"What are you going to do if they lose in a fight?"

  Irina didn't like this kind of atmosphere, she turned to look at Heiji and broke the silence.

  "No plans."

  "No plans? Why? Then what's the point of you taking me there?"

  Heiji shrugged: "Because I think I will watch a play in the dark and bring a beautiful woman over to chat to relieve my boredom."

  Suddenly, a hole was smashed out of the plastic in front of the car's glove box.

  Irina withdrew her hand and looked at Heiji with her beautiful eyes, exuding a strong anger: "Is this your real purpose?"

  She came here, not only did it make no sense, but she also caught up with her own innocence... just to chat with him?

  Heiji glanced at the hole and was slightly surprised: "It seems that your strength is good."

  "Don't change the subject, what is your real purpose?"

  Elena slowly calmed down. She didn't believe that Heiji would be so boring. She must have a purpose.

  "I said it, just to bring a big beauty over to relieve the boredom."

  "Okay, relieve the boredom, then you dare to get rid of me, you can just wait for my revenge."

  Elena said suddenly and lightly.

  Inexplicably, Pingji felt a chill behind his back, and was this woman remembered?

  There are containers everywhere.

  A black Hummer was parked by the sea, and Yusaku Kudo and Pirate Kuroba came out of it and looked at the sea water lightly.

  "This sea breeze is a bit fishy."

  "It's good to be a little fishy, ​​and you won't feel choking after a while."

  Kuroba Pirates looked at Kudo Yusaku and smiled faintly: "Choke nose? No, after all, there may only be one corpse."

  "Maybe two."

  Kudo Yusaku's eyes flickered with a dignified gleam.

  At this time, next to a container, Mouri Kogoro leaned there and looked at the two of them lightly.

  "Are you sure they will come?"

  "Don't you have the answer? Otherwise, why did you come!"

  Kudo Yusaku looked at Mouri Kogoro.

  The two were separated by more than ten meters and talked in the air.

  Mouri Kogoro didn't speak, leaned against the container quietly, closed his eyes, and looked indifferent.

  There was movement in the distance.

  The eyes of the three people instantly solidified, and the figures disappeared instantly and disappeared nearby.

Chapter 0847 Armageddon: Dr. A Li!

  Kuriyama Green was wearing a black outfit and flat high leather boots, completely dressed as a female agent, and carefully shuttled between the containers.

  The man behind her ordered her to kill Yusaku Kudo, Ryuichi Kuroba, and Kogoro Mori.

  It was a near-death mission, but she had no choice.

  That person gave her two mission options, the first was to assassinate Hattori Heiji, and the second was this mission.

  "Mr. Heiji, you must listen to me and don't walk around."

  Kuriyama Green took a deep breath, pulled out the silencer pistol from his waist, and took his long legs, moving in small steps.

  Suddenly, there was a sound of brakes on the road of the pier, and Kuri Shanlu's face changed slightly, and he suddenly hid in the corner without making any movement.

  At this time, a person walked in from the outside, and the footsteps were very loud.

  Slowly, he walked to the middle of an open space near several people and looked around.

  "Yuzaku, I'm here, where are you?"

  In a certain corner, looking at the figure in the middle of the clearing, Black Feather Pirate's eyes flashed.

  "Why did you call him back?"

  Turning to look at Kudo Yusaku.

  There was a flash of thought in Kudo Yusaku's eyes, and he shook his head: "It seems that ours and Mouri Kogoro have the same thoughts as us."

  "The same idea?" Kuroba Robber frowned: "You mean they already knew what we were thinking, so they deliberately arranged for us to kill each other with Kogoro Maori?"

  Yusaku Kudo looked at the figure in the clearing, nodded solemnly, and smiled bitterly: "Pioneer, it seems that we still can't fight him."

  Black Feather Pirate shook his head: "Not necessarily, maybe it's just a coincidence."

  "A coincidence?" Kudo Yusaku sighed: "If it was another person, I might think it was a coincidence, but I didn't expect it to be him."

  "Is he a problem?"

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