"After the decoration, you can do it yourself, replace the furniture with new ones, and you will live here in the future."

Heiji handed the key to Belmod.

Belmod didn't answer and gave him a stern look: "In the future, this will be our home, not mine."

Heiji smiled slightly and nodded, "Yeah."

Qianying Masako stood aside and looked left and right: "Is there my room?"

"What do you want the room for?"

As soon as Qianying Masako was stunned, her face suddenly darkened: "You called me here, do you want me to stay in a hotel forever? I won't be reimbursed, I will definitely quit."

Heiji shrugged: "You said no to you back then, you can't blame me for that."

"You... shameless bastard."

Qianying Masako was annoyed, with an unhappy expression on her face.

"Bitch Qianying, that room is yours, Heiji is just playing with you. Come, come, let's live together."

Belmod's eyes moved slightly, carrying a strange message.

Chapter 0579 Ghost Murder Case: Weird Community!

Long night!

Qianying Masako was lying on the bed, her loose pajamas were pulled down slightly, her face flushed red, and the sweet voice from the next room from time to time brought a trace of satisfaction and joy, which made her unable to calm down.

"Bastard, shameless."

He suddenly covered his head with the sheet.

She regrets it a little, she shouldn't stay here, it's not because she can't afford the room fee.

[I will move out tomorrow. 】

Dazed, he slept soundly all night.

Qianying Masako walked out of the room with a pair of faint dark circles under her eyes. The loose pajamas framed her figure perfectly, but she looked a little haggard.

"Bitch Qianying, good morning."

Belmod sat on the sofa with a spring breeze on his face, his slender legs were slightly curled up, and he was holding a popcorn bucket in his arms, watching TV and eating.

Qianying Masako's face darkened: "Shameless!"

"Shameless?" Belmod became interested, and her beautiful eyes floated to Masako Qianying: "Bitch Qianying, you just said I was shameless?"

Qianying Masako sat down abruptly, with her head resting on the back of the sofa, with a displeased expression on her face: "Do that kind of thing just after leaving the hospital, be careful that the wound ruptures, it will hurt you to death."

"Tsk tsk, what's the matter, I smell a vinegar smell."

Belmod looked smug.

Qianying Masako directly ignored Belmod, closed her beautiful eyes, and rested quietly.

I couldn't sleep all night last night.

Dazed, drowsiness struck again.

The hazy room!

It seems that someone is approaching.

A fragrant fragrance hit, and then the thin rosy lips were sealed.

The long-lost feeling came back to my heart again...

Just lightly, and then separated.

"Heiji, you secretly kissed Qianying bitch?"

Belmod shouted from the side, his voice full of jealousy and disbelief.

Qianying Masako suddenly opened her beautiful eyes, her drowsiness disappeared instantly, and she stared at Heiji who was standing not far from her with wide eyes.

"You shameless bastard."

Saying that, he slammed both sides of the sofa with both hands, and with force, his body bounced up, his slender legs swept out, and with a strong wind, he ran directly towards Heiji's face.

Heiji frowned, stepped back abruptly, and stretched out his hand to directly grab one of Qianying Masako's feet.

"What are you crazy about?"

"You shameless bastard, let me go."

At this time, Qianying Masako's movements were a bit strange. He supported the sofa with both hands, his feet were caught by Heiji, the other leg could only be supported on the ground, and his body was inclined downward.

Because she was wearing loose pajamas, the top slipped slightly towards her face, and the pair of proud white peaks were looming.

"Wow, it's lace black."

Belmod gloated on the sidelines.


"Let me go."

Chikage Masako's voice became icy cold.

Heiji looked at Belmod, and then at Masako Chikage with a cold face, he probably understood what was going on.

Letting go of Masako Qianying, he sighed helplessly: "Breakfast is ready."

"Really? Go for breakfast."

Belmod stood up, hugged Heiji's arm, and winked proudly towards Chikage Masako.

The frost on Qianying Masako's face slowly dissipated, and when her consciousness returned, she instantly understood what was going on.

Grit your teeth!

"Shameless nympho."

The kiss just now was clearly done by Belmod.


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