Yukiko blushed and nodded.

Fei Yingli was stunned, and stared blankly at Yukiko.

Heiji laughed and shrugged, and lowered his head to eat breakfast.

At this time, let Yukiko tell the story.

"Cuphu shopping mall, I'll wait for you there."

A cold voice came from the phone, and immediately hung up the phone.

Heiji frowned, and then a gleam of light flashed in his eyes: Belmod?

Chapter 0606 Belmod's deal!

Concubine Eri and Yukiko put down their chopsticks at the same time, all staring at Heiji.

Their attention has been on this man.

Heiji put the phone away and smiled at the two girls: "A friend is here, I'll go take a look."

Feiyingri and Yukiko looked at each other and nodded silently.

"We are waiting for you at home."

The two women's faces were full of tenderness.

Heiji smiled and nodded: "Well, if I haven't come back at dinner time, you can eat first. This time, it's probably another difficult case."

Yukiko stood up, walked into the bedroom wrapped in a bath towel, and took out a coat for him.

Although this is Fei Yingri's home.

However, Yukiko must have a separate room, and in her room, Heiji's clothes are naturally stored.

Of course, Feiyingli also has it in her bedroom.

After Heiji took the coat and put it on, he smiled at the two girls and turned to leave the house.

The living room suddenly became quiet.

Fei Yingri picked up the chopsticks again, sighed, and lowered her head to eat breakfast.

Yukiko leaned on the sofa, her slender legs overlapped, and glanced at Concubine Eri: "Eri, Heiji's expression just now is a bit strange."

Fei Yingri put down the chopsticks again, stood up, and prepared to pack up.

"Okay, let me clean up."

Yukiko stood up, her eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and her walking posture was somewhat unnatural.

Feiying gave her a white look: "You can't move right now, so let me do it. When my belly gets bigger, it's up to you to help me."

Yukiko could only sit down helplessly and watch Concubine Yingri arrange the dining table.

In the bottom of my heart, a touch of happiness surged.

Once upon a time, when did she ever think that she would serve a man with another woman.

She feels very warm and happy now.

Heiji was driving the car, frowning slightly: Belmod should have recovered his memory, what are you looking for me for?

[revenge? 】

Now, he can only think of this possibility.

Fei Yingli's home is not far from the Beihu shopping mall, and it only takes ten minutes to drive there.

In a cafe on the first floor, Belmod, dressed in a long black dress, sat quietly on a chair, slender legs crossed, sipping a cup of coffee, and looked out the window calmly.

The dark pupils did not fluctuate at all.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in her sight...

The people around felt that the air seemed to be a lot colder.

"What's the matter? Put the air conditioner so big."

"I want to chill people to death."

There was a lot of noise in the cafe.

Belmod didn't care at all, quietly watching the approaching figure.

Heiji walked into the cafe and frowned: The atmosphere is a little wrong.

Belmod's aura is very strong, and Heiji can see her at a glance. The cold aura seems to freeze people.


Heiji shook his head helplessly, walked straight to Belmod's table, and sat down casually.

"How are you recently?"

Belmod took off his sunglasses, and his beautiful eyes flashed with a strong murderous aura: "How dare you come here?"

The voice had a strong icy coldness.

Pingji smiled lightly, picked up Belmode's coffee cup and drank it: "I see my woman, what is there to dare."

"Your woman?"

Belmod put his arms around his chest and smiled coldly: "Don't think that after I lose my memory, you are your woman. I want a man to be your turn."

Heiji shrugged: "Really? Unfortunately, you are still my woman."

Belmod's eyes burst out with murderous intent, staring straight at Heiji, wishing to eat him.

"Don't force it, if you really want to kill me, you won't wait until now." Heiji's expression softened, and he handed the coffee to Belmod: "Don't make trouble, just let me carry it on my back if you have any trouble. Now, just be a little woman and help me give birth to a group of daughters."

The tone is very gentle.

Belmod's expression remained the same, his eyes remained indifferent, and he did not react at all to Heiji's tenderness.


Still so heartless!

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