With those scenes appearing in the dream, Kaede couldn’t judge whether it was his own dream of let the imagination run wild, or it was really related to the illusory clock and was affected by it.

However, Kaede instinctively felt that most of the abilities that appeared in that dream belonged to the twelve scales of the Unreal Clock, but it was not clear which scale corresponded to.

“It would be great if Time Freeze could be unlocked.”

Kaede thought.

In Naruto World, the ability of Time Freeze is almost unsolvable. Once you master this ability, even if you face Otsutsuki Kaguya, you can become a plot.

Time Freeze hits down, even if there is a gap between Kage Level and Sixth Level, you can still pick’Rinnegan’ first in a static state, and then little by little can absorb the power and power of Tailed Beast Chakra, suck up all the power belonging to the six levels and take it over.

Thinking of this, Kaede closed her eyes.

The illusory clock appeared in front of his eyes. He glanced at the position of’scale Ⅲ’, but saw that although the mist shrouded on’scale Ⅲ’had faded a bit, the distance disappeared completely. According to this progress, it is estimated that it will take two or three years to unlock the large distance.

After checking his other abilities and finding that nothing has changed, Kaede had a shaking one’s head in his heart and stopped thinking about meaninglessly.

I came to this World and got the Unreal Clock. Although there are still many doubts about its capabilities, Kaede can roughly infer something.

First of all.

Its ability is gradually unlocked over time. The time required for this unlocking process is fixed and hardly affected.

Kaede has a bold idea about this, that is, the current Unreal Clock may not have complete power, but as long as time is flowing, it can continuously draw power from time to recover , And gradually become more complete.

Every year or so, the interval of Time Acceleration will expand a bit, which also confirms this.

In addition.

Its “time energy” seems to be infinite, but in fact it is not infinite, but has an upper limit, and this upper limit is still increasing.

Kaede discovered this when doing experiments.

He once pulled out one of his own hairs and used time backflow for this hair, and not a few seconds or ten seconds back, but split second back more than ten years.

The hair split second disappeared, and at the same time, the whole illusory clock suddenly became dimmed, from golden to pale-silver, leaving only the bottom part. A little bit of golden remains.

Kaede judged that golden represents time energy.

The reason for his Time Acceleration and Time Reverse, until now can be used almost unlimitedly, because the consumption speed is much lower than its recovery speed.

But if split second goes backwards for more than a few years, the time and energy consumed will suddenly reach an extremely huge level.

Based on Kaede’s judgment.

The total amount of time energy currently stored in the Unreal Clock is about fifteen years back in time. If you make time back more than fifteen years at a time, all energy will be used up instantly.

Kaede doesn’t know what will happen when the energy is exhausted, because he hasn’t tried it, and doesn’t plan to try it. After all, it doesn’t take him more than fifteen years to turn back.

As for where the time energy comes from, Kaede is not clear yet.

He only knew about that attempt, after losing about four-fifths of his time and energy, he waited for nearly ten days before the Unreal Clock was fully restored to its full golden state.

This process is not disturbed by any outside behavior.

Kaede tried to kill other ninjas, tried to do some other things, but it did not affect the recovery of time and energy, it would not make it recover faster, nor would it make it recover slower .

Either the’time’ held by everyone is too insignificant, or the’time’ represented by the illusory clock corresponds to the’space’ of the world and has no connection with individual life , Its level is far above that.

Kaede could not confirm and confirm the specific situation, but he guessed it should be the latter.

Doesn’t exist the concept of how much time each person has. Time is a scale to measure changes in the world, and it should correspond to the entire world.

This guess is not without reason.

Because Kaede also did a second experiment, which was to use time reversal on one hair and ten hairs respectively, and the time and energy consumed were the same.

In other words, the consumption of the ability to reverse time has nothing to do with the object it acts on. Whether it is a hair or the whole person, the time and energy consumed are the same, and the consumption of time and energy is only the same as that of reverse flow. The length of time is related.

In addition.

Kaede also discovered a little bit.

That is the upper limit of the time energy stored by the Unreal Clock. It does not remain unchanged, but slowly grows over time.

Other aspects are temporarily unknown, but so far, the Unreal Clock is constantly’evolution’ or’recover’ over time, and it will change over time Getting stronger, all the directions of change are in his favor.

As for whether there will be a downside, Kaede is not clear.

At least not so far.

“If there is really a downside, maybe it is just its power. It will gradually lose oneself and gradually lose human emotions over time.”

Kaede murmured in her heart.

His instinctive feeling, this may be the truth.

If he attains eternity and stands at the top of Ninja World for hundreds of years and thousands of years, human emotions may gradually disappear, but those who are still far away from him now, at least not need to go Consider these.

Those are things that he needs to consider only after he has truly reached the top of Ninja World and has truly gained eternity.

Now he has only reached Kage Level.

For the existence of the Super Kage Level, such as Rinnegan’s Nagato, maybe a Bansho Tennin sucked it in, and then another human soul was stripped, and he died on the spot.

The current strength is far from enough, at most it can only deal with most of the Kage Levels in Ninja World, and some special Kage Levels can be quite troublesome, such as those proficient in Flying Thunder God Jutsu and Sealing Jutsu. Namikaze Minato, Third Raikage with extremely abnormal speed and defensive power, etc.

And just as Kaede was thinking.

Suddenly there was a rustling movement on the side of the bed.

When I looked sideways, I saw Shizune lying on the innermost side. I don’t know when he sat up. He seemed to have just woke up, rubbing his sleepy eyes.


After waking up a bit, Shizune looked in the direction of Tsunade and Kaede. Although it was a bit dark, as a ninja, he could still see that Kaede was awake Understand.

Shizune glanced at Tsunade who was still sleeping, cautious and solemn got up, walked to the right side of Kaede, and whispered: “Kaede, are you awake? How do you feel?”

Kaede sighed and said: “The meridians are okay, the muscles are still a bit painful, and it’s not easy to sit up. It seems that it will take some time to rest before you can move normally.”

” Hmm.”

Shizune gently nodded, and said: “Medical-Ninjutsu can only treat wounds and will not promote the rapid growth of cells. Although broken muscles can be treated to bridge together, but the middle is broken It will take some time for that part to fully recover. By the way, you should be thirsty, I’ll pour you some water…”

Speaking of which, she paused, stood up and walked to the table with Some admiring eyes looked at Kaede and said: “Speaking of Kaede, you are so good at battlefield during the day. Even that Chiyo was defeated by you. It seems that in a few days your name will spread throughout Ninja World. “

Kaede tilted her head and said with a smile gently:

“It should be.”

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