Suddenly, a warm fragrant nephrite came into his arms.

Back to God.

Belmod squeezed into his arms, ignoring the spring light of the bathrobe slipping, closed her beautiful eyes, and pursed her lips to rest.

Calm down, she is like a sleeping beauty.

Heiji sighed inwardly.

If this happened to another woman, he would accept it without hesitation.

Unfortunately, this woman just lost her memory. When she regains her memory, it will probably be another fierce battle. With her influence in the black organization, it is very likely that Hattori Heiji's identity will become the main target completely.

At that time, he may not be afraid, but even if his woman is systematically protected, she will suffer all kinds of dangers and encounters.

He smiled bitterly.

[Perhaps, she was right, my current behavior is that of a scumbag. 】

[I don't accept the account. 】

【Ugh! 】

Suddenly, Belmod's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and then he opened his bright beautiful eyes, looked at Heiji quietly, and opened his thin lips lightly: "Hey, scumbag, let's treat it as an accident today."

Heiji looked at Belmod in surprise.

"I lost my memory. I don't know about myself, everything around me, and I even wonder about my own existence, but I have a sense of familiarity with you. Perhaps, she loved you very much before the amnesia. She oppressed you everywhere. I was just afraid of losing you, but unfortunately, she was self-defeating and drove you away. Today, let me make it up for her. "

Belmod's voice was very calm.

Heiji didn't speak, he made up all that, and he didn't expect it to become the fuse of what happened today.

"Hey, don't feel sorry for me, it's really an accident."

Belmod gently held his hand, and her beautiful eyes showed a hint of confusion: "However, stay with me for one day today."

Her hands are very soft, her fingers are slender, white and rosy, and she is many times more beautiful than those hand models.

to be honest!

If it were another woman, even if she didn't want to, Heiji wouldn't let her go.

But this woman really can't.

After recovering his memory, he would never be able to keep her, and it was a very threatening adventure.

"Forget it, you can help me reopen a room, and I'll pay you back when I regain my memory."

Belmod closed her beautiful eyes gently, and a pain flashed in the depths of her eyes.

Real pain!

Heiji's heart trembled, he sighed slightly, then lowered his head and kissed Belmod's thin red lips.

Belmod suddenly opened his beautiful eyes, and his eyes flashed with surprise and a hint of joy.

The jade bracelet was placed around Heiji's neck, and her beautiful eyes closed again, letting him ask for it.

Heiji held Belmod in his arms, feeling helpless: It seems that in the future, we should pay more attention to this woman, and if there is any sign of regaining her memory, she must not be allowed to leave.

"Scumbag, hurry up, I'm going shopping."

Belmod, who had already changed his clothes, put his hands on his hips and looked at Heiji unhappily: "Slowly, I don't look like a scumbag at all. I heard that scumbags cater to women's ideas best, but you don't. How can the character of a scumbag have the life of a scumbag, it's really strange."

Heiji's face darkened: "I'm not..."

He was about to deny it, but after thinking about his previous thoughts, he sighed silently: "Okay, I just have the life of a scumbag."

Belmod walked over, put his arms in his arms, and exhaled: "Okay, come back from shopping with me, and I'll make up for you. Today, I'm all yours."

Heiji's heart swayed and he took a deep breath: "Don't play with fire."

Belmod released Heiji suddenly and laughed cheerfully.

Crisp and sweet!

Heiji looked at Belmod, that look, that laughter...

"Perhaps, she can only laugh so happily when she loses her memory. Forget it, let's give her an unforgettable experience during this time. Maybe, when she regains her memory, she will just deal with me and not implicate others."

The two of them went out, just in time, when they met Qianying Masako who had just returned from outside.

"Oh, husband, I'm hungry, let's go eat."

Belmod suddenly said angrily.

Heiji's hair stood on end, and he was stunned.

Qianying Masako was stunned, then snorted coldly, and opened the door directly to go in.

A loud bang.

Belmod was triumphant, as if she had won a battle: "Scumbag, see, she doesn't love you at all. If she loves you, the **** mistress will question you on the spot whether she wants me or not."

Heiji's mouth twitched: "Have you watched too many Korean dramas?"

Besides, I have nothing to do with that woman.

The night market in Jianggutian is quite lively, especially the snack street. There are people everywhere. Most of them are office workers getting off work, or young couples shopping.

Heiji took Belmode to a lot of places, and along the way, she was full of laughter and laughter.

"Scumbag, ferrule, ferrule, I want that necklace."

Belmodra took Heiji to a small shop, her beautiful eyes shone brightly, and her slender fingers pointed to the innermost crystal necklace.

Things in this kind of place are definitely not too expensive, but they are really beautiful.

"Sir, your girlfriend has such a good eye. Although this necklace is not very expensive, it is the only one in the world. Because it was handmade by my grandmother, as the treasure of this small shop. Many people Attempts to take it away have failed. Do you want to try?"

The shop owner came over at the right time and greeted him with a smile.

"All failed?" Belmod frowned, staring at the glass cover with the necklace on, and a flash of anger flashed in her beautiful eyes: "Of course it will fail, your glass cover can't be covered at all."

"Hey, miss, you can't say that. If you say no, I'll show you."

After speaking, the shopkeeper took out a sleeve and carefully slipped it into the glass cover.

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