and belongs to a vacant position. The position is above the general Jonin, but there is no actual power.

While being unable to be transferred by people outside of Hokage, it also means that it is also impossible to order and transfer other ninjas without the approval of Hokage.

“Then I’ll go first, you can rest well.”

Jiraiya nodded, left the camp, and the other ninjas who followed over also left with Jiraiya, they looked There was no disobedience or jealousy in Kaede’s gaze.

With Kaede’s strength and performance on battlefield, although Kaede has actually performed very few missions, he still has enough qualifications to hold the position directly under Jonin.

This status.

Really deserves its name.

After Jiraiya left, Kurenai Yuhi and the others relaxed.

They can feel a lot of pressure in front of Tsunade, and the same in front of Jiraiya. Both of them are Konoha’s highest-ranking ninjas besides Hokage and Elder’s Group. Jiraiya is also the head of the frontline battlefield. Command, there is a huge gap between their status.

“Didn’t expect Kaede, you have become a Jonin so soon, it feels really incredible.” Kurenai Yuhi turned to look towards Kaede and couldn’t help muttering start to talk.

She never doubted that Kaede could become a Jonin, even when she was at the Academy, she did not doubt it, but didn’t expect Kaede to become a Jonin so soon, only less than two years after graduation .

“It’s nothing.”

Kaede laughed, and said: “You will also become Jonin.”

Kurenai Yuhi took a breath and seriously nodded, She also has the belief in becoming Jonin. After all, her father is Jonin, so she can’t lose the face of father.


Kaede is now Jonin.

If she doesn’t become Jonin in the future, the status gap between her and Kaede will be a bit too big. In that case, it may be difficult to get in touch again.

Like Kurenai Yuhi, Rin also has the belief in becoming a Jonin. The only one who doesn’t have much sense is Shizune. She is Tsunade’s dísciple, and she left the village with Tsunade, whether Genin or Jonin’s There is no difference in status.

“That’s right.”

At this time, Shizune suddenly remembered something. After putting the water glass aside, cautious and solemn came to Kaede’s ear, low He asked.

Kaede tilted her head and glanced at her, then looked at Kurenai Yuhi and Rin, suddenly a little’scared’, and said: “You can help me, I should be able to move a little bit.”


Shizune stole glanced at Kurenai Yuhi and Rin, trying to help Kaede up.

Kaede got up from the bed with Shizune’s support. Although the muscles of the whole body are still a bit painful, she can barely move around with the support.

However, Kurenai Yuhi and Rin looked this scene, suddenly quit, and after a short stunned they asked: “Shizune what did you just say? What are you going to do with Kaede?”

“You don’t need to know.”

Shizune responded blankly, helping Kaede to walk out.

Kurenai Yuhi and Rin glance at each other, this kind of reason can’t be accepted, they all followed immediately, Rin walked directly to the other side of Kaede, and followed and helped Kaede.

At this time, she suddenly realized what Shizune and Kaede were going to do, and her body stiffened suddenly and unnaturally.

She glanced at Shizune and found that Shizune’s look is also very unnatural.

Rin’s reaction was quick, and he immediately said to the red who still didn’t understand: “Um, red, Shizune and I will take Kaede to go there, and I will be back soon… Kaede should be hungry, go and help. Let’s see if lunch is ready at the camp.”

Kurenai Yuhi paused, and looked at Rin and Shizune a little strangely. She instinctively felt that the two seemed to have achieved something unspeakable. But if you think about it, Rin is right. Even she is a little hungry. It’s time to help Kaede prepare lunch.

And in this case, things like that in the morning won’t happen.

“Well, I’ll go to prepare an afternoon meal, you two can be careful, Kaede’s injury is more than two genius can be restored to normal activities.”

“Don’t worry. , We are all medical-nin, nursing is very good.”

Nohara Rin smiled.

Kurenai Yuhi stopped, looked Rin and Shizune helped Kaede walked out for a while, then turned and left to prepare lunch.

Here Rin’s expression is a bit uncomfortable, she lowered her head and dared not look at Kaede, and in the heart meditated that she was a medical-nin, and it was her duty to help patients who could not move. .

“Rin, you should go back first, I can do it alone.” Shizune said, trying to start to talk to Rin naturally.

Rin retorted a little stiffly: “No, no, look at Kaede now, you will be very reluctant to hold it by yourself.”

Kaede looked the two of them forbearing I could not help but vomit: “Actually, you can call a boy to help.”

“Ah…that…no, no need…we are all medical-nin, it doesn’t matter.”

Rin stumbling in response.

Does your appearance seem okay? !

Kaede complained in his heart.

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