Sakura was a little disappointed.

"Well, because Xiao Ying will be my little woman in the future, and Xiao Ya is my daughter, of course there are some differences between you two."

Little woman?

Sakura's little face blushed, she lowered her head, her face full of shyness.

Only Heiji can make the first generation cute **** so shy.

Heiji smiled slightly and stroked Sakura's hair gently: "Okay, don't be shy, I'll talk about this later."

"Okay, okay, don't always take advantage of my family's Sakura. If you want to take advantage of it, go to Xiaomei, or you can go to me."

Guanyue Gefan said jealously from the side.

Heiji put his arms around Xiao Ying's waist and smiled lightly: "Look, someone is jealous."

Looking at Guanyue Gefan's mumbling mouth, Sakura couldn't help giggling, but Jade hand clenched Heiji's big hand involuntarily. For such a young girl, Heiji's charm is invincible.

Yukino raised her little hand in Haibara Milin, very happy.

Sakura came out of Heiji's house and approached Haibara Mi, her big eyes twinkling with small stars.

Now she seems to have figured it out, and she has no restraints in front of everyone, and begins to release her true temperament.

Guanyue Gefan stood up, walked over to Heiji with long legs, sat down, took his arm, and muttered, "How come I didn't realize that you are so good at coaxing little girls?"

Heiji held Guanyue Gefan's small waist, tilted his head and kissed her thin lips, and smiled lightly: "Didn't you coax me back?"

"You coax me?" Guanyue Gefan pouted, "If it wasn't for Miss Ben who thinks you're not bad, would I give up Tenglong and choose you?"

"Then you regret it now?"

"No regrets!"

Regarding Heiji's rhetorical question, Guanyue Gefan didn't hesitate and leaned against him comfortably.

"Although you have many women, I think I'm the one and only one, so I'm not worried at all, because I will always have a place in your heart."

Heiji looked at Guanyue Gefan in surprise. Although this woman was cute, she was very confident. However, she was right, some of the girls had similar personalities, but Guanyue Gefan's personality was indeed unique.

Even Yukiko is not that kind of cute character, she is just lively and cheerful, and then a little narcissistic.

"How is it? Are you surprised by what I said? I didn't play with Yiyi and the others for nothing."

Guanyue Gefan looked at Heiji proudly.

Heiji looked at Guanyue Gefan helplessly, and his fingers lightly fiddled with her soft thin lips, this feeling was very good.

Guanyue Gefan bit directly and gave him a white look: "Okay, don't think of me as your daughter, I'm your wife, and she always makes me look like your eldest daughter with such small gestures. , non-503 is very uncomfortable."

After he finished speaking, he pushed Heiji away, and also moved to Mii Haibara to tease Yukino.

Heiji smiled lightly and began to close his eyes to rest.

Tenglong Kinomoto appeared in the attic, his attire changed into that of a magician, holding a magic wand in his hand, and the magic circle under his feet shone with golden light.

murmured in a low voice, as if chanting a spell.

The light was so bright that two phantoms appeared in the void, one beast and one figure.

Looking at these two phantoms, Takashi Kinomoto's eyes flickered with a trace of awe: "Rubellos still has Yue, it's time for you to protect Sakura."

Immediately, with a wave of his hand, the two shadows left the place directly.


Takashi Kinomoto's magic circle was not cancelled, but gradually turned black, and his pupils also turned black, exuding a strange light.

"You took my Nadeko away, it depends on your ability to protect her. I hope you don't let me down."

As soon as the voice fell, the magic circle under his feet suddenly disappeared, and then a huge black vortex appeared above the sky, exuding ominous and strangeness.

A woman with long red hair who was teaching at Didan High School looked at the sky in shock.

"It exudes ominous evil magic!!!"

Chapter 1011 Ready to teach daughter special abilities

On this day, the citizens of Tokyo were all shocked, looking at the black vortex above the sky in horror, as if the end of the world.

In the apartment, Erina was lying by the window, looking up at the sky, her big eyes full of doubts.

"Dad, why is the sky like this?"

Heiji was next to him, holding Xue Nao who was already asleep in his arms, glanced at the sky outside, and smiled lightly: "Nana, it seems that I will give you one more homework in the future."

"Homework?" Erina pouted and looked at Heiji in a pleasing manner: "Dad, Mom has already arranged a lot of homework for me, don't put more pressure on us, it's very tiring."

Heiji couldn't help pinching Erina's nose and looked at her angrily: "You guys are too embarrassed to say, the beautiful sister hired by your mother taught you other hobbies, but after two days of use, the anger ran away."

"No, no." Erina grabbed Heiji's big hand and muttered: "Dad, that's not madness, it's because we can easily learn what they want to teach, and then they don't have anything to give us. Will be embarrassed to come again."

Heiji smiled helplessly. This is also true, but more importantly, these girls don't seem to like those tutors. Although they are young and beautiful, they are very wary of those female college students.

This made Yuukiko and the others speechless.

Speaking of which, Yuxizi and the others were not jealous, but these girls actually became jealous first.

Yui walked in from the outside, holding Heiji behind her back, and Qiaofeng, who was at the beginning of the scale, pressed down and muttered, "Dad, I heard, we don't want to learn any more homework, it's so boring."

Heiji tilted his head to look at Yui, and smiled helplessly: "If that's the case, then forget it."

"Oye, Dad is the best."

Yui and Erina looked at each other and blinked their big eyes proudly.

"It's a pity. Dad still wants to teach you personally. It seems that you are not willing. It's a pity."

The smiles on Yui and Erina's faces froze, and they looked at Heiji at the same time, their mouths pouted at the same time: "Dad, we want to learn~'."

Looking at the two sisters who were in sync, Heiji was a little helpless: "But you don't like it, I can't let you have a happy childhood."

Yui murmured, crawled on Heiji's back a few times, brought his face close to Heiji's face, and sipped his lips abruptly, flattering his face: "Dad, Daddy, we don't like studying homework, but We'd love it if Dad taught it."

"That's right, that's right, Dad, you promised to teach us, don't be rude."

Erina also came over, being careful not to touch Yukino, she kissed Heiji's lips with her ruddy lips, her big eyes full of ingratiating.

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