Heiji listened to the discussions of those flight attendants, but he didn't bother to pay attention to it. He looked very good and had a good figure. But which of the women in the family doesn't kill them in seconds is completely uninteresting.

Besides, in case those girls saw him flirting with girls.


Family law to serve!

Heiji couldn't help being bombarded with the big truth of the girls taking turns, and there would be no repetition. Even the two little girls, Leah and Kumiko, came to join in the fun, and they said it well.

They can talk all night.

For this, all the girls like to hear about it, there are Kiko, Belmod, Sonoko and these women even give a few Nizi tips. Although the other women will not cause trouble, they are also watching the play with a smile.

Anyway, on the night they were criticized, all the women couldn't sleep, and they sat in every corner of the living room like a feast.

As a result, all the women couldn't get up the next day, and he had to cook part-time.

That kind of family method, once is enough.

Heiji shook his head helplessly, automatically blocked the words of the flight attendants, and looked down at the novel. He found that the novel "Conan's Guilty Value System" is really good, the plot is very attractive, and the character of the protagonist is very similar to him, and he has a good idea of ​​​​reading it.

I don't know how long it took, he was completely immersed in the world of novels.

The group of flight attendants didn't have a flight to fly, so they kept discussing various things in an attempt to attract Heiji's attention.

A series of footsteps came, and they looked towards the exit of the passage, their eyes suddenly widened.

Several angel-like girls appeared in the aisle wearing uniform dresses, and hurried towards the hall, their delicate and beautiful faces were filled with strong anticipation.

Behind them, a beautiful young woman walked gracefully, holding a baby girl like a porcelain doll in her arms, her face filled with deep doting.

"Slow down, Dad must be waiting for you."

Is it?

Immediately, the flight attendants all looked at Heiji, her eyes full of disbelief.

Chapter 1003 The shock of the waiting hall

Da da da! In the Vip waiting room, there was a sound of footsteps, and several exquisite and beautiful girls rushed towards a man with sweet smiles on their faces.

Erina was still one step ahead of Yui, and threw herself directly into Heiji Dianli, her slender figure with a hint of a girl's softness.

Heiji looked down at this daughter, who was half a head taller than him, with a doting smile on his face. He put his arms around her waist and kissed her thin red lips.

Erina had a happy face and hugged Heiji's waist tightly, as if she wanted to integrate herself into it.

"Hmph, Nana is being rude."

Yui ran over, her mouth pouted, a little unhappy.

Heiji smiled softly and patted Erina's pretty butt.

Erina stood on tiptoe again and quickly touched Heiji's lips before letting go of Heiji reluctantly.

Behind him, there are sisters and sisters who want to be hugged by father.

Next, in the wide eyes of the flight attendants, a few girls jumped into Heiji's room one after another, offering the girl's sweet lips.

"Hee hee, Mommy Xiaomei, let me hug sister Xuenai, you can also hug Dad, he must be very much looking forward to it."

Vivio approached Haibara Mei, blinking her big eyes playfully, wanting to take Yukino from Haibara Mei.

Xuenuo suddenly burst into tears, her small mouth babbled, indistinctly.

"Dad...Dad, Daddy..."

Vivio was stunned for a moment, and her little mouth pouted: "Hmph, sister Xuenai bullied me. When I was at home, I liked it very much. Now that I have a father, I forget my sister."

"Weiwei, be sad, I knew it would be like this, so I didn't rob you."

Yui looked like I had expected.

Erina glanced at Yuyi: "If I hadn't seen that you couldn't take Weiwei, I would have believed it."

"Nana, how can you tear down my stage?"

Yui pursed her lips unhappily, and was very unhappy about Illya's dismantling.

Qiuyue pretty stood beside Heiji, with her jade hand tightly holding Heiji's big hand, she pursed her lips and smiled, her big eyes full of tenderness.

Illya stood on the other side of Heiji, hugged his arm tightly, and watched with a smile at the sparring of her sisters.

Haiyuan Mei pursed her lips and smiled, lowered her head and coaxed her daughter in a low voice. Looking at her tearful eyes, she felt both happiness and distress in her heart.

"Dad, it's your turn to play."

Illya and Qiuyue seemed to have a heart-to-heart, and at the same time let go of Heiji's arm and looked at him in unison, those big bright and clear eyes with a strong attachment.

Heiji dotingly patted the little buttocks of his two daughters, and walked straight to Haibara Mi.

Haibara looked up at Heiji, her beautiful eyes full of tenderness.

"Let me hug you."

Heiji came to Haibara Mei, lowered his head and licked Haibara's thin lips, then looked at her daughter with a doting face.

Haibara smiled sweetly, handed her daughter over to Heiji, and stood in front of him obediently.

Heiji held Xuenai in his arms, looking at his daughter's tearful eyes, he couldn't help lowering his head and gently licking his daughter's little nose.

Xuenai, who was originally crying, suddenly giggled, waving her little hands and smiling all over her face.

"Wow, our arrogant little cute baby was amused by his father again."

Yukino was usually very quiet at home, and the girls wouldn't laugh no matter how they coaxed them, so Yui and Erina gave this sister a nickname, Gao Leng Xiaomengwa.

However, it seems that only Heiji and Haibara Mi in the family can make this little cute baby laugh, so Yui and the others are very jealous. After all, they also dote on this little sister very much.

Who knows, this sister doesn't give any face at all.

A few girls hurried over, this little cute baby's smile is rare.

Haibara Mei pursed her lips and smiled, looking at the scene in front of her, a deep happiness flashed in her beautiful eyes.

After meeting Heiji, her life was nothing but happiness, and she was very grateful that God sent her to this man.

Those flight attendants looked at Mei Haibara enviously. They usually boasted that they were beautiful and had a good figure. However, compared with Haibara Mei, their appearance and figure are inferior, and the most important thing is their temperament. In comparison, they are simply pheasants, and the other party is a phoenix.

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