Hattori Shizuka seemed to be in a state, her eyes were hazy, her thin lips against Heiji's face occasionally brushed his lips and gently rubbed them.

The music suddenly changed its tune, making it even more charming and inspiring.

Some of the dance partners around have even kissed each other.

Hattori Shizuka looked at Heiji in confusion, her eyes moist and lustrous, and suddenly she kissed him.

Heiji was stunned for a moment, then sighed inwardly. Now the relationship is more complicated.

Although hesitant, he still did not refuse and cooperated with Hattori Shizuka.

The two kissed like a couple, changing with the rhythm of the music.

Hibentia was surrounded by a group of her peers, she was upset but couldn't show it, she could only secretly feel unhappy. Especially when he saw Heiji and Hattori Shizuka kissing together, he became even more jealous and annoyed.

"Mom, would you like to invite an idol to dance?"

Suddenly, Hiben Tia shouted to Himoto Xiajiang on the side, this was the best way she thought of separating Heiji from Hattori Shizuka.

Exactly, the music stopped at this time.

Chapter 0961 A dance with Huo Ben Xiajiang!

When the music ended, Hattori Shizuka's eyes gradually returned to clarity, looking at Heiji's close eyes, his face flushed, and he pushed him away suddenly.

She has basically made sure that Heiji must know the truth.

She didn't understand how it was exposed.

Heiji put his arms around Shizuka Hattori, a little helpless: "What should I do next?"

Hattori Jinghua was stunned for a moment, then rolled his eyes at him, broke free from his arms again, and pouted: "Don't pretend to be pitiful, I don't know why I had a confused relationship with you two times. What should I do in the future? That's how it is."

Heiji was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "I see, mother."


Hattori Shizuka was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but feel a burst of anger in her heart. She's already like this, do you want to continue to slaughter her?

However, Hattori Shizuka had no chance to get angry.

Huoben Xiajiang couldn't resist his daughter's request, so he could only come over while the music stopped.

"Mr. Heiji, Ms. Jinghua, can I occupy the time for one of your songs?"

Although Hattori Shizuka was angry, in front of outsiders, she still gave Heiji a lot of face and smiled gracefully: "Of course, is there something wrong with Mrs. Homoto?"

Huoben Xiajiang's face was a little red, and he looked at Heiji a little embarrassedly: "Mr. Heiji, can I invite you to dance together?"

Heiji was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Hattori Shizuka.

Hattori Shizuka's heart was sweet, at least Heiji still cared about her, with a trace of happiness on her face, she smiled gracefully: "I have no opinion."

Heiji smiled and looked at Huben Xiajiang: "Miss Xia Jiang, are you sure that Mr. Xiao Wu won't be jealous?"

Huo Ben Xiajiang was stunned for a moment, and his beautiful eyes glanced at her husband who was chatting in the distance, his eyes flashed a bit of bitterness, and then he passed away, a gentle smile on his face again: "He's busy, I just ran away, he's all gone. Don't necessarily know."

Heiji was stunned for a moment, glanced at Huoben Xiajiang, smiled, and then slightly bent over to give a gentleman's salute: "Can you be honored to invite this beautiful lady to enjoy the dance?"

Huoben Xiajiang pursed his lips and smiled, showing a gentle smile, and put his tender white jade hand in Heiji's big hand.

Heiji smiled, held Huoben Xiajiang's jade hand, then put his arms around her waist and walked into the dance floor.

Seeing the two people hugging each other, Hattori Shizuka felt a little bit appetizing, and thought to himself: Hmph, I'm also looking for a man to dance with.

At this moment, a man in a suit came over and gave her a gentle smile: "Beautiful lady, may I invite you to dance?"

Hattori Shizuka shook his head, showing a hint of apology: "I'm sorry, I'm not feeling well."

All the people who can come here are high-ranking people in Japan. Even if they have any thoughts, they don't dare to show it at will. Since he was rejected, the man in the suit can only leave.

In the same way, Hbentia has rejected countless times, but she remembers what Yui and the others said, Heiji doesn't like her women or daughters having contact with other women of the opposite sex.

Although this girl has not yet become a Heiji woman, she already regards herself as a Heiji woman.

Seeing that Hattori Shizuka refused to invite dancers one by one, Hbentia, who was very annoyed, was moved and ran over with her long legs.

"Aunt Jinghua, can I dance with you?"

This girl deliberately said the word aunt very seriously.

Hattori Shizuka was stunned for a moment, and looked at Heben Tia, why is this girl so hostile?

Hebentia is very tall. Although she is a little shorter than Hattori Shizuka, dancing is not a problem.

Heiji hugged Huoben Xiajiang, although he didn't hug him tightly, but the woman exuded a delicate fragrance, but she smelled very good, and her figure was also very good. It seemed that Tia Nanzi's figure was inherited from her.

"Mr. Heiji, are there really many women in your family?"

Huanben Xiajiang is a little curious about the big family of Heiji. She really can't understand why so many women live together without conflict. She really can't understand this.

Heiji was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Is this what Tia told you?"

Huan Ben Xiajiang pursed his lips and smiled: "Well, she has kissed me since she was a child, and Xiao Wu was too busy with the group's affairs to care about her. This girl used to be very rebellious, so I just stayed with her regardless of the group's affairs. But , I'm still worried about what problems she will have. Fortunately, after meeting Mr. Heiji's daughter, she seems to have met a bosom friend, she began to smile, and most importantly, she began to like studying. "

Heiji was stunned for a moment, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

The music suddenly changed, and the people around began to hug each other tightly and swayed to the music.

Huanben Xiajiang pursed his lips and smiled, and took the initiative to lean against Pingji, leaning into his arms and resting his head on his shoulder.

"Because, this girl has no opponents since she was a child. But after meeting Xiaoya and the others, she lost consecutively in the hands of Xiaoya, Yiyi, Yueyue, Nanai and Weiwei. This girl was finally convinced, why is she so obsessed with them? Smart... Mr. Heiji, do you know what the answer is?"

Heiji was a little helpless. When the woman spoke, she exhaled like a blue orchid, with a hint of temptation like a rose.

"Because they said that this is Mr. Heiji's credit. From childhood to adulthood, you are their most admired father. You taught them everything, and they admire you very much. Because we will often mention Mr. Heiji, Over time, this girl was also influenced and regarded you as an idol."

Huoben Xiajiang leaned against Heiji's arms and swayed gently to the music.

Heiji was stunned for a moment, and then he understood why Hbentia was so attached to him. This education from childhood was like brainwashing her. No wonder she had never seen him before, and she was so enthusiastic when she was in the restaurant for the first time.

Heiji turned to look at Haben Tia, who was hugging Hattori Shizuka, and couldn't help feeling a little pity for that girl.

Maybe the girls wouldn't care too much about letting that girl go to the parent-child center.

"Miss Xia Jiang, I..."

"Mr. Heiji, I..."

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