Breakfast time ends soon.

  Heiji sat on the sofa and turned on the TV.

  "The following is the morning news. At five o'clock in the morning last night, there was an explosion in Gunma Prefecture. The number of casualties..."

  A faint fragrance came, and Irina sat next to Heiji, her eyes narrowed slightly: "Have you begun?"

  Heiji looked at Irina, who was sitting next to him, with a helpless expression: "Rum, I didn't lie to you this time, you don't have to worry about gains and losses so much."

  Elena turned her head and looked over, with a stunning face and a fragrance: "Then tell me where my daughter is first, I will definitely not break my promise."

  Pingci smiled lightly and shook his head: "I can't trust you about this."

  Elena frowned slightly, and sighed softly: "I can't feel at ease like you, it's safer to stick with you."

  Heiji was speechless and ignored this woman. He had to say that women like Feiyingli were reserved and unassuming to him, except Sonoko.

  But Sonoko's feelings were not so obvious.

  I can't stand it.

  "According to the latest news, at [-]:[-], a villa in Mihua Town was bombed. According to the investigation, it was the residence of a scientist..."

  The mansion of scientists?

  Heiji's eyes flashed, and he looked at Elena, who was beside him: "Pack up, let's go out together."

  Elena nodded, turned and walked into the bedroom.

  The mansion of Dr. A Li was already in ruins at this time.

  At the end of the street, Heiji looked at Elena in surprise, wearing a white casual T-shirt on the upper body, skinny jeans on the lower body, wrapping the slender legs, and a pair of black boots on the feet, the tube was high to the knee. , silver-white long hair shawls and scattered, the whole person can't see the real age at all.

  "I think the boss of the winery must have vomited blood. The only two successful APTX-4869s were eaten by you. And you also destroyed all the data, sad."

  Elena moved her long legs, her face was a little gloomy, and she didn't respond to Heiji's words.

  The two came to Dr. A Li's house and frowned at the same time looking at the ruins.

  Heiji turned his head to look at Irina, with a gleam in his eyes: "Rum, you seem very uncomfortable."

  Irina looked at Heiji and shook her head: "This Dr. Akasa used to be very close to Miyano Atsushi."

  "I think this Dr. Li may be the person behind the mysterious organization."

  Elena said seriously.

  Heiji was silent, quietly looking at Dr. Agasa's mansion, and fell into deep thought.

  "Dr. Li is the boss of a mysterious organization?"

  "Then who is Atsushi Miyano?"

  "Has it appeared, or hasn't it appeared?"

  Irina looked at Heiji, strode with her long legs, walked straight into the ruins, and began to search seriously.

  "There is still half an hour, and it is estimated that the police will come. If you don't hurry up, you will have no chance."

  Above the ruins, the figure is slim, turning back to interrupt Heiji's contemplation.

  Heiji looked at Elena and shook his head lightly: "Don't look at it, why did you blow up this place, the purpose is very simple, it is to destroy the trail. No matter who it is, there will be no clues."

  "People always leave clues, aren't you a famous detective? Don't you know the meaning of this sentence?"

  Elena's voice was a little cold, which was her original character.

  Pingji smiled lightly: "That's just solving the case. Now our mission is not to solve the case. Whether Dr. A Li is the boss of the mysterious organization, we all know after the big battle. There is no need to waste time on this kind of thing."

  "You mean to go?"

  "No, go somewhere with me."

  Heiji turned to leave and walked straight to the Haibara mansion.

  Elena frowned, thought for a moment, jumped, landed gracefully from the ruins, and followed behind Heiji.

  "Where do you want to take me?"

  "A place you'd definitely love to be."

  Dr. Agasa's house is just across the street from Haibara's house, and they'll be there soon.

  "Hai Yuan's family?"

  Elena frowned slightly, looking around, full of doubts in her heart.

  Heiji pushed open the door and entered, with a gleam in his eyes, and smiled lightly: "It seems that someone has been here before us."

  "Yes, at least it proves that the explosion was done by Dr. A Li, because here he also knows."

  "What does it have to do with me?"

  "Aren't you looking for them all the time?"

  Irina's pupils shrank, and her beautiful eyes showed a touch of surprise: "You mean, their pseudonym is Huiyuan?"

  Heiji smiled slightly: "Well, let's live here tonight."

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