“Boom~~” The roller coaster started slowly, “Boom~ahah~~~” Hosaka Hideaki listened to the screams behind him that seemed to be singing a high note, and there was no response.

Hideaki Hosaka’s gaze had been scanning the road below, and the bumps in this did not affect Hideaki Hosaka at all, who was examining everyone who might be the subject of his mission tonight.

Although he had already discovered two suspicious people, after all, nothing had happened, and Hosaka Hideaki could only wait and see while continuing to search.

The roller coaster, up and down, left and right, the screams continued.

Suddenly, Hosaka Hideaki’s eyes moved, and he saw a suspicious person, and he was hiding in a dark place, his figure looked sneaky, and he seemed to be holding something tightly in his arms.

“Phew!” The roller coaster rushed straight into the tunnel, and Hideaki Hosaka’s eyes were suddenly dark, and he couldn’t see anything, but just now Hideaki Hosaka had already remembered where the figure could be.

Some helpless sighs: “The doppelganger is weak!” “He is alone, but now he sees two waves of suspicious people, and it is difficult to say who it is now.”

“Huh?” Just when Hosaka Hideaki was a little distressed, suddenly there was a trace of blood in the air, and Hosaka Hideaki was stunned.

Although this bloody aura was immediately dispersed by the speeding roller coaster, Hideaki Hosaka still accurately caught it, someone had an accident, and it was close!

Hosaka Hideaki subconsciously turned back immediately, just at this time the roller coaster rushed out of the tunnel.

“Ugh!” The screams rang out, but this time it was different from the previous screams that were stimulated by the changing roller coaster.

Hosaka Hidesho’s pupils also shrank, because on the roller coaster where he was, in the penultimate row, the shoulders of a person in the left seat were empty, and his head had disappeared, and the woman sitting next to him was obviously scared and stupid, and her face was splashed with blood, plus her face was a little hideous because of fear at the moment, it was really scary!

The same man who lost his head was also suffering from pond fish in front of and behind his seat, and Mao Lilan was also frightened, shivering and curled up.

Hosaka Hideaki was a little glad that he was sitting in the first row, and he was not splashed with that blood, you must know that he knows very well that blood is difficult to wash, he now lives alone, washing clothes and so on is troublesome enough……

Soon the roller coaster stopped back to where it started.

“Ah! Fast… Call the police! Ah~~ dead man!!! The people around them kept shouting, obviously frightened.

Suddenly, Hosaka Hideaki thought of something, and suddenly his heart was shocked, of course, he was not because he just died a person, or the person’s death was a little ugly, after all, it was difficult to accept Hosaka Hideaki personally dealt with it, and if it was because of this shock, it would be reflected at first glance before.

Hosaka Hideaki immediately looked at the playing cards in his mind, and when he saw it clearly, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief: “Fortunately!” That 7 of spades is still there. Hideaki Hosaka patted his chest, really shocked!

“It’s good to say that your mission has not failed.” Hosaka Hideaki was silently relieved in his heart, just now he saw someone die, and he thought that his mission had failed, and the punishment had begun!

It seems that this is just a fortuitous event, alas! Last month, there were too many accidental incidents, which made Hosaka Hideaki a little bit of a soldier.

But what a bad luck! Unexpectedly encountered such a troublesome thing, which would delay his own time, Hosaka Hideaki frowned in displeasure.

At this moment, he was forced to follow the two men in black, and at this moment, Hosaka Hideaki had already probed the two people with a killer aura he saw before without being noticed at all.

All dressed in black, all exuding a black aura, one tall and one short, the burly one, Hideaki Hosaka just looked at it and didn’t care at all, to the man in black with blonde hair, let Hideaki Hosaka take a few more looks, but it was only a few glances.

“It’s still too tender!” Hosaka Hideaki evaluated in his heart, the murderous aura could not be converged, his eyes revealed a cold light, standing in the crowd was a little out of place, he was much worse than the top killer!

Just like himself, the other party will not notice his breath at all, but he can feel him immediately, this is the gap!

Hideaki Hosaka sniffed fiercely, a very familiar taste!

However, then he quickly let out a breath of disgust, I don’t know why, the natural Hosaka Hideaki was a little disgusted with them!

This makes him a little strange, after all, everyone is a killer, oh! No, he was a former killer, but he didn’t have any rejection of killers! All the same kind of people.

But… I just don’t like them very much now.

“Ulaula” At this time, the siren sounded.

Hideaki Hosaka spread his shoulders helplessly, he was trapped at this moment! The police here came really fast, and there was no chance to run first.

Soon the police pulled out the cordon and then began to investigate, and a chubby orange figure fell into view first.

“Woo~~, Kishida… My Kishida, why would I…” The woman who had been sitting next to the dead man was crying next to the corpse.

Hosaka Hideaki is a little boring, dead people or something is the most troublesome! At the same time, he was a little anxious, he also wanted to check on the sneaky person!

“It’s just an accident, we don’t have that time to waste with you, we’re leaving!” The blond man in black said coldly.

Seeing that this Hosaka Hideaki deducted a few points for this “killer” in his heart, as a senior, Hosaka Hideaki said, “He is too impetuous!” ”

Killers are regardless of age, they are divided into strength, and those who are strong are seniors, so although Li Feng was not old before, as the world’s top former killer, he can be called a senior.

“Officer, this is a homicide!” At this time, suddenly, an extremely confident young voice sounded, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and there was a trace of arrogance and determination in that smile, pointing to Hosaka Hideaki, who had just come down from the roller coaster, and said, “And this prisoner is in the same car as the victim, one of the eight people.” ”

After the words fell, a girl who was not very happy also spoke: “Ah, really, Shinichi, where the hell did you run?” ”

These two are Kudo Shinichi and Moriran.

“Is what you’re saying now true? Kudo-san? The orange-clad officer asked with a serious look.

After the officer’s words fell, the surrounding crowd suddenly rose into a bustle because of his words.

“What? Shinichi Kudo? ”

“Is that the high school detective?” Shinichi Kudo! ”

“It’s him! He is the most famous young detective in the newspaper, but the savior of the police! ”

(PS: Happy National Day to everyone!!!

Collect it! Ask for flowers! All kinds of requests! New books are not easy, take care of them! )

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