Fei Yingli was stunned for a while, and she couldn't answer.

Xiaolan laughed again, and sat up from Feiyingli's arms, pear blossoms with rain: "Mom, I'm joking. I like Heiji very much, very, very much. However, I just want to pay attention to him silently, and I don't want to give him anything. Annoying, that's all."

Concubine Yingli shook her head: "That's not good, you're going to get married in the future, do you follow one man all your life, but think of another man in your heart?"

Xiaolan shook her head sharply, her eyes full of firmness: "Mom, I'm not married. I'll pick up a child for adoption in the future, and I'll just do it for the rest of my life."

"Nonsense, you will delay yourself like this. Mom doesn't agree."

Feiyingli was very angry.

"Mom, don't be angry, be careful with fetal gas."

Xiaolan's face became tense.

Concubine Yingli frowned: "Anyway, Mom doesn't agree with you."

"Mom, your daughter has grown up, and you can't help her decide many things."

Xiao Lan's tone was unusually firm.

Feiyingli was stunned for a moment, then sighed deeply: "Your personality is exactly the same as mine."

Now, I can't persuade them for the time being.

Xiaolan smiled reluctantly and helped Concubine Yingli pull the quilt. A strange light flashed in her eyes: "Mom, let me ask you a question."

"Well, let's talk about it."

"I remember that night, sister Yukiko was there, why didn't you mention her?"

Fei Yingli was stunned!

How did Xiaolan know?

Chapter 0593 Mental Murder Case: Prelude!

The atmosphere in the ward was very strange.

Feiyingli looked at Xiaolan blankly, not knowing how to answer this topic for a while.

Because she didn't know how much Xiaolan knew.

【Do you know everything? 】

[Or are you just asking casually? 】

Xiaolan's heart suddenly jumped. She originally just asked casually, but now Fei Yingli's demeanor...

Trembling in my heart!

[Could it be that that night, Mom and Sister Yukiko, what happened to the peace time together? 】

Om~~~! ! !

She was shocked by the picture in her brain, and sat on the bed, motionless.

Seeing Xiao Lan's expression, Fei Yingli moved in her heart, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief: It seemed that Lan was just asking inadvertently.

A slight smile appeared on his face.

"Silly boy, Yukiko went back to the room to rest at that time. I and Heiji were just a little surprised..."

Fei Yingli's face flushed slightly, it was very strange to tell her daughter such a thing.

Xiao Lan slowly regained her senses, staring at Fei Yingli's eyes, her brows slightly wrinkled: "Really?"

"What's real or fake? Do you think Yukiko is the same as Mom?"

Feiyingli resisted her inner nervousness and glared at Xiaolan.

Youxizi followed Heiji, and Xiaolan can't know about it for the time being, otherwise this girl doesn't know when she will be stunned.

Xiaolan glanced at Fei Yingli and nodded silently: "Well, I see."

Concubine Yingri was secretly nervous: Did you really let Lan know anything? Yukiko, why are you so careless?

The atmosphere in the ward became dull again.

Eight or nine at night!

"Mom, Heiji, I'll go back first. I'll come back tomorrow."

After learning about the relationship between Heiji and Feiyingri, Xiaolan doesn't need to stay and take care of her.

"Xiao Lan, I'll take you back."

Heiji stood up.

Xiao Lan shook her head: "No need, you accompany my mother, there is a car here to go directly to the office."

He glanced at Heiji tenderly, turned and walked out of the ward.

Heiji frowned. Hearing the footsteps in the corridor getting farther and farther, he shrugged slightly and turned to look at Fei Yingri: "It seems that the whispers your mother and daughter are whispering have bad things about me."

Feiyingli pursed her lips and smiled, took off her glasses and put them aside, with a gentle expression: "I'm sleepy, sleep with me."

Heiji frowned: "Will this touch the child?"

"No, the bed is big enough, it's less than two months now, it's alright." Feiying gave him a blank look: "Besides, it's just sleeping, don't think wrongly."

Heiji smiled helplessly and carefully lay down on the hospital bed.

Feiyingli immediately squeezed over, hugged him tightly, put her head on his shoulder, closed her beautiful eyes and fell asleep.

One afternoon, I was very tired from chatting with Xiaolan!

Fei Yingli's breathing calmed down, exhaling like blue.

Heiji moved his body carefully to make Fei Yingri's posture more comfortable. He lowered his head and kissed the thin red lips, hugged the slightly rounded waist, closed his eyes and rested quietly.

"Sister Xiaolan, you are finally back."

Seeing Xiao Lan, Conan was overjoyed: Lan finally came back, and finally no need to eat fast food.

"Lan, what's wrong with Yingri? She's a woman, and you take care of her? Come back and cook, I don't want to go out to eat."

Mouri Kogoro was already drunk, lying on the table with a displeased expression.

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