There are not many cars on the road, and they are galloping all the way.

Heiji came to the snack street before, and his brows suddenly wrinkled: "Is that woman Qianying Masako there?"

Not far away, a Ferrari was quietly parked there.

"Yo, I actually bought a new car. I'm really rich."

There was a sound of high heels hitting the ground behind him, followed by Qianying Masako's slightly unhappy voice.

Heiji turned around and looked at her lightly: "Didn't you say no?"

Masako Qianying smiled lightly: "Don't worry, I'm not helping you, but Officer Hyuga just asking me."

Heiji shrugged, turned and walked towards the snack street.

It was already after one o'clock in the morning, the night market was empty, and the whole street was closed.

Except for the faint street lights, it was a little dim.

"I inspected the surrounding area. According to your description, except for the building and the five-story residential house next to it, there is nothing that meets the requirements."

Qianying Masako explained from the side.

Heiji stopped, looked up at the two buildings Qianying Masako mentioned, and frowned: "That building is a commercial complex, and the bottom five floors are large spaces, which can be used to open supermarkets and the like, those places People come and go, and there is no way to snip."

"So, that's the only residential building?"

Qianying Masako frowned.

Heiji nodded: "Looks like I have to be a thief tonight."

"Thief?" Qianying Masako rolled his eyes at him: "The dignified thief, Baron Night, actually said he was a thief, don't you feel ashamed."

Pingji glanced at her lightly: "I am a thief, you are a thief."

Qianying Masako glared at him, swallowed the words in her throat, snorted coldly, and walked straight forward.

A light flashed in Heiji's eyes: What did she just want to say?

The two came to the residential building, looked up at the balcony on the second floor, and frowned.

"It seems that this should be the ambush site."

Heiji walked to the bottom of the balcony and looked straight at it.

Exactly, here is a straight line with the snack street, and there is nothing in the middle to obstruct the line of sight, which fully meets the conditions for sniping.

"The conditions are met, but the balcony is too high. Are there any focus points around? I didn't bring any tools, so I couldn't go up at all."

Qianying Masako looked up, feeling a little helpless.

Heiji walked out and smiled lightly: "Do you want me to take you up there?"

"Can you go up?" Qianying Masako was stunned for a moment, then pouted, "Although this balcony is only on the second floor, the floor height is more than 3.5 meters, unless you can fly."

Heiji shrugged, walked to her side, suddenly hugged her waist, and jumped up.

Suddenly being hugged, Qianying Masako's face changed, she exclaimed suddenly, and was about to struggle.

Suddenly she felt her body empty, and her whole body appeared in the air, so frightened that she quickly hugged Heiji's waist.

The two appeared on the balcony.

Qianying Masako looked down at the ground, then at Heiji, with a shocked expression: "You really can fly?"

"Will not."

Heiji ignored Chikage Masako and looked down.

"I think so too. You must have used some kind of cover-up technique to catapult Wia? Or, stretch spider silk?"

The more you say it, the more outrageous it is.

Heiji ignored her directly, and after looking down for a while, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes: "It seems that a woman ambushed me this time."

Qianying Masako's chattering self-talk disappeared instantly, and her beautiful eyes suddenly flashed coldness: "You still doubt me?"

Chapter 0577 Killer is Shui Wu Liannai?

Heiji glanced at the angry Masako Qianying and smiled lightly: "You can easily make people suspicious."

Qianying Masako was so angry that she wanted to leave.

There is no one living in this house. It would be bad if someone came in and out through the door casually and was heard by others and mistakenly thought it was a thief.

Standing by the balcony, he looked down and frowned.

3.5 meters in height...

Qianying Masako snorted coldly, crossed her arms around her chest, and stood to the side unhappy.

Don't speak, don't move.

Heiji directly ignored Qianying Masako's unhappy expression, squatted down, and looked down at a faint footprint on the ground.

"The woman I'm talking about isn't you."

Qianying Masako was taken aback for a moment, and then she pouted her small mouth in annoyance: "I think you are doubting me."

"Of course I doubt it. For a person who doesn't even tell me his true identity, I doubt it is normal."

Pingji didn't raise his head.

Qianying Masako pouted and stopped talking.

"what are you doing?"

Heiji squatted all the time, not knowing what he was doing.

"There's a small scuff here on the railing, apparently strangled by a thread. There's a footprint here on the railing..."

Heiji stood up, a glint in his eyes: "The killer used a thin wire to enter this house from the balcony, and then waited here for me and Belmod to arrive and carry out sniping."

"But, how did the killer know your itinerary?"

"That's why I doubt you."

Heiji glanced at Qianying Masako with a calm expression: "However, I suddenly remembered that when I came out of the hotel, I asked a waitress at the hotel, she knew my itinerary."

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