A group of little kids gathered around, wanting to come with Tomoyo.

Zhishi was directly three meters away from them, frowning slightly, staring at them with big eyes: "Don't get close to me, I have no interest in you at all."

"Classmate Zhishi, can we be friends?"

"Yes, let's be friends."

"It would be nice to be friends."

These little brats won't be scared off so easily.

Zhishi's tall stature among his peers, fair and jade-like skin, a figure of the first scale, and a delicate and beautiful face 18. Standing there like a porcelain doll, he stared at these little brats. .

"Sakura, Tomoyo-san is really pretty."

Not far away, a short-haired girl with glasses ran beside Sakura and looked at Tomoyo with envy.

"Yeah, Tomoyo-san is really beautiful."

"However, our Sakura is no worse than Tomoyo-san."

"Naoko, don't laugh at me. I can't compare to Tomoyo-san."

Sakura helplessly looked at the good friend Yanagisawa Naoko beside her.

"No, Sakura is also very beautiful."

Yanagisawa Naoko laughed while hugging Sakura's arm.

"Naoko, let's go say hello to Tomoyo-san."

The two girls went to Chise.

Tomoyo maintained a very cold personality and ignored these little brats. In her eyes, these brats were no more than a single hair in Heiji's eyes.

"Hello, classmate Zhishi."

Sakura and Naoko came over.

Tomoyo looked at Sakura, a hint of slyness flashed in the depths of her big eyes, and she passed away with a gentle smile on her face.

"Student Tomoyo, my name is Sakura Kinomoto, you can call me Sakura."

"My name is Yanagisawa Naoko, you can also call me Naoko."

"Sakura-san, Naoko-san."

The three girls stood together with innocent and beautiful smiles on their faces.

With three girls and two school beauties, those little brats were stunned again.

"Student Zhishi, your skin is good, what do you usually eat?"

When Naoko Yanagisawa approached, she realized that Tomoyo's skin had no flaws at all, it was as crystal clear as jade, as if there was an illusion, and the surface of her body was still full of radiance.

Zhishi's big eyes were full of pride: "Because of my father."

"The father of classmate Zhishi?"

Sakura and Naoko were stunned for a moment. What does a good skin have to do with their father?

Zhishi's big eyes are full of admiration: "Yes, not only my skin is good in my family, but also the skin of my mothers and sisters and sisters. It's all because of my father."

"Is classmate Zhishi's father a doctor?"

Sakura asked curiously.

If you are a doctor, there is no difficulty in maintaining your skin.

"No, my father is a god."


Looking at Tomoyo's adoring gaze, Sakura and Naoko looked at each other, and became curious about the father that Tomoyo said.

"Well, my father is a god, very powerful."

Tomoyo was snickering in her heart, she just wanted to make Sakura curious about Heiji. Besides, she didn't just say it casually, but she thought so in her heart.

It's just that she showed it on purpose.

Sakura looked at Tomoyo curiously: "Classmate Tomoyo, where does your family live? If we live close by, we can go home together."

Tomoyo shook his head: "I don't know, I just came here."

"Don't you know, classmate Zhishi?"

Sakura and Naoko were confused by Tomoyo.

"Yeah, my dad said to send me to school and then look for a house."

Tomoyo murmured with a rosy mouth, obviously a little unhappy with Heiji's arrangement.

"Let Zhishi go to school first, and then find a house?"

Sakura's eyes widened, and she was obviously a little confused about the arrangement of Tomoyo's father.

"Student Zhishi, didn't you prepare a place to live when you transferred?"

Naoko couldn't help but ask.

"Why do you need to prepare first? You can also prepare after enrolling first."

Tomoyo looked at Naoko suspiciously.

"The admission procedure is very troublesome. Tomoyo-san should have come yesterday, right?"

"No, after I got here, my father asked me to go to school first, and he went to find a house."

Hearing Tomoyo's words, Sakura and Naoko looked at each other, their big eyes flashing a hint of helplessness.

"Student Zhishi, your family must be rich."

The background of Tomoe Elementary School is not simple, and the background of those who can directly confirm the admission is definitely not simple.

Zhishi was stunned for a moment, and pouted, "My family has no money, and I have never seen any money in my father's pocket. Every time the mothers pay, my father never pays."

This was the first thought in Sakura and Naoko's mind.

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