Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 435 Eva's Daily Life

The early morning sunshine shines through the dense botanical garden and onto the lawn in front of the villa. A gentle breeze fills the air with the fragrance of roses.

When Link came back from running outside, Ivaca was doing yoga on the lawn.

She had long blond hair tied up, wearing a close-fitting T-shirt and stretch pants, with her bare feet on the blanket.

As she moved, her mature and plump breast curves, slender and soft waist, flat belly, peach-like hips and hips were revealed. At this time, she also looked like a ballet dancer, raising her arms gracefully.

According to her figure, if placed on a woman with a height of 170 centimeters, such as Kim Kardashian, the body proportions would appear too exaggerated and uncoordinated.

If you put it on petite girls such as Emma Watson and Emma Roberts, it will look too cumbersome and look fake.

But it looks great on Ivaca. She is 181 centimeters tall and has two long legs, which can fully support such a figure.

And her cool face, white and tender skin, elegant and generous temperament, paired with this type of figure, are a perfect match and complement each other.

"Good morning darling!"

"Stop! Don't come over!"

"What's wrong?"

Seeing her full curves and graceful figure, Link couldn't help but want to go over and hug her and give her a good morning kiss, but was stopped by Eva Ka.

"Don't touch me, I have something to do at noon."

Iwaka said seriously with a cold and beautiful face.

"I didn't mean anything else, I just wanted to give you a good morning kiss."

Link smiled softly. In the past, when their relationship was not as close as it is now, when he saw her with a cold face and a posture that meant she could watch from a distance but not play with her, he would choose to avoid it and not confront her head-on, so as not to make her angry. .

After becoming a close lover, you will find it interesting to see her with a cold face. She feels equally sexy and charming in this state.

"Don't try to lie to me. You think I don't know what's going on in your mind. Yesterday you also said good morning kiss, but then you dragged me upstairs again. You do this every day. Isn't it interesting? Don't you get tired of it?"

Ivaca pursed her bright lips, blinked her curved eyelashes, and her beautiful eyes were watery. When she said it seven or eight times, her cheeks became rosy and translucent, like high-quality red jade. .

"We are lovers, and ML can enhance our relationship. Isn't that good?"

Link spread his hands and smiled.

"I understand, but you have to be moderate. You have to compete in the competition next week. Endlessly squandering energy like now will cause your physical condition to deteriorate. I don't want you to lose the competition."

Ivaca looked at him worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'm in good health. I just ran sixteen kilometers and will continue to exercise for four hours later."

Link said looking at the sports watch.

Iwaka looked at him helplessly. After the two slept together, Link turned into a guy who wanted to do bad things. He was in a state of excitement all day and night, which made her a little distressed.

The magazine said that men who overindulge themselves will become weak and even fall ill.

But Link is not like this, he is very energetic.

After long-distance running in the morning and training at noon, I took the time to come over and harass her.

From morning to night, there seems to be no time to feel tired.

Ivaca never expected to faint on the bed before, but recently this happened one after another.

So much so that when she sees Link now, her heartbeat speeds up involuntarily, her whole body becomes weak, her breathing becomes rapid, and even her thinking seems to be a little stagnant.

This state is obviously abnormal, and the body's magnetic field seems to be severely affected by Link.

She felt that if she continued to mess around, she might lose herself one day and die willingly in his hands.

Ivaca wiped the sweat from her forehead and said with a cold face: "No! Absolutely not today. We have been at home for three days. I have to go to the company to deal with work matters at noon. I must have a good person." State, don’t waste time on this kind of thing.”

".All right!"

Link said reluctantly.

Iwaka breathed a sigh of relief, supported her calf with her right hand, and assumed a soft posture. Seeing Link still staring at her with very hot eyes, she said helplessly:

"My dear, your situation is not normal. It is very similar to X addiction. Should I find a psychiatrist for you?"

"No, I've read the information. X addiction means that you can't control your mind and body. You often think about X in your mind. It's more like a mental illness. I just can't control myself when I see you. Thoughts, wanting to be close to you, my symptoms are more like Ivaca addiction, I think I am fascinated by you."

Link said.

"We are husband and wife, and there will be decades in the future, so please take your time, okay? It's daytime now, so that's not good. I'll follow you the rest of the time."

Ivaca asked in a soft voice.

Hearing what she said, Link couldn't continue to harass her. He held her and kissed her for more than ten seconds. It wasn't until Eva got stuck on her leg and pinched her hard that he reluctantly took his hand away from her clothes.

Seeing Link leave, Iwaka breathed a sigh of relief. She felt that she should seek advice from Paris Hilton. What should she do if she meets a strong partner like Link? How can we ensure a good physical condition while meeting the needs of our partners.

Paris has a lot of experience in this area, I hope they can provide some useful suggestions.

At noon, Evaka went to Lionsgate to take charge, and Link went to the Muscle Beach Club for training. Evaka was driven by Link to the company building. When they were about to separate, she was hugged and kissed by Link for a long time.

She was actually happy about Link's performance.

For women, it is a sign that their partners like or even are obsessed with them, which is something to be proud of and happy about.

But she was also a little worried. Nothing in the world is eternal, and love and desire are the same.

No matter how beautiful something is, it will gradually become bland after experiencing it too many times.

She and Link just got together, and there is a sense of freshness between them, but the freshness will pass, and the beautiful face and plump body will gradually age. Link's obsession with her may slowly disappear, and then there will be problems in their relationship.

This is something she doesn't want to see.

She wants to have a stable relationship with Link, a solid relationship, not a fleeting passion.

Based on this, she hopes that Link can like her spirit, character, thoughts, and abilities, not just her body.

The body will become thin and dull as time goes by, but the soul and wisdom will become full, interesting and radiant because of time.

Because of this, after hearing that Link had many rumored girlfriends, she didn't take it to heart, because beautiful women will grow old, and Link will not stay with a few aging women for decades.

The only one who can really accompany him to the end is his wife.

Other women are just passers-by on the road of life. As a host, she will naturally not care about a few guests. Doing so will seem too petty.

Now that she has become Link's fiancée, the most important thing to do is to find a way to stabilize this relationship, prevent Link from being snatched away, and prevent Link from being attracted by better women.

If a woman is snatched away by another woman, it is not only a man who loses his partner, but also a woman's dignity and honor.

Especially a man like Link, who is rich, handsome, powerful, world-famous, and has countless halos, like the biggest and brightest gem on the British crown. Except for that silly woman Taylor, no woman would not want to stand by his side, hold his arm tightly, and accompany him on the longest red carpet in his life.

In order to stabilize her relationship with Link, she temporarily did two things.

The first was to tell Link that she was not young anymore and wanted to have a child. Link did not object, and they never used contraceptive measures when they were together.

The second thing was that she planned to continue her studies to improve her abilities and cultivation, let her soul shine, and become a woman who is strong from the inside out.

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