Seeing Heiji's gloomy face, Huoben Xiajiang felt as if the sky was about to fall, and tears rolled down his cheeks. He couldn't help hugging Heiji tightly, for fear that he would suddenly throw her away.

Heiji's brows loosened. He was not angry, but suddenly felt that Huoben Xiajiang was just disgusting him.

"I... I didn't know what I was thinking at the time, and besides, Xiao Wu and I didn't have that kind of life at all. I really didn't plan to disgust Mr. Heiji."

Huo Ben Xia Jiang cried, her character was gentle like water, and when she heard the misunderstanding of Pingji, she had a feeling of pain, but she didn't know how to explain it.

Heiji threw the anchor into the sea, and the hull soon became less swaying.

Looking at Huanben Xiajiang, who was still crying in his arms, he frowned, still wrapped his arms around her waist, and hurried back to the cabin.

"Miss Xia Jiang, come down first."

Huanben Xiajiang put down his long legs, but still hugged Heiji tightly, not letting go.

Heiji thought about it for a moment, then looked down at Xiajiang, "Miss Xia Jiang, even if you used to be interested in me, but you are now a wife and a mother, although I don't care too much about these identities. However, Mr. Xiao Wu didn't feel sorry for you. , your current behavior is already sorry for him."

Is Heiji noble?

As a killer, he doesn't even feel guilty about taking Shizuka Hattori now, and he has nothing to do with Noble.

However, Heiji doesn't like women who think about themselves but dedicate their bodies to other men, and he doesn't allow this to happen.

Huoben Xiajiang was still shaking his head, with tears in his eyes. He looked at Heiji pitifully: "No, really not. After I married Xiao Wu, I never slept with him, and we didn't even kiss."

Heiji frowned and smiled lightly: "Mr. Xiao Wu, is he willing?"

Huoben Xiajiang came out of Pingci's arms, tears still rolling in his eyes, pear blossoms were raining, and he smiled bitterly: "He doesn't know..."

Pingji was stunned.

Huan Ben Xiajiang nodded: "On the first night, he was drunk, and then I randomly found a woman for him. I asked the woman to leave after the incident. After that, I felt unwell, and then I slept in separate rooms. already."

"Mr. Xiao Wu is not a fool."

Heiji didn't believe it.

Huo Ben Xiajiang looked at Pingji fascinatedly and shook his head: "Because he has no time to think about that kind of thing, I deliberately let him deal with the group's affairs. He is busy until midnight every day, and he has no time to think so much. I think he will come back at night. It's too late, let him sleep in the guest room."

"Miss Xia Jiang, as I said, he is not a fool. Will he have no doubts about your obvious actions?"

Heiji became more and more unhappy.

Huo Ben Xiajiang's pale face suddenly flushed, and a flash of happiness flashed in his eyes: "Because I was pregnant at that time."

The corners of Heiji's mouth twitched, and it became more and more interesting.

He was stunned and looked at Huben Xiajiang involuntarily: "Are you pregnant? Is that Tia?"

Huo Ben Xia Jiang nodded happily: "Yes."

"You didn't have **** with Huan Benwu, but you're pregnant?"

"Whose child is Natia?"

Heiji was completely convinced, why didn't he realize that Huanben Xiajiang was actually that kind of woman.

Huo Ben Xia Jiang shook his head: "I wasn't sure before."

Heiji has nothing to say. Sure enough, people can't look at their faces. I'm not sure whose children they are. How many are there?

"But, I'm sure now."

Huoben Xiajiang looked at Heiji madly, his eyes were full of affection, and there was no longer a trace of hiding.

Looking at Huoben Xiajiang's eyes, Heiji couldn't help but have a strange thought: "Don't you want to say it's mine?"

Who knows, Huo Ben Xia Jiang nodded very seriously.

Come on, this woman is mentally ill.

Chapter 0970 About Missing ten years ago!

Huoben Xiajiang hugged Heiji tightly, his eyes no longer concealed, and looked at him madly: "Tiya is really your daughter."

The corners of Heiji's mouth twitched, and he sighed helplessly: "Miss Xia Jiang, I know a psychiatrist who has done a lot of research on your condition."


Huanben Xiajiang, this is definitely a fantasy.

"However, I think Mr. Heiji is my doctor."

Huanben Xiajiang's face was flushed. Obviously, this kind of love was too much for her.

Heiji took a deep breath and tried to push Hunben Xiajiang away. However, this woman hugged him tightly and didn't give him any chance at all.

"Mr. Heiji, can you hear me saying it's fine?"

Huoben Xiajiang suddenly raised his head and looked at Heiji, his eyes were full of prayers.

Heiji's heart softened and he nodded: After all, this woman is not easy, maybe she was stimulated by something.

Huoben Xiajiang smiled sweetly, took Heiji's big hand, and let him sit on the luxurious sofa, hugging his arm tightly, resting his head on Heiji's shoulder, his beautiful eyes exuding a strong happiness.

After a while, a flash of memory flashed in his eyes.

"Actually, I didn't know my affection for Mr. Heiji at first. However, at the moment when the vows were read out at the wedding, all of a sudden, the time around seemed to stand still. In my mind, a little girl's voice appeared, Very cute. She told me, let me think clearly and dig into my heart whether I really want to marry Xiao Wu as a wife."

"In the beginning, I still felt that I liked Xiao Wu, and I was very determined. However, that little girl seemed to see through my heart, and she has been slowly guiding me, constantly clearing the fog in my heart."

"Gradually, my determination became weaker and weaker. It wasn't that I was influenced by the little girl, but I found that my heart seemed to be attracted by the charm of Mr. Heiji, as the little girl said."

"Although I seem very shameless like this, I don't want to regret it. So, I wanted to regret the marriage at that time, but the little girl wouldn't let me."

Heiji quietly listened to what Heben Xiajiang said, why did he think that the little girl might be familiar, or the person he had in mind.

Of course, the premise is that what Hunben Xiajiang said is true.

Huoben Xiajiang took a peek at Heiji and found that his expression was a little thoughtful, and his face couldn't help showing a touch of sweetness, at least at this time Heiji didn't mock her.

This is enough.

This time, Huoben Xiajiang had a lot of courage to express her intentions. After ten years of forbearance, seeing Heiji again, she couldn't bear it any longer.

"That cute little girl told me that Mr. Heiji would like me very much if I remained a wife. So, I continued to marry Xiao Wu, but I really didn't let him touch me. Maybe Xiao Wu himself didn't You know, every time I have the same room with him, it is a nanny I invited, and the child born by that nanny is his child."

"He hasn't found out for ten years. Are you too powerful? Or is he too stupid?"

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