Guanyue Gefan was very curious about Heiji's big family, and there were shining stars in her beautiful eyes.

Heiji turned to look at Guanyue Gefan and smiled lightly: "You want to know?"

Guanyue Gefan did not hesitate at all.

Heiji was stunned for a moment. He had a new understanding of the cuteness attribute, and his thinking was completely different from ordinary thinking.

"." It's okay if you want to know, how about letting me hold you to sleep? "

"alright, that's fine."

Heiji stretched out his hands casually.

Guanyue Gefan rolled his eyes at Heiji: "Don't even think about it, and you want to take advantage of me."

Looking at the woman in front of him, Heiji had a strange feeling, as if he was chatting with the lead girl. This feeling had a kind of intimacy like playing with his little sister in the countryside when he was a child in his previous life.

This kind of feeling is mainly due to the cuteness of Guanyue Gefan. It's a very strange feeling.

Suddenly, Heiji put his arms around Guanyue Gefan's small waist, and hugged her directly in his arms with all his strength.

Guanyue Gefan was stunned for a moment, propped up Heiji's heart with his hand, and looked at him innocently: "Are you going to **** me?"

Heiji was stunned for a moment, then smiled, lightly stroked her dark red hair, and looked at her face quietly.

Guanyue Gefan originally wanted to break free from Heiji's hands, but when he met Heiji's eyes, he was stunned.

Gradually, her hands seemed to have no strength, and her body lay limply on Heiji's body. The turbulent peaks in front of her were clinging to Heiji's heart, and she felt a touch.

Heiji was already in a trance, and Guanyue Gefan was also affected, so the two of them hugged quietly.

A strange aura enveloped the two of them.

Tomoyo, who was chatting with Sakura and Naoko on the playground, was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the roof of the teaching building not far away, his jet-black eyes rolled, and a wicked smile appeared on his face.

"Sakura, Naoko, I'll take you to a good place."

As he said that, he dragged the two of them to the teaching building.

Chapter 992: The Terrifying Brain Circuit

Tomoyo sneaked Sakura and Naoko to the balcony of the teaching building, and carefully climbed the stairs.

"Student Zhishi, we will be scolded by the teacher when we go to the roof."

Naoko reminded in a low voice.

Tomoyo booed Naoko and pulled Sakura up to the roof quickly.

Due to some strange connection, Heiji and Kanzuki Kaho on the roof did not find out that Tomoyo and Sakura were coming.

"Sakura, look."

A hint of cunning flashed in Zhishi's big eyes.

Xiao Ying glanced at Zhishi suspiciously, followed her gaze, and the scene in front of her suddenly widened her eyes, staring blankly at the two who were hugging tightly not far away.

"Wow, Teacher Guanyue and her boyfriend made out on the roof!"

Naoko couldn't help shouting in surprise.

The energy around the two who were in some kind of connection was scattered in an instant.

Guanyue Gefan came back to his senses, looking at Heiji who was close at hand, the luster in her beautiful eyes became brighter and brighter, and she gradually became sober.

Looking at Guanyue Gefan's watery thin lips that were close at hand, Heiji licked it again.

the second time!

Guanyue Gefan was directly blindfolded and let Heiji ask for it. However, the strange thing was that she gradually lost herself in that kind of tenderness. She couldn't help but hook her arms around Heiji's neck, closed her beautiful eyes, and responded well-behaved and jerky.

The three daughters of Zhishi were stunned, sitting on the roof, watching this scene in a daze.

"So happy."

"Mr. Guanyue is very fortunate."

"Will we be so happy with our boyfriend in the future?"

The impact of this scene on the three girls was too great. Of course, it was no surprise to know the world. As long as Heiji was at home, the mothers at home would stage this drama for her every day.

The three girls lost sight of the time.

Heiji let go of Guanyue Gefan, whose face was already flushed, and stroked her thin lips that were already red and swollen. He smiled helplessly: "Sorry, I couldn't hold back all of a sudden, this is your second, right?"

Guanyue Gefan's face was like dripping blood, blushing.

"You deliberately."

I don't know if it's because of her nervousness, or if she doesn't care anymore, she still lies in Heiji's bed, her tone is irritating, and she doesn't have any anger.

Heiji was a little strange, he looked down at Guanyue Gefan: "Why aren't you angry?"

Guanyue Gefan was stunned for a moment, and a trace of confusion (biec) flashed in her beautiful eyes: "I don't know, it seems like I just don't want to be angry."

"Looks like you've fallen in love."

Heiji said very simply.

Guanyue Gefan rolled his eyes at Pingji, turned over and got down from him, lying on his back on the roof, the confusion in his beautiful eyes became even stronger.

"I don't know why. After waking up, my impression of Tenglong became more and more blurred. It felt strange and unfamiliar."

Heiji glanced at Guanyue Gefan lightly, then turned to look in the direction of Zhishi and the others, with a helpless expression: "Do you want to be punished for running on the roof during class?"

Guanyue Gefan was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look at him suddenly, he was stunned for a moment, his mouth was slightly open, and he looked cute.

"Oops, it was discovered."

"What should we do now?"

"It's miserable, Teacher Guanyue will definitely be angry."

The three girls lowered their heads, waiting for the anger to come.

"Tomoyo-san, Sakura-san, Naoko-san, don't go back after school, I have something to tell you."

Guanyue Gefan's face was serious, but he didn't dare to look at Sakura very much, and he felt a little guilty.

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