"Sakura, Tomoyo, it seems that it's only snow in our city, so strange."

Naoko ran over and shouted excitedly.

"Is it only snowing in our city?" Xiao Ying looked at the vast snow in a strange way, her eyes full of distress: "What should I do, I have to go back to cook."

"Sakura, wait a minute and let my dad take you back."

Tomoyo blinked "Six Seven Zero" big eyes and said softly.

"Zhishi's father?" Xiao Ying shook her head: "Don't bother Zhishi's father, I can go back later and be careful."

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps.

"What are you doing standing here?"

Guanyue Gefan came over and looked at the three girls suspiciously.

"Teacher Guanyue~"

Seeing Guanyue Gefan, the three girls gave a sweet cry.

"Mr. Guanyue, Sakura-san wants to go home, but it's snowing so hard that she can't go back. Am I going to ask the teacher's man to take her back?"

my man?

Guanyue Gefan was stunned for a moment, seeing Zhishi's mischievous blinking of his big eyes, he immediately reacted.

This little girl is teasing her!

"No need, no need."

Xiao Sakura's face was flushed. It was very embarrassing to see her teacher kissing her boyfriend. She was embarrassed to meet Heiji.

Guanyue Gefan looked at Xiao Ying's cramped expression and felt pain in her heart, she immediately walked over and hugged her: "Xiao Ying, I'll take you home."

Xiao Ying was stunned for a moment. She felt a warm warmth and a very unfamiliar sense of familiarity as she snuggled up to the moon-watching Gefan.

Looking at Xiao Sakura's confused gaze, Guanyue Gefan's grip on her became even tighter, and she felt deeply distressed.

"Let's go, let's go, teacher is going to Xiaoying's Home Textiles tonight."

Suddenly, Heiji came over from behind and coughed.

Guanyue Gefan was stunned for a moment, a trace of grievance surged in her heart, but she couldn't recognize her daughter when she saw her. It was such a sad thing, it was all to blame for this bastard.

Thinking about it, she suddenly glared at Pingji, indignant.

Heiji glanced at Guanyue Gefan suspiciously, why is this woman staring at me?

Zhishi suddenly rushed over, holding his jade hand, with a sweet smile on his face.

Heiji hurriedly hugged this girl. Although there would be no damage, a little damage was enough to make him feel bad.

"Dad, wait a minute, let's send Sakura-san and Naoko-san back, okay?"

Tomoyo hugged Heiji tightly and blinked at him with a look of attachment.

Sakura and Naoko were taken aback for a moment, their eyes widened with disbelief.

"Mr. Guanyue, are you the mother of classmate Zhishi?"

The two girls were very shocked.

Guanyue Gefan was stunned for a moment, a red cloud floated on his face, and he hesitated and didn't know how to explain it.

Zhishi was stunned for a moment, then walked towards the two girls, pulled their jade hands aside, and whispered together, not knowing what to say.

Heiji shrugged casually towards Guanyue Gefan, as if he had nothing to do with me.

Guanyue Gefan rolled his eyes at him and walked aside with her long legs, her beautiful eyes staring at the goose feather snow outside, and a little light flickered in her eyes: "I plan to let Xiao Ying start to conquer the Clow card tonight."


"That's right. Tomoyo and I don't have a place to live yet. I'll go live with you tonight."

Hearing Heiji's words, Guanyue Gefan couldn't help but rolled his eyes at him and muttered, "It's fine to live with me, but don't try to take advantage of me."

Heiji smiled lightly: "You have to have a body without a body and an average appearance. I'm not interested in you."

"I'm out of shape?"

"Do I look average?"

Guanyue Gefan was simply exasperated, her jade hands on her hips, and her beautiful eyes stared at Heiji: "Do you say it again?"

"What happened to Mr. Guanyue?"

Some passing students looked at Guanyue Gefan curiously. In their impression, Guanyue Gefan was very gentle, and this kind of akimbo movement was rare.

Heiji shrugged and stopped talking. At this time, it is a very unwise thing to raise a bar with a woman, avoid its edge.

"Dad, let's take Sakura-san back later."

Tomoyo pulled Sakura over, while Naoko left, as if someone came to pick her up.

"Father Zhishi, Teacher Guanyue, please..."

Sakura didn't show any more politeness and bowed to the two of them.

"Great, I can finally go home with Sakura."

Guanyue Gefan hugged Sakura tightly, her beautiful eyes full of excitement.

Xiao Ying was stunned for a moment, the unfamiliar sense of familiarity made her open her hands to hug this beautiful teacher tightly, she actually had a feeling of attachment.

"Thank you, Teacher Guanyue."

Sakura hugged Guanyue Gefan, her big eyes showing a touch of attachment.

After school, many parents came to pick up their children.

Momoya originally called and said she wanted to pick up Sakura, but he didn't come because Heiji and Kanyue Kaho brought him back.

Sakura was lying on the back of Guanyue Gefan, her big eyes looking at Heiji curiously from time to time.

"Little girl, tell me, what did you tell Xiao Ying?"

Heiji lowered his head and glanced at Tomoyo who hung like a koala in his lap, holding his daughter's little **** in both hands, with a helpless expression on his face.

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