Heiji nodded and carefully placed Hebentia on Simmons, but the girl still hugged him tightly. He simply lay down and slept with his daughter.

Hattori Shizuka stopped wearing stockings, and came over to help the two cover the quilt with soft eyes.

"Sleep with Tia, I'll bring lunch later, and tell Xia Jiang by the way."

Heiji nodded and looked at the daughter in his arms with a doting face.

The moment is passing by!

The hatch opened, and Hattori Shizuka and Hunmoto Xiajiang walked in, but Hunmoto Xiajiang walked a little slowly.

Looking at the two father and daughter sleeping on Simmons, the two daughters' beautiful eyes were filled with deep tenderness, they put down the food in their hands, sat on the sofa in the living room, and started chatting.

This scene is very warm.

Chapter 0977 Bring the mother and daughter home!

Parent-child play center!

In the manor, all the girls gathered at home and gathered in the living room to watch the news on TV.

"Mom, mom, look, it's dad."

Leah shouted happily in Xiaolan's arms.

"Dad is amazing. Dad is on TV."

Kumiko was lying on Sato Mikako's long legs, shaking her mother's long legs, she was also very happy.

Sato Mikako looked down at her daughter, her face full of helplessness: "Kumiko, I've been kneeling on the ground for so long, can I get up and let my mother hug her?"

"No, mother's feet are seesaws. Have fun."

"Hmph, Kumiko is a child, not good at all."

Leah pouted her little mouth and looked like a big sister.


Yukino raised her small hand in Haibara Mi's arms and cried.

The girls looked at the three little girls, and now at home, in addition to Qingzi's belly, the two babies in Elena's belly, and the pretended mature Zhishi, the little guy who filled the house with laughter and laughter is them.

Although Ilya, Yui, Qiuyue, Erina, and Vivio often play with each other, but because they are old, they usually stop at the point of play. The modesty of a girl.

This is growth and their youth.

Seeing these girls grow up, the girls are also very sweet.

"Mom, why did Dad put his arms around classmate Tia?"

Yui hugged Fei Yingri's neck from behind, looking at the scene on the screen with jealousy. Heiji was being interviewed, but Heben Tia was holding his waist tightly.

Erina sat on the high chair next to her, her long legs under her shorts were dazzling, and her waist was straight. Hearing Yui's words, she stared at the screen with big eyes and pouted slightly.

"Hmph, Tia-san has always wanted to take advantage of Dad, and now I finally have a chance."

"That's right, Tia-classmate always pestered me and asked me to talk to her about my father, but I really didn't have a good heart."

Vivio murmured unhappily.

Qiuyue hugged Belmod's arm, resting her head on her mother's shoulder, her big eyes full of grievances.

Belmod turned his head and glanced at his daughter, then pursed his lips and smiled: "Yueyue is jealous too?"

"Mom, I introduced classmate Tia to my father. What should I do if my father only loves her, not us?"

Obviously, Qiuyue is not just jealous, she has risen to the point of being favored...

Qiuyue's words made Ilya and the others stunned for a moment, and their big eyes stared at the screen, a flash of panic flashed.

The reaction of the five girls made all the girls stunned for a moment, and they were dumbfounded.

The so-called concern is chaos. From this, it can be seen that Heiji has a very high status in the hearts of several daughters.

Belmod reluctantly held his daughter's jade hand and sighed, "Then what should we do?"

Qiuyue's big eyes were full of tears.

"Mom, I'm going to see Dad."

"Mom, I'm going to see Dad too."

"Dad is definitely still on that ship, and I'm going too."

"We're leaving now."

"Come on, let's sail over by ourselves."

The five nizi stood up directly, their movements were very consistent, they turned around and wanted to run out.

Leah and Kumiko stood up abruptly, turned and ran out.

"Dad is back."

"Giggle, daddy is back."

Yukino danced happily in Haibara Miya.

The girls were overjoyed, and a sweet smile appeared on their faces. In this family, Heiji is the most important and also their backbone.

However, He Ye looked down at the daughter in his arms with a puzzled look on his face.

"Zhishi, Dad is back, why haven't you spoken?"

Zhishi suddenly turned around and hugged He Ye, buried her face between her pretty peaks, and said with a sweet tongue: "Mom, wait a minute, you have to protect Zhishi, or Dad will beat Zhishi's little ass."

He Ye was stunned, but he didn't have time to speak.

"How could Dad hit the ignorant little **** for no reason?"

Yukiko, who was beside her, spoke first.

Tomoyo glanced at the TV screen and saw Hebentia in Heiji's arms. She knew that what she had cheated on Heiji had been exposed, and that bad father would definitely deal with her.

At this time, He Ye can protect her.

"Because, Leah and Kumiko will definitely complain to their father, and then my father will definitely beat Zhi Shi and his ass."

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