Heiji smiled lightly: "That's why he will show up after the police arrive. As long as you ask him for his confession, he will guide you to discover his relationship with Ichiro Kato."

Sato Miwako frowned: "But, this is the key. Many people say that his relationship with Hanato Ichiro is very good, and there is no motive to kill at all."

"This is also what Qian Cangnan wanted us to know."

Hearing Heiji's words, Officer Megumi frowned: "Brother Hattori means that he deliberately let us know this, which is equivalent to telling us that he could not have a motive for murder."

Heiji nodded: "As long as it is confirmed that he has no motive for murder, then his seemingly coincidental alibi doesn't seem that important."

Sato Miwako nodded in agreement, and her beautiful eyes flashed a stern look: "If this is the case, our investigation will not focus too much on him. In this way, many important clues may be ignored."

"He's a psychiatrist, and he's very clear about this underlying psychological inertia."

"Unfortunately, he counts everything, but he can't even count that Brother Hattori is actually here." Officer Mumu looked at Heiji with a helpless expression: "When it comes to mastering people's psychology, who can compare to Brother Hattori."

Heiji was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "Actually, I didn't know it at first. It's just that the wound of the deceased was obviously stabbed from the top down. Unless Mr. Yichuan's height is jumping, it's hard to have that kind of injury. So , I went with the flow and asked Qian Cang Nanyi. I just didn't expect him to be out of balance."

"He just raised his foot to show that he was wearing height-enhancing shoes. Is there any problem?"

A hint of doubt appeared in Sato Miwako's eyes.

Heiji smiled slightly: "He said before that he went to the toilet and got his collar wet. If the collar is so wet, there will definitely be water stains on the ground. However, his shoes are very dry, and the most important thing is There was a little bit of blood on the heel, although it was inconspicuous."

Officer Mumu was stunned for a moment, then quickly ran to the side of Qian Cangnan, who had fainted, and lowered his head to check his shoes.

The pupils shrank.

"There are really blood drops!"

"That's why I really suspected him. When the crime happened, he said he was using the toilet, but there was blood on his shoes. Even if the blood was not the deceased's, he couldn't escape becoming a suspect because of his instinct to solve the case. result."

Miwako Sato frowned: "So, Heiji, did you let him get in touch with Yi Chuan?"

For Sato Miwako's question, Heiji nodded with satisfaction: "This is the key. I asked him to appease Yichuan Riki. First, I wanted to see if Yichuan Riki was really mentally ill. After all, his words and deeds always made me feel a little bit. Strange; the second is to test Qian Cangnan."

After a pause, she shrugged casually.

"Brother Hattori didn't expect that there would be problems with both of them at once, right?"

Officer Mumu took the call.

Heiji nodded: "Those three IQ questions are only for the mentally handicapped and disabled. According to Yichuan's IQ when he was determined to bargain with me, he would answer completely wrong, which seems very strange. The bathtub is filled with water, and normal people will Thinking that pulling the plug is the fastest way, he actually said that using a big spoon is too exaggerated."

"As for Qian Cang Nanyi, at first I thought that he didn't dare to approach Yichuan Lizhi because of his cleanliness. After all, Yichuan Lizhi was full of saliva at that time. But I found that when he handed the tissue, he spat out saliva at Yichuan Lizhi. Turning a blind eye, even if splashed on his body, there is no change. At this time, I probably understand. Qian Cangnanyi is not a clean freak, he refuses to approach Yichuan, he just doesn't want to be touched. In other words, he is extremely repulsive of mental illness. patient."

Heiji's reasoning made Officer Meguro and Mikazu Sato shake their heads sharply, with expressions of disbelief.

"Brother Hattori, he is a well-known doctor in psychiatry, how can he reject mental patients?"

Officer Mumu shook his head again and again.

Sato Miwako didn't speak, but her eyes were full of doubts.

Heiji shrugged: "That's my reasoning. As for why he rejects the mentally ill, I don't know."

"However, this alone is not enough to suspect that Nanichi Asaka is the murderer. He still has no motive to kill Ichiro Hanato. Brother Hattori, what do you think of this?"

Heiji looked at Officer Mumu helplessly: "I said so much before, just to elicit the motive for the murder. Officer Mumu, think again."

"There is no murder motive. He has such a good relationship with Kato Ichiro, why did he suddenly kill him?"

Officer Mumu was puzzled.

"It's because of a good relationship that I kill people."

Miwako Sato, who was beside him, suddenly spoke, her beautiful eyes flashing with shock.

Heiji breathed a sigh of relief: My woman is still smarter.

"Miwako, what do you say?"

The police officer Mumu was still confused.

Sato Miwako glanced at Heiji, and her beautiful eyes gleamed: "Officer Mumu, suppose Qian Cang Nanyi really rejects mentally ill people, and if, today, he suddenly finds out that his close friend used to be a mentally ill person, guess what he is doing. ?"

Officer Mumu's face changed greatly, and his eyes instantly became serious: "I understand, a close friendship will instantly turn into an infinite murderous intent."

Heiji nodded: "It's because they used to be good friends. The closer the relationship is, the harder it is to maintain reason after discovering the truth. Impulsivity, or thinking that you are being deceived, or inner disgust, you can know the truth. In an instant, it turned into boundless murderous intent and became an irrational murderer.”

The police officer Mumu was shocked.

With a wry smile: "Every time I solve a case with Mr. Hattori, I can learn a lot. If it wasn't for Mr. Hattori today, I would have never imagined the truth of this case. Who would have guessed that a good friend one second would be a good friend the next second. This kind of thing that can be life-threatening happens in reality.”

Heiji smiled lightly: "Next, Officer Mumu should be able to solve it, right?"

Officer Mumu was taken aback for a moment, glanced at Sato Miwako, and nodded knowingly: "Well, Miwako go back first, I'll do it alone."

Heiji pulled Sato Miwako away.

In the intensive care unit, Fei Yingri was already soundly asleep.

Chapter 0600 The friendship between women is strange!

Sato Miwako followed behind Heiji, her eyebrows frowned slightly: "Intensive care unit? Heiji, who is sick?"

Heiji smiled and swiped his card.

It was quiet inside, only steady breathing.

Sato Miwako frowned. There was a person lying on the hospital bed. From the exquisite back, it could be seen that she was a woman with a good figure.

[However, none of their hair is blond. 】

"No need to guess."

Heiji knew what Sato Mikako was thinking, smiled slightly, held her hand and walked to the bedside, turning on a small lamp.

Sato Miwako's pupils shrank suddenly, and her beautiful eyes instantly widened.

Feiyingli lawyer?

Heiji smiled slightly and gently stroked Fei Yingri's peaceful sleeping face: "She is pregnant."

Sato Miwako was shocked again and looked at him blankly.

Heiji took Sato Mikazu into his arms with a gentle expression: "Okay, don't think about it too much. Today is purely to let you know of each other's existence, so that you won't be polite when you meet in the future."

In fact, he has another meaning.

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