[It must have been Uncle Heiji who brought me back. 】

Thinking of Heiji, she felt inexplicably happy.

Chapter 1001 Communication between primary schools

"Sakura, Tomoyo, early."

Naoko ran over from behind and looked at Tomoyo and Sakura happily.

"Naoko is early."

Tomoyo and Sakura smiled gently at Naoko.

"Wow, Sakura and Tomoyo have a good relationship. They both went to school hand in hand."

Because Sakura had to pass through Tengu Nadeko's house to go to school, she came directly to find Tomoyo and went to school together.

The feelings of the girls naturally fermented easily, especially after seeing a scene that is not suitable for children together, their feelings naturally rose like riding a rocket, and naturally they came to school hand in hand.

Sakura is also Tomoyo's first best friend.

The family are all elder sisters. Although she is so old, she is still the youngest in terms of seniority. Although the relationship between sisters is very good, there is still some difference between sisterhood and friendship.

Tomoyo smiled sweetly: "Sakura will be my family in the future. Of course our relationship is good."

Xiao Ying was stunned for a moment, then smiled shyly and rolled her eyes at Zhishi: "Zhishi likes to tease me."

"Family?" Naoko looked at Sakura suspiciously: "Sakura, are you and Tomoyo relatives?"

Sakura's face flushed red, and she pushed Naoko lightly: "Okay, Naoko, don't ask, you are talking nonsense."

"Hee hee, alright, no kidding, let's go, it's almost time for class."

Tomoyo blinked his big eyes at Sakura, full of mischief.

Xiao Sakura's pretty face flushed, she thought of Heiji inexplicably, and her heart beat abruptly faster.

Kinomoto Mansion.

Takashi Kinomoto stood quietly in front of the window, looking at the snowy scenery outside, his brows furrowed deeply.

"The Clow card was born?"

Thinking of that small island, his heart trembled.


Suddenly, a magic circle appeared at Takashi Kinomoto's feet. The light flickered and enveloped him. With a flash, he disappeared instantly.

At sea, the island was still shrouded in thick fog.

"Mr. Clorido, it's finally time for you."

Elio appeared in front of Takashi Kinomoto in the image of a young boy, with a respectful look on his face.

Takashi Kinomoto looked at Elio in surprise, with a vague expression: "It seems that you already have a new owner~ˇ."

Elio nodded respectfully: "Master asked me to wait for you here, leaving a message."


"Amagiya Nadeko is dead, and now she will appear in a new identity. Even if Mr. Cullorido notices, she is no longer someone you know. Don't disturb her."

Takashi Kinomoto was stunned, his eyes under the glasses flashed a bit of bitterness: "Did she agree too?"

Elio nodded: "This is the decision of the mistress herself."

"Really?" Takashi Kinomoto sighed: "It seems that she still hates me."

"Mr. Cullorido, please allow me to talk more. The mistress used to like you so much, but for the sake of magic, you are not willing to really fit in with her. This is the greatest disrespect to her."

Hearing Elio's words, Takashi Kinomoto gave a wry smile: "If I didn't have magic, Nadeko would have died. I knew about her illness from the beginning. If I had something to do with her, then I couldn't save her at all. "

"Mr. Clorido, you still don't understand what Mistress said. She just wants to live with you and make some memories for herself. However, by doing this, you are giving up her ideas and her. Because, You are not sure how long it will take for someone to save her? What if you wait for decades or hundreds of years? By then, the two little masters have already left, do you think this is what the mistress wanted?"

Elio repeated what Amamiya Nadeko said to Heiji.

Takashi Kinomoto listened quietly, his expression very complicated.

"Am I really wrong?"

Now, it doesn't matter if it's wrong or not.

Nadeko Tiangong has already expressed her attitude, she no longer belongs to him.

"That man is very powerful?"

"Mr. Clorido, master can break your magic shackles at will."

Takashi Kinomoto didn't look too surprised. If he could cure Nadeko Tenguya's illness, his ability was far beyond his.

"Ellio, the last time I saw you, you will follow your new master from now on."

"Yes, I will."

The magic circle at the foot of Takashi Kinomoto reappeared, shrouded in light, and instantly disappeared in place.

Elio bowed to the place where Takashi Kinomoto disappeared, and then a magic circle appeared under his feet, and his figure disappeared instantly.

The island is calm again.

In the luxury apartment, Nadeko Tiangong opened her beautiful eyes, showing a trace of laziness.

"I'm still very sleepy."

Arched in Heiji, looking tired.

Heiji put his arms around her waist and smiled lightly: "Then get more sleep."

"But I can't sleep."

Tiangong Nadeko hugged Heiji tightly, with a hint of surprise in her beautiful eyes: "So women can be so happy."

Heiji looked a little helpless: "Can you stop saying things that I can't think of?"

"This is my truest feeling." Nadeko Tiangong was extremely comfortable, blinking her beautiful eyes at Heiji, her thin lips pursed slightly: "Why do I think you are more handsome the more I look at it? Is it the feeling that all women who become you feel are like this? ?"

Looking at Tiangong Nadeko's rosy thin lips, Heiji couldn't help lowering his head and sighing, then smiled lightly: "." Maybe I'm handsome in the first place."

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