"Dad, I was like this when I was young, right?"

She has too many memories as a child, and she can't remember the things that often happened in this kind of family.

Heiji looked at Qiuyue and smiled softly: "Yueyue was very good when I was a child, just like Xiaoya, she often let Nana and Weiwei sit in Dad's house, and when Kumiko and Lia were born, you hardly ate in Dad's house. already."

Saying that, he couldn't help but recall.

Qiuyue pursed her lips and looked at Taylor: "Sister Taylor, you heard what my father said, my sister was rarely eaten by her father when she was a child. Would you like to give it to my sister?"

Who knows, Tyler hugged Heiji tightly, his mouth still bulging, his face full of reluctance.

"I don't want it. Dad finally came here, so I don't want to give it to Sister Yueyue."

Heiji hugged the little padded jacket and smiled dotingly: "Dad will come often in the future, or else Tyler will go home with his father and play with his sisters and sisters, okay?"

Taylor's big eyes showed a touch of yearning. Although this little girl seldom returns to Japan, she often video chats with her sisters and sisters, and the girls consciously bring their daughters to play with Taylor every year, so their sisters' feelings Not bad at all.


"Dad, if I go back too, Mom will be very lonely."

Britney can't leave the group for too long now, not because of lack of control, but because many decisions require her to participate, at least there is no successor yet.

Unlike Sonoko, this woman actually nurtured Erina early on, and she didn't expect that Erina was so talented, and she got started very quickly, which made Sonoko so comfortable.

Now, Sonoko is trying her best to get pregnant, waiting to be a mother.

Britney is also a successor now. She originally wanted to find a successor from home, but Illya and several grown-up girls didn't talk about it. All of them were unwilling, and they had their own careers.

As for Kumiko and Leah, they are only ten years old, and they are still elementary school students, which is even more impossible.

Eight-year-old Lilian, Xuenuo, and Ellie are even more impossible.

In fact, Britney is most inclined to know the world, but this girl is the most troublesome for all girls. She actually became a detective, and she has also published a book and became the author of the most famous detective novel, collecting materials from all over the world.

Zhishi is also the least at home of the daughters in the family, and is often called and complained by He Ye.

However, he will stay at home for at least half a month, so Heiji doesn't care much. Anyway, this world can hurt people who know the world, except for him.

Britney sighed and ate gracefully.

"Mother Nini, haven't you found a successor yet?"

Qiuyue blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at Britney.

Britney rolled her eyes at Qiuyue: "Why don't Yueyue do it, you'll get started soon."

"No, I don't want to be separated from Dad."

The most important reason why the girls were unwilling was to take over the Gates Group, and they had to be resident in New York. This was torture for Qiuyue and the others, and they were absolutely unwilling.

Britney couldn't help but rolled her eyes at Qiuyue again and sighed: "It seems that we can only wait for Taylor to grow up."

"Mom, I don't want to be separated from my father for so long like my mother did. Humph, I sleep with Tyler in my arms every night and call my father's name."


Britney blushed, and gave her daughter an exasperated look.

"I don't have it. Tyler must have heard it wrong."

Taylor suddenly got down from Heiji's room and ran upstairs with bare feet.

"Miss Taylor, be careful."

A maid quickly followed with a worried look on her face.

"What happened to Taylor?"

Heiji looked at Britney suspiciously. . . . .

Britney pouted: "How do I know about your daughter."


Qiuyue couldn't help laughing out, her beautiful eyes curved into crescent moons, watching this scene with happiness.

Da da da!

Taylor came back soon, with shoes on her little feet, apparently the maid helped put them on.

"Dad, Daddy."

Taylor threw himself directly into Heiji, and Heiji hugged her and made her sit on his lap.

"Sister Taylor, why did you take out your phone?"

Qiuyue noticed the phone in Taylor's hand and looked puzzled.

Britney looked at her daughter suspiciously. This is her phone, but how did she get it out?

Taylor looked at Qiuyue mysteriously: "Sister Yueyue, there is a secret here."


Britney was even more puzzled. Except for the data and contacts on her phone, she didn't usually play at all, so what secrets could she have.

"Dad, listen carefully."

Tyler lowered his head to operate the phone, quickly opened a recording file, and clicked play.

"Heiji, I...I don't want it anymore. Uh...I don't want it anymore, it hurts, my daughter is still beside me...No, slow down, I..."

Hearing the recording, the entire restaurant fell silent.

Britney's shy voice carried infinite shyness and infinite satisfaction.

Qiuyue's beautiful eyes widened as she stared at Taylor dumbfounded.

Britney was stunned and stared blankly at her daughter. When did this happen?

Tyler held the phone in his little hand and looked up at Pingji with a proud face: "Dad, look, Mommy always says these things when she sleeps, so Taylor shouldn't be separated from Dad."

"You **** girl, when was it recorded?"

Britney was furious, her delicate face was already flushed, but this time she smelled a lot.

"When Mom was sleeping, I recorded a lot."

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