But now… Because of the bad impression of those two policemen before, Hideaki Hosaka will not easily let the police take Sumi away.

Continuing to act as a wall between Sumi and the police, Hosaka said, “Tsukamoto Sumi refused to cooperate with your investigation. ”

“What?” Sure enough, hearing Hosaka Hideaki’s words, Miwako Sato was stunned, and at the same time she was dissatisfied, and at this moment, the other two policemen also showed a grievance look towards Sato, showing that they were rejected just like that.

A hint of dissatisfaction flashed on her handsome face, and Miwako Sato spoke: “As a citizen, we have the obligation to cooperate with the police in law enforcement, and we need to ask Tsukamoto-san something.” ”

“You also said that it is an obligation, not a must, this is a personal will in it, I told the two of them before, if it is not a formal arrest, Sumi does not need to leave with you, and if you continue to harass Sumi, we will complain about you.” Hideaki Hosaka did not budge.

The two eyebrows were screwed together, Miwako Sato had seen almost any criminal, but it was the first time to see such a high school student, a little angry, time was already very tight.

This time the case had a great impact, and she couldn’t be delayed by a high school student.

But although dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction, but what people say is also the truth, indeed she can’t take Tsukamoto Sumi directly, Sato thought about it, and his tone softened a little: “We just want to ask about something about Sachiko-sensei, I hope you can cooperate, after all, it is also your teacher, and we will not take Tsukamoto-san, it is still in the school, one of the rooms on the first floor, okay?” ”

She can already see that these two people are obviously in charge of this boy, so she naturally did not ask Tsukamoto Sumi, everything she said to Hosaka Hideaki, and although the face was a little relaxed, but in her heart she was dissatisfied with Hosaka Hideaki!

A little ghost, angry with her, if not a high school student, in other words, an adult man outside, she would not believe that the other party dared to talk to her like this!

And looking at the appearance of the two of them, they should be in love! Hum! At a young age!

“So…” Hideaki Hosaka hesitated a little, Sachiko-sensei? They mentioned Sachiko-sensei, could it really be that something happened to her? After all, it was an investigation into an incident involving a school teacher, plus it was only at school, so Hosaka Hideaki hesitated and did not immediately refuse.

Seeing the play, Sato immediately added, “If…” She didn’t know the other party’s name yet, “If this classmate also wants to go together, you can also accompany you, this is also to help the teachers at your school!” “The first time I met such a difficult high school student, Sato was helpless.

The other party said so, Hosaka Hideaki didn’t seem to be good if he refused again, he thought about it or had to Sumi decide, he turned his head to look at Sumi and asked, “How is it?” Sumi, would you like to go? Of course, if you don’t want to, you can not go. ”

Seeing Hosaka Hideaki loosen, Sato breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that the other party asked Tsukamoto, she looked at Tsukamoto expectantly, but when she heard Hosaka Hideaki’s next words, she was angry again, they are policemen! And not some bandits or something, as for being so wary of them?

A few minutes later, Hideaki Hosaka and Sumi Tsukamoto finally followed the police downstairs.

Inside a large empty classroom, countless police officers came and went, and there were many familiar faces inside, including school classmates or teachers.

“Hosaka! Did you say what happened to Sachiko-sensei? Could it be that yesterday’s incident was true…” When Sumi saw such a scene, she thought of what she had just told Hosaka, and she really regretted scaring Hosaka with this matter now, but she didn’t scare Hosaka, and now she feels…

Hosaka Hideaki did not reply, at the moment his face was a little serious, his brows were tightly frowned, just after entering the classroom, he felt a gaze lock on himself the moment he entered, this feeling seemed familiar, but it was a little abnormal to appear in this school.

Hideaki Hosaka immediately searched around.

“That is…” Slowly Hosaka Hideaki’s afterlight locked onto a man, the man looked elegant, wore a pair of eyes, stood in the corner, was asked by a policeman about something, although the other party was not looking at himself at the moment, but Hosaka Hideaki was almost certain that he was staring at him when he came in!

“New Doctor! That’s probably the name! “Hideaki Hosaka was a little unsure, but it felt a little familiar, and he remembered that he seemed to be a school doctor.

Hosaka Hideaki locked onto the other party, but didn’t keep an eye on him, he needed to investigate this person, and then what other actions he took to investigate why he was so “concerned” about himself, and he wouldn’t be startled until then.

Soon Sumi was taken to a separate room, and Hideaki Hosaka followed.

Inside the room.

As soon as he came in, Hosaka Hideaki was stunned, he was still an acquaintance! It’s Officer Twilight.

When Hosaka Hideaki and Sumi just came in, Officer Twilight seemed to be writing something, his expression was a little serious, it seemed that he was stumped by something, and he only looked up when he heard the voice, and then he saw Hosaka Hideaki, Officer Twilight was stunned for a moment, and then laughed, very happy.

“Yo! It’s Hosaka-san! How did you… By the way, you are from the same high school as Xiaolan, of course you will be here. Officer Twilight smiled and thought of something, his eyes lit up, now he happened to be in trouble, this case is not only tricky, but so far no clues can be found, not even a motive.

Already at a dead end, Hideaki Hosaka has helped solve a homicide case (café killing) before, and has also helped the police catch criminals (Takahashi), and is a good candidate to help them.

“It’s Officer Twilight! What the hell is going on? Hosaka Hideaki also greeted with a greeting.

But I really have a slander in my heart, and there are too many criminal cases in Country R!

You will encounter it everywhere you go, even if you stay in school, and there is no one!

“It’s not a secret! Hosaka-san, your school’s Yamamura Sachiko teacher was killed last night, and we police officers have a hard time in our hearts! I hope you, a high school detective, help! Officer Twilight’s face was hesitant, and his attitude was genuine.

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