However, she prefers the first one.

Heiji's shot, the black man is probably dead now.

"It's dead, it's dead."

Went to the airport security guard who went to check it out. His face changed greatly, and he directly took out his gun and aimed it at Heiji.

Heiji glanced around, his eyes flashed, and Qiuyue felt a wave of energy swept away from Heiji's body in an instant.


Everyone was stunned for a moment, and a look of confusion flashed in their eyes.

"Yueyue, let's go."

Heiji left with Taylor in his arms.

Qiuyue glanced at the bewildered people, and followed Heiji with her long legs.

Tyler seemed to have had enough crying. He looked up at Qiuyue next to him, with tears in his eyes.

"What's the matter, I don't know Sister Yueyue anymore?"

"Sister Yueyue, I miss you so much."

"Really? Then let Sister Yueyue hug you, okay?"

"not good!"

Tyler immediately pouted and hugged Heiji's neck tightly with a reluctant expression on his face.

Qiuyue couldn't help but rolled her eyes at Taylor: "Duplicitous little girl."

Chapter 1126 Naughty Britney! (for a reward and automatic subscription)

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Heiji came to the Rolls-Royce with Taylor in his arms, and the female driver hurriedly bent over: "Sir, Miss Qiuyue, please."

She was one of the few people who knew Heiji's identity. The man in front of her was the man of the business queen in the car, and he was in the active position, so powerful.

Heiji nodded, wanting to put Taylor down.

"No, no, I want Dad to hold it, hold it."

Tyler hugged Heiji's neck tightly like a koala, pouting and reluctant to leave.

At this moment, the door opened.

"Taylor, let Dad come in first."

Britney's elegant voice came out, and her delicate and moving face appeared in front of Heiji, her beautiful eyes were full of affection, with a strong love.

"Mother Nini."

Qiuyue got into the car first and hugged Britney with a look of attachment.

Britney pursed her lips and smiled and kissed Qiuyue's cheek: "Yueyue hasn't come to see me for more than half a year, and she's become pretty again."

Qiuyue smiled sweetly and kissed Britney's cheek fiercely.

"Who made Nini's mother never come home?"

Britney rolled her eyes at Qiuyue and muttered: "Didn't I work hard to earn money to support your father? Otherwise, your father will abandon our mother and daughter."

"Dad won't abandon Tyler, and he won't abandon Mommy. Dad, right?"

Tyler hugged Heiji's neck and blinked expectantly at Heiji.

Heiji smiled dotingly: "Yes."


Tyler kissed Heiji's lips sharply, with a happy look on his face.

Heiji hugged Taylor, carefully got into the car, and protected her head from touching her head.

The car starts.

Britney suddenly came over and pressed Heiji's lips.

Heiji responded softly.

For a while.

Britney only let go of Heiji and rolled her eyes at him: "Our mother and daughter are about to be abandoned by you, and it's only been a week in a month."

Heiji was a little helpless: "If I ask you to go back often, even if you refuse, I'm also helpless."

Britney stretched her long legs and swayed leisurely, her beautiful eyes blinking slightly: "I don't want it. Only distance can make you remember our mother and daughter. There are too many sisters at home, you must not be able to take care of them."

Heiji glared at Britney: "So Curacao also learned from you, and the woman Lianzi also runs around with Weiwei all day, sometimes Yueyue, and they all learned from you."

"Lianzi always comes to me when she comes to the United States. She said that she wanted to do this, and she was mad at you."

Britney suddenly giggled.

Heiji looked helpless. Now as long as the women in the family come to the United States, they will naturally go to Britney. After all, every year the women in the family take their daughters on a trip, and they can go wherever they want.

Qiuyue put down the chair, her beautiful eyes closed slightly: "Dad, Nini's mother, I'll go to sleep first."

"Didn't Yueyue sleep on the plane?"

Britney looked at Qiuyue suspiciously. It is reasonable to say that the luxury cabin of the plane can lie down and sleep.

"I slept, but I chatted with my father for too long. I forgot the time and didn't get enough sleep."

Qiuyue was a little sleepy.

Britney was stunned for a moment, then rolled her eyes at Qiuyue: "I said Yueyue, you are a 20-year-old beauty, don't always sleep with Dad, be careful of being eaten tofu."

Heiji was speechless for a while, this Britney must have broken with Yukiko and teased him all day long.

Qiuyue opened her beautiful eyes and rolled her eyes at Britney: "Mother Nini, it's impossible for you to monopolize Dad. Hmph, our sisters won't let mothers monopolize Dad."

On the plane, she didn't have any ahac at all, she was wearing a nightdress and hugged Heiji so tightly to sleep, tucked into him like a little wife, her body was close to him, and she didn't have any ahac at all.

Heiji didn't avoid suspicion. Anyway, he was reluctant to let these daughters marry, so let's just do it for now. Although the daughters are indeed very impressive, he can only look at them.

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