[However, various signs at the scene show that the murderer is indeed Yichuan's determination. 】

"Officer Mumu, who reported the case at the time?"

Hearing Heiji's words, Officer Meguro was taken aback: "Brother Hattori, wait a moment, I'll look over the record."

Since Officer Takagi didn't come, Officer Mumu had to do a lot of work by himself, including the record of the confession when he first arrived at the scene.

Turn it over!

"It's a security guard at the psychiatric branch, his name is Fujie Mingyi."

Heiji nodded: "Please bring him here, I need to ask a question."

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Officer Mumu turned and left.

Qian Cangnan glanced around and yawned, "Since Mr. Hattori is here, I should go back to rest. I have to work early tomorrow."

"Doctor Qian Cang, I'm afraid you can't go back to sleep yet."

Heiji's calm voice came, and Qian Cangnan paused, turned around, and looked at him strangely: "Mr. Hattori, is there anything else?"

"Well, I need Yichuan Lizhi's file, and it seems that you haven't found it for me yet."

"Oh, so this is it. Can I find it now?"

The Mumu police officer stopped him before.

Pingji smiled lightly and looked at the police officer next to him: "This police officer, I can guarantee that he will not destroy the scene. Can I let Dr. Qian Cang in?"

The police officer nodded cheerfully: "Of course you can."

Heiji smiled politely: "Thank you."

At this moment, a small hand lightly pinched his waist.

"You seem to have forgotten me."

Sato Mikazu said unhappily from the side, with her here, do you need to ask other police officers?

Heiji was stunned for a moment, then smiled helplessly: "You are my woman, isn't that avoiding suspicion?"

Mikazu Sato rolled his eyes at him, then glanced at several police officers around: "Hmph, I see who dares to talk nonsense."

The faces of those police officers changed, and they quickly turned their faces away, not daring to look this way.

Heiji smiled slightly, then looked at Qian Cang Nan Yi: "Doctor Qian Cang, please."

Qian Cangnan nodded and walked into the archives.

The archives of Yichuan's determination appeared in Heiji's hands.

Quietly read it for a while!

Heiji's heart moved: "Ichuan's mental illness was identified by Ichiro Hanato?"

Chapter 0596 Mental patient murders: three questions!

"Ichuan's mental illness was identified by Kato Ichiro?"

Heiji looked at Qian Cang Nanyi and frowned slightly.

Qian Cangnan was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Well, at that time, Yichuan Lizhi was a patient of Dr. Tian Shan, and he was the one who received it. Now that I think about it, maybe he did something to Yichuan Lizhi that caused Yichuan Lizhi's sudden illness. send."

Sato Mi and Zixiu frowned and glanced at Qian Cang Nan Yi lightly: "Is the relationship between Dr. Qian Cang and Dr. Tian Shan good?"

Qian Cangnan smiled at Sato Mi and Zi Wenya: "Does the police officer suspect that I killed Dr. Tian Shan?"

Mikazu Sato looked indifferent: "This is just a routine matter. Doctor Asano doesn't need to worry too much, just answer my question."

Qian Cangnan nodded: "Of course, I will try my best to cooperate with the police officer's work."

Mikako Sato took out the notebook and looked at him lightly: "Then don't talk nonsense, what is the relationship between Dr. Qian Cang and Dr. Tian Shan?"

"My relationship with Dr. Tian Shan is clear to the entire branch. The police officer can ask any staff member. I have absolutely no motive to kill Dr. Tian Shan."

Qian Cangnan looked very confident.

Sato Miwako lowered her head to record, her brows were slightly wrinkled, she turned and walked out.

She went to confirm what Qian Cang Nanyi said.

Qian Cangnan was stunned for a moment, and the light in his eyes was even brighter.

"Mr. Hattori, your girlfriend is very forthright, you are so happy."

Pingji glanced at Qian Cangnanyi and smiled lightly: "Really? She is very gentle to me."

After speaking, he directly ignored this guy and continued to look down at Yichuan's file.

His brows furrowed again, and he picked up the file of Ichiro Hanato next to him and looked at it.

The corner of Heiji's mouth evoked a strange arc: So that's the case, it seems that we need to chat with Yi Chuan Zhizhi.

At this time, Sato Mikazu walked back, walked straight to Heiji, glanced at Qian Cang Nanyi, and frowned: "Heiji, I asked a few people from different departments, and everyone's confession was the same, Qian Cang Nanyi. The relationship with Ichiro Hanato is very good, and there is no third-party factor to intervene."

"He had absolutely no motive to kill."

Heiji nodded, handed the file to Sato Mikako, and walked towards Nanichi Asa Cang: "Doctor Asakusa, you and Mr. Yichuan Lizhi should be familiar with each other. Come with me."

Qian Cangnan frowned: "Yi Chuan is determined to be there, and Mr. Hattori can go by himself. There are two police officers here, and they won't let him hurt you."

Pingji smiled lightly: "I need to be a suspect with stable emotions, not a mentally ill person who only shouts 'kill a pig'. Dr. Qian Cang is a professional, so it would be better to accompany him."

Qian Cangnan thought for a while, then nodded, "Okay then."

Heiji nodded, turned and walked towards Yichuan Lizhi not far away.

As soon as Qian Cangnan followed behind, his brows furrowed very tightly, as if there were wild beasts in front of him.

"Kill pigs."

Yichuan was determined to keep spitting out his mouth, and as he spoke, it spewed out and splashed around.

Heiji frowned and stopped a meter away from Yichuan's determination.

However, Qian Cang Nanyi stopped two meters away, frowning tightly.

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