After this time, she may not be able to meet this man for a long time.

Take it as indulgence.

A soft moan, with infinite charm.

The others were not so leisurely. They came out of the cabin and saw the corpses on the deck, screaming in surprise.

The entire cruise ship fell into a panic.

Chapter 0615 The madness before Belmod left!

The cruise ship stopped at a nearby port, and the entire deck was filled with a thick smell of blood.

Police Officer Henggou frowned, staring at the corpses, shocked. After all, the way some people die is just too weird.

"Officer Henggou, the investigation has been made clear. There were no witnesses to this murder."

"No? There are hundreds of people in the whole ship, and no one heard anything unusual? Or saw something unusual?"

Officer Henggou asked angrily.

"Report to the Henggou police officer, all the tourists' confessions are consistent. They found these bodies when they just came out of the cabin."

"Report to the Henggou police officer. A tourist reported that their mobile phone was stolen."

"Report to the Henggou police officer. A tourist reported that their watch was stolen."

"Report to the Henggou police officer, a tourist reported that their laptop was stolen."

One report after another made Officer Henggou frown, and his face became more serious: "How many in total?"

He vaguely felt that these reports had something to do with this very serious murder case.

"A total of 138 cases of cell phone theft have been reported."

"A total of 223 cases of watch being stolen have been reported."

"A total of fifty-nine cases were reported from laptop computers."

When police officer Henggou heard these reports, his face suddenly turned black, "When are they all?"

"Report, all the reporters' confessions are consistent, and it is unclear. However, it should be within this hour, and the exact time is unknown."

"Do not know at all?"

"Report, this is their confession."

"Officer Henggou, the autopsy report is out. The thirteen corpses on the deck died within an hour, and the five corpses in the suite died around the early morning."

"What?" Officer Henggou was filled with anger: "Let's not talk about the five corpses, why did so many things happen in just an hour? Could it be that the whole ship is helping the murderer to cover? "

The policemen didn't speak.

Did the whole ship cover the murderer?

That's obviously impossible!

It's just that laptops are fine. Cell phones and watches are very important personal items. Why were they stolen? Those who reported the case didn't know it at all?

And, the confessions were surprisingly consistent.

Very weird!

Officer Henggou has a very headache. This kind of case is like ghost murder, all kinds of strange things.

In the suite, Heiji opened his eyes, glanced at Belmod, who was still sleeping, and shook his head helplessly: This woman is really trying to drain me, she is so crazy.

There was a series of footsteps and noises outside the corridor.

"The police are here?"

Heiji patted Belmod's cockroach lightly: "Get up, go out to the theater."

Belmod opened his beautiful eyes, glanced at him, and said indifferently: "Pull it out."

Heiji's face was embarrassed and he withdrew helplessly.

The whole process is slow and comfortable.

Belmod's face gradually turned red, he glared at him, and with a violent push, his body suddenly softened.

Heiji shrugged, stood up and walked to the shower: "Let's go together, save time."

Belmod directly ignored him, quietly looking at the ceiling, the depths of his star eyes were very complicated, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Heiji came out after washing and glanced at Belmod: "It's up to you, go, or you'll miss the good show."

Belmod lay down for a while, ignoring Pingji, just stood up and walked into the shower.

"It's in good shape."

After a pause, he glanced back at Heiji: "Unfortunately, you're not a muscular man."

Just close the door and take a shower.

Heiji's face darkened. Although his body was not muscular, like eight or nine-pack abs, he also had six-pack abs, and every cell was full of explosive power.

This is a real material, not a muscle man like fitness, that is a pretentious, purely good-looking.

In the shower, thinking of the expression on Heiji's face, Belmod couldn't help but pursed his lips into a smile, and his eyes showed a touching look, shining brightly.

Unfortunately, Heiji couldn't see it.

[Since the cruise ship has docked, it proves that there must be police intervention. Should I appear as Hattori Heiji, or should I continue to pretend? 】

[It's been a day and a night since the voyage, and it's obviously impossible to stop at Tokyo now. 】

[If it's not Tokyo, it can't be Police Officer Mumu. 】

Heiji's eyes flickered: It seems that we need to understand the situation outside.

Thinking about it, I just stood up.

"I'm going out, you wait here for me to come back."

The door was closed, and Heiji temporarily went out in disguise.

The sound of water in the shower stopped instantly, the glass door opened, and Belmod walked out wrapped in a bath towel.

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