Concubine Yingli felt that her anger was about to burst out of her throat, and she had a strong urge to humanely destroy the man in front of her!

No! It is directly destroyed, and it is not humane already.

But anger to anger, after suppressing anger, Concubine Yingli also had to calmly think about her current situation, the situation was very unfavorable to herself!

Hosaka Hideaki looks at Concubine Eiri now, hehe! The last straw he can overwhelm the other party’s psychology, and if he doesn’t teach this woman a lesson, he really doesn’t think of himself as a man.

Hosaka Hideaki seemed to deliberately skim Maori Lan and them on the side, but finally said casually: “I think I should tell Maori Lan about the events of that day, and find someone to help me judge whether I should sue you!” After speaking, he looked at Concubine Yingli with a smile.

Concubine Eiri felt a sigh in her heart after hearing Hosaka Hideaki’s words, whether Hosaka Hideaki will sue himself for this is debatable, but will he tell Xiaolan?

With the bad impression that she had only met the other party twice, it was not impossible, anyway, it was not a loss for him.

She really couldn’t imagine what would happen if Xiaolan found out? Her mom and a high school student… Thinking of Xiaolan’s gaze after she knew it…

Absolutely not!

Concubine Yingli looked at Hosaka Hideaki with a hateful gaze, and said in a tone as flat as possible: “What do you want?” She knew that the more she cared at the moment, the more she would be eaten to death by the other party, so she couldn’t get too excited and be calm.

Although Concubine Yingli has suppressed his emotions to the extreme, but how can this escape Hosaka Hideaki’s eyes, he smiled in his heart, almost, he doesn’t have time to mess with a woman these useless things, the playing card matter has not yet been figured out!

Mark! Mark… Hideaki Hosaka wondered how what had just happened was triggered.

At the same time, he is dedicated to two things, and his mouth is not spared: “You beg me!” Lawyer Concubine, if you ask me to help you keep it secret, I will consider it. ”

Bei|chi bit lightly, and Concubine Yingli looked at Hosaka Hideaki with a struggling gaze: “Just considering?” She heard very clearly, the other party did not say that if she begged him, she would definitely agree, but considered it!

Hosaka Hideaki nodded, at the moment he was a little surprised that Concubine Yingli could still bite his words so calmly: “Yes!” Consider! Of course, if you don’t beg me, I think I should go and talk to them now…”

“Don’t!” The subconscious concubine Yingli shouted.

After struggling to look at Hosaka Hideaki for a while, finally Zhu’s lips opened lightly, his face was slightly red, and the voice of a weak mosquito fly sounded: “I beg you… Safe, secret! She had never done anything so humiliating to her.

She will never forget today!

“What? I didn’t hear that? “Stepping in is what describes Hideaki Hosaka at this moment.

At this moment, Hosaka Hideaki’s heart is really happy, seeing such a queen who was originally high, begging herself so much, the satisfaction in her heart is not a star and a half!

“You!” Concubine Yingli’s chest rose and fell, the full roundness of the bao at this moment with Concubine Yingli’s anger seemed to be about to burst out, the anger that was about to attack was forcibly suppressed, and finally Concubine Yingli helplessly appointed the opening: “I beg you!” ”

The speed of speech is extremely fast, almost in a flash.

But Hosaka Hideaki doesn’t care anymore, almost, and then force the other party to estimate that it will break out, and he still has things!

In the next moment, Hosaka Hideaki nodded: “Okay! So be it! I’m leaving. ”

“Wait a minute, you answer… Promised? It seemed that he didn’t expect the other party to let him go so easily, Concubine Yingli asked with some disbelief.

Hideaki Hosaka pouted indifferently: “Look at my mood!” Let’s keep it secret for now! Finally, he glanced at the other party’s smooth neck, a little reluctant, but after speaking, he turned around and left.

And the concubine Hideri behind looked at the back of Hosaka Hideaki with a complicated expression, and she was actually a queen of the legal world who was actually killed by a … The high school student took it, it was just…

“Hideaki Hosaka! I remember you! Concubine Yingli thought viciously as she bit the bei|chi in her heart, but she still hoped that she would never see this guy again.

Although he is not old, he has not been able to please him twice when he and he met!

Hateful guys!

“Mom, you and Senior Hosaka…” Mao Lilan’s doubtful voice sounded, startling Concubine Yingli.

Concubine Yingli pretended to be calm: “It’s nothing…”

And at this moment, Hosaka Hideaki, who has already walked away, has a smile on the corner of his mouth, and the reason why he left so happily is mainly because he just happened to trigger the “mark” thing again.

When he had been thinking about the word mark in his mind before, he accidentally glanced at Mao Lilan, and the next second, the same word as before appeared on the 7 of Spades card in his mind, but the name in it became Mao Li Lan.

It reads: Is Maori marked or not?

And just now, although he accidentally clicked no, but what happened after clicking no, Hosaka Hideaki is already clear, that is, nothing will happen, then no matter what he needs to try another option, he naturally silently said: “Yes!” ”

Walking on the street, at this moment Hosaka Hideaki has completely left behind what drunken female lawyer or something, this playing card system is the most important thing, no matter what it does is closely related to his future, Hosaka Hideaki attaches great importance to it, and now he doesn’t know what switch he triggered and what mark he made.

I hope this thing is not pit itself!

After he finished speaking, I saw that on the face of the 7 of Spades playing card, dense and countless small words gradually appeared.

However, the top three big characters were the first to meet Hosaka Hideaki’s eyes, and there was also an avatar next to those three words.

“Maori Lan!” These are the three most eye-catching big characters, and next to them is naturally the head of Mao Lilan, which occupies about one-tenth of the entire card.

Hideaki Hosaka slowly looked down with doubts.

Gender: Female

Age: 17 years old (birthday: May 18).

Height: 1.68 meters

Weight: 48kg

Favorite color: red

Specialty: Karate

Status: Didan High School, sophomore B student

Father: Maori Kogoro

Mother: Concubine Yingli

Hideaki Hosaka smacked his tongue as he watched, it was simply meticulous, from age to weight, from what he liked to the skills he mastered, from family members to friends around him.

This is all a detailed list of details about the person of Maori Lan!

Hideaki Hosaka was really amazed, who collected this information! It was simply to the point of horror, he could be sure that if he let himself collect this information, it would not necessarily be so complete, but after the amazement, Hosaka Hideaki thought strangely… What is the use of making such an information sheet?

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