Qiuyue's rehearsal went very smoothly, and with her ability and foundation, she would naturally not have any problems.

"Dad, Sister Yueyue sings well."

Tyler squeezed into Heiji's room and looked at Qiuyue on the stage with admiration. His big eyes were twinkling, very cute.

"In the future, Nini can be a singer just like Sister Yueyue."

Britney was sitting next to her, but her jade hand held Heiji's big hand tightly, and she leaned over to wink at her daughter.

Taylor puffed out her mouth and looked at her mother: "Mom, Nini is still young, so don't enroll her in too many classes."

In an instant, Britney couldn't help but rolled her eyes at Taylor: "The sisters and sisters at home are so good, Nicole can't be left behind."

"Nini is already very good, just as good as her sisters and sisters."

Tyler turned to look at Heiji, blinking his eyes: "Dad, isn't Nini very good?"

Heiji smiled dotingly: "Of course, Nini is the best."

Tyler giggled while hugging Heiji's neck, not forgetting to look at Britney proudly.

Britney pinched Heiji's big hand helplessly.

"You just spoil her."

"Nini is my father's good daughter. Of course my father spoils Nini, right, Dad."

Taylor looked at Heiji expectantly.

Heiji nodded very seriously: "Of course, Nini is the best."

Looking at the father and daughter, Britney looked helpless, but her beautiful eyes flashed with deep happiness.


"Dad, Nini's mother, my rehearsal is good, right?"

Qiuyue ran over with a look of excitement.

"Of course there will be no problem with our family Yueyue."

Britney pursed her lips and smiled.

"Sister Yueyue is biased, don't ask Nini how she feels."

"How did Nini think of my rehearsal?"

Qiuyue came over and looked at Tyler, who was being held by Heiji, with a smile on his face.

Tyler looked at Qiuyue seriously, puffing out her mouth: "Sister Yueyue is the best, she likes to rob her father from Nini."

The three were stunned for a moment, then laughed.

The atmosphere is very harmonious.

The first thousand one hundred and thirty-two chapters are timid Pingji! (for a reward and automatic subscription)

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In the next few days, Heiji followed Britney, Qiuyue and Tyler to play around New York City. Naturally, Britney would not go to the group these few days, and accompany her man to play all the time.

In the Great Hall, as Qiuyue's last tone disappeared, the audience below became quiet for a while, stood up and clapped violently, looking at the great Oriental beauty on the stage, their eyes full of amazement.

"Yueyue's strength is getting stronger and stronger."

Britney cuddled in Heiji's house and looked at the radiant beauty on the stage in amazement, but she wondered whether Taylor would be able to achieve the achievements of the girls like Qiuyue and Illya in the future.

The three are in the box, and Taylor has gone to the backstage~.

"Next, I will sing a song with my sister and give it to everyone."

Qiuyue suddenly turned around and walked backstage. Under the strange gaze of the audience, she led Taylor out.

Seeing the elf-like Taylor, the audience suddenly burst into amazement.

Tyler grabbed Qiuyue's jade hand and blinked her big eyes as she looked at the tens of thousands of spectators below. Under the spotlight, she did not have the slightest stage fright, her shining black eyes were round and round.

"Nini, say hello to everyone."

Qiuyue winked at Taylor.

"Good afternoon, dear uncles and aunts, I'm Taylor Hattori, the sister of your favorite Hattori Akizuki, but gentlemen who admire my sister don't have the chance, because my sister already has a boyfriend."


The entire hall fell silent, and everyone looked at Taylor blankly.

Britney was also stunned for a moment, then she looked helpless: "Did Yueyue teach her this sentence?"

Heiji looked innocent: "I don't know."

Qiuyue was also stunned for a moment, but she bent down to pick up Taylor and smiled apologetically at the audience: "Next, Nini and I are going to sing together, Nini, do you remember the song you sang with your sister?"

"Remember, but that's what we sing for..."

"Yes, we sing that song."

Qiuyue interrupted Taylor's words. She didn't want others to know that this song was a song that their sisters sang to their father. This song was their feelings for his father.

There is no accompaniment, no music, only the slightly low-pitched melodious singing, mature and green, low and clear, two completely different timbres are perfectly integrated.

The whole hall reverberated with this wonderful melody. People who had some thoughts about Qiuyue gradually calmed down in their hearts. It was impossible to give up their pursuit, but now is the time to listen to the song.

Britney knew Qiuyue and Taylor, so she could naturally hear the meaning of the song, so she couldn't help leaning against Heiji tightly, turned her head and kissed Heiji's lips.

"Hmph, I'm jealous."

Heiji smiled helplessly, put his arms around Britney's waist, and quietly looked at the two daughters on the stage with tenderness.

The singing meeting went very smoothly. When the fans wanted to find Qiuyue, they found that she had left, and no one knew where she went.

In a super entertainment city in New York, in a luxury KTV, Heiji was leaning comfortably on the sofa, listening to the mother-daughter chorus of Britney and Taylor, and Qiuyue was ordering a song not far away.

In the parent-child play center, there is also a super large KTV. The women in the family hold singing competitions from time to time, and the whole family is very happy.

This kind of atmosphere, Heiji is very comfortable.

"Dad, you come too."

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