"Sister Ya, teach us quickly."

"Sister Ya, - go out and teach us."

Two little girls entangled Illya, a few girls were wearing sailor suits, and their long, snow-white straight legs looked particularly attractive under the rippling skirts.

The girls watched this scene with a smile, and a deep happiness flashed in their beautiful eyes.

Illya helplessly pulled her two sisters and looked at the other sisters: "Let's go, let's practice on the cliff."

When the eldest sister spoke, the other girls would naturally not be disobedient, and even Tomoyo and Sakura were taken away.

Soon, there were only Heiji and the girls in the living room.

Xiao Ai glanced at the other women, her face flushed, she stood up and walked over with her long legs, sitting directly in Heiji's sanri, her cold beautiful eyes flashing tenderness.

Heiji was holding Xiao Ai. After this little woman grew up to be a high school student, the taste of her body was very different, and he couldn't stop.

Xiao Ai gave Pingji a white look and leaned on top of him, her beautiful eyes flashing with deep tenderness.

"It's nothing, I just want to sleep in your bed."

Heiji was stunned for a moment, then he softened a little, and hugged Xiao Ai in her arms, while her big hand stroked her snow-white slender legs. Xiao Ai, a high school student, had a stunning figure.

Xiao Ai rolled her eyes at him and didn't care about Heiji's actions. Anyway, she was wearing these ultra-shorts or skirts at home, so the beneficiaries were self-evident.

Not only her, but also other sisters in the family. They all like to wear ultra-shorts or miniskirts. Anyway, there is only one man in the family, so they don't care at all.

Heiji looked at the girls with a helpless expression: "Okay, the girls have all been taken away, just ask if you have any questions."

The girls looked at each other and looked at Shizuka Hattori in unison.

Here, although the girls didn't speak, they had already guessed a little about the relationship between Hattori Shizuka and Heiji. They were shocked, but they didn't care too much.

After all, Hattori Shizuka's changes have already explained a lot, and the two must have had that kind of relationship.

Since that kind of relationship happened, it means that this woman is no longer their mother-in-law, but a sister.

Hattori Shizuka is also very clear about the girls' thoughts, her face is a little red, but she still walks to Heiji's side, sits down gracefully, her eyes are soft.

"Heiji, did you just give Xiaoya and the others supernatural abilities?"

Heiji looked at Hattori Jinghua, and found that Hattori Jinghua was wearing a long slim dress today, which set off her exquisite figure. Sitting on the sofa, her long white legs were exposed, delicate and shiny.

Hattori Shizuka blushed a little at the sight of Heiji, and couldn't help but glared at him: "Boy, answer me quickly."

All the girls pursed their lips and smiled, and all of a sudden, a hundred flowers were in full bloom, and their smiles were like flowers.

Heiji was a little helpless, but his big hand silently pinched Xiao Ai's part. The little woman couldn't laugh anymore, her face was flushed, and she slumped in his palm.

Hattori Shizuka naturally saw Heiji's actions, her face flushed, and her beautiful eyes flashed a hint of shyness: "Xiao Ai, it's not good for you to spoil him so much."

Xiao Ai's face turned red as she looked at Shizuka Hattori: "Mom, you're not the same."

Hattori Shizuka's face turned red instantly, Xiao Ai's eyes explained a lot, it seemed that it was not a secret.

Heiji smiled, his expression became serious, and he glanced at the girls one by one.

There was also a trace of curiosity in the beautiful eyes of the girls. Although they didn't care who Heiji was, they were still very curious about this god-like ability.

Heiji had one hand in Little Mourning, and the other hand held Hattori Shizuka's jade hand.

Hattori Shizuka's face was a little red, but he held Heiji's big hand tightly with his backhand, and a touch of sweetness flashed in the depths of his beautiful eyes.

"Actually, I'm just a spokesperson for the power of Xiaoya and the others. They are the chosen daughters, and this time may be a catastrophe, so Xiaoya and the others are needed to save us."

Heiji couldn't tell the truth either, so he could only make up a reason.

"The cataclysm?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

"That monster came out, it seems to have destroyed a building. Can Nana and the others really do it?"

Yukiko's beautiful eyes were full of worry.

They don't care about Heiji's specialness at all. After all, this is their man, and even God is their man. But they were worried when they heard that their daughter was about to become a savior.

Whether their daughter can become a hero or not is not something they consider at all. What they want is to live with Heiji all the time, and then the daughters can grow up well.

Now, your daughter actually wants to fight that monster on TV?

On the TV, the monster had completely landed and was destroying the city unscrupulously. That kind of power made the girls tremble and worry even more.

Pingji smiled lightly: "Don't worry, they will be fine."

"Yes, with Heiji here, Xiaoya and the others will be fine."

Guanyue Gefan knew Heiji's strength. A monster of that level could injure Xiaoya and the others, and she could guarantee that as long as Xiaoya and the others were in danger, that monster would definitely be vaporized.

The girls looked at Heiji, their beautiful eyes flashing with tenderness.

Although they are still worried, they also have unconditional trust in Heiji.

"I'll go see Xiaoya."

Concubine Yingli stood up and walked towards the cliff with her long legs.

"I'll go take a look too."

Yukiko, Belmod, Kuroba Chikage and the others also followed.

Soon, there were only Heiji, Hattori Shizuka, and sleeping Xiaoai left in the living room.

"I'll go take a look too."

Hattori Shizuka stood up and prepared to follow.

Heiji carefully put Xiao Ai down and let her sleep on the sofa, then stood up and hugged Hattori Shizuka into her. Under her dodging gaze, she lowered her head and covered her thin rosy lips.

Hattori Shizuka's body froze for a moment, then he hugged Heiji's waist tightly with his arms, stood on tiptoe, and responded softly and well-behaved.

Colorful fireworks exploded above the cliff's sky.

The first thousand one hundred and eighteen chapters take the daughter to fight monsters

There were bursts of pleasant sounds in the bedroom, and in the large bedroom, a lot of people were sleeping together.

This is the most absurd time for women.

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