"Dad doesn't cry, Nini is willing to eat with Dad."

Looking at his daughter's eyes full of attachment, Heiji felt soft in his heart, these girls are really his little padded jackets.

"Well, Nini is the best."


Tyler hugged Heiji and kissed his lips violently, biting him mischievously.

Heiji smiled dotingly, hugged Taylor, put his face on his daughter's little face, and whispered to her.

In the living room, from time to time, the crisp laughter that belongs to little loli can be heard.

In the bedroom on the second floor, listening to the laughter in the living room, Britney couldn't help but have a deep smile on her face as she carefully selected her clothes.

"Nini's mother is so good-looking, she looks good in anything she wears."

Qiuyue was helping to choose clothes, her beautiful eyes were full of envy.

Britney rolled her eyes at Qiuyue: "You girl, you are a beauty now, with such a good figure, don't tease us all the time."

Qiuyue pouted her rosy mouth and looked down at her pretty peak, her beautiful eyes a little sad.

"But, Nini's mother's place is so big and round."

Britney said coquettishly, "You girl, I'm going to tell Sister Bei and let her teach you a good lesson."

"Don't be afraid. Anyway, I always sleep with my mother. I know from my mother that my feet are 363 inches, so she won't teach me a lesson."

Qiuyue pursed her lips and smiled.

"I'm too lazy to care about you, I'll choose this one."

Britney chose a pure white dress, plus a veil, and a pair of white sneakers. She didn't care about Qiuyue's presence, so she changed her clothes.

Qiuyue has long been surprised by this situation. In the parent-child center, the girls changed their clothes in the bedroom and never avoided anyone, because the family was all women, and the only man, and they were willing to be seen by him.

Soon, after Britney changed her clothes, she took Qiuyue back to the living room.

"Mom is so pretty."

Tyler hurried out of Heiji's room and threw himself into Britney's room. After changing her outfit, Britney exuded a young woman's charm.

"Dad, let's go."

Qiuyue held Heiji's arm and pressed him tightly, her beautiful eyes full of deep affection.

"Dad, I want to hold Dad's other hand."

Tyler hurried over and hugged Heiji's other hand, pouting.

Heiji picked up his daughter with one hand and kissed her on the small mouth.

"Dad, I want too."

Qiuyue's cheeks were flushed, and she leaned over to cover Heiji's lips with her thin rosy lips, and licked her sweet tongue lightly.

Very fragrant and soft.

Britney pursed her lips and smiled, put on her mask and sunglasses, and came to Heiji's side, holding Heiji's arm.

"Let's go, husband."

The first thousand one hundred and thirty chapters are inexplicably carrying the blame! (for a reward and automatic subscription)

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On the street, Heiji held his daughter Tyler, Qiuyue held his left hand, and Britney held his right hand, very eye-catching on the street.

"Dad, where are we going to play?"

Tyler hung on Heiji like a koala, and kissed him from time to time with a small mouth, very excited.

"Today, I'm going to accompany Sister Yueyue to the skilled field."

"Sister Yueyue is so old, can't you go by yourself?"

Qiuyue couldn't help but rolled her eyes at Tyler, and her jade hand gently pinched Tyler's little nose.

"You girl, do you want to monopolize your father?"

Tyler wrinkled his nose and pouted, "Hmph, Dad was originally mine."

Qiuyue was stunned for a moment, then smiled helplessly: "Okay, I want to say this to other sisters and sisters, and Nini will be besieged by then."

Tyler's dark eyes rolled, and he suddenly hugged Heiji's neck tightly, his small face pressed against his.

"Then Nini will occupy her father even more. Anyway, it will be Sister Ya and the others who will scold her, so I will just bear it pitifully."


Qiuyue laughed at Taylor's sarcastic attitude, so she leaned over and kissed her little sister's mouth.

"Sister Yueyue, you took away Nini's first child."

"Your first child was already given to Dad."

"Really? Then Dad will be responsible for Nini."

Tyler hugged Heiji again.

Heiji smiled dotingly, and gently kissed Taylor's little mouth. This loli's little mouth is really soft.

Britney kept looking at her with a smile, but didn't say anything, her beautiful eyes flashed with deep happiness.

"Sister Yueyue, where is your first child?"

Tyler was fine, and continued to talk to his sister.

Qiuyue was stunned for a moment, she couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled when she looked at Heiji, her beautiful eyes flashing with deep happiness.

"My first baby was also given to my father."


"What's your tone, little girl?"

"But Sister Yueyue is so old, why do you want to **** Dad's daddy from our children?"

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