After the exam, it was ushered in this year... The first snow of the winter.

Rabbit Chuan held the freshly baked report card, tilted his head, and confidently handed it to Mao Lilan.

"That's awesome!" Mao Lilan was really shocked, "Mathematics and science are full marks, English and Chinese are also A, so powerful!"

"Brother Rabbit Chuan is so powerful!" Conan and Youyan.

"Oh?" Maori Kogoro also came over, "Not bad, boy, your deviation value, Upper East University is no problem, right?"

Tuchuan said immodestly: "Haha, it's okay!" "

I have to say that Uncle Maori is really good at talking sometimes.

The reason for Rabbitchuan's good results this time is that the arts and sciences are divided into liberal arts, the universities here are independent enrollment, the liberal arts major will focus on the liberal arts, and the science majors naturally also focus, so with Rabbitchuan's science results, there is no problem at all in taking the physics department of Eastern University.

Maori Kogoro tied his bow tie, looked beautiful in front of the mirror, then picked up the car keys and said to them, "Okay, let's go!" "

Oh, okay."

Maori Kogoro drove everyone in the car, because a certain reasoning crew was responsible for introducing the background of the story to the audience before the opening, and suddenly fell ill today and couldn't come.

Therefore, the director asked the famous Maori Kogoro to serve as the opening statement of the reasoning crew.

In short, Rabbit Chuan felt that this director might be tired of filming a mystery TV series and planned to find inspiration, so he asked Maori Kogoro to go over and shoot him an episode of real murder.

At night, Maori Kogoro stood in front of a lonely villa when a chasing light hit him.

Maori Kogoro said with a deep face: "Good night everyone, I am Detective Maori Kogoro."

"Today's story is set in that bungalow away from the hustle and bustle."

"It's a mystery story of love and hate."

"The focus of the incident is color, and when people buy something, they will unconsciously choose the color they like, even at the scene of the murder."

"Well, see you after our show!"

Saying that, Maori Kogoro winked at the camera.

The director shouted: "Cut!! ", all employees finished work.

"Mr. Māori, it's perfect!" The director compared a big OK, perfect finish.

"Dad, it's so cool!" Maori Lan was excited.

"However, the last blink of the eye has a greasy uncle feeling." Rabbit Chuan complained mercilessly.

Conan nodded along, yes, that action was too redundant.

"What do you two imps know!" Maori Kogoro clenched his fists, he now desperately wanted to punch each of these two bastard bear children.

The director came over with a smile and said, "Great, Mr. Māori, you helped us a lot!"

"Oh, in fact, I have a lot of stage experience, you can always ask me for help if you have anything to do." Maori Kogoro said without modesty, "Besides, I can also be your special guest and participate in this reasoning tour, what do you think?"

"Ah, this..." the director smiled awkwardly but politely.

"It's impossible, Mr. Detective." The male protagonist who plays the detective Kazami Yoshiki said unceremoniously.

He took out his lighter and lit a cigarette: "Because in addition to the widowed master, her coquettish daughter and the aging housekeeper, only the murdered son-in-law and me, the detective, are only five people in total." Rabbit

Chuan counted, five actors, a detective, a victim, plus three suspects, it seems that this director really knows reasoning.

"You speak politely, who is coquettish!" Habara Kasumi, who plays her daughter, is not happy, "This role is just set to be more frivolous!"

Kazami Lianghui directly stunned back: "Hmph, anyway, as long as any role is played by you, it will immediately become a coquettish woman." Nan

Yunxiao, who is the oldest generation here, who plays the old butler, also stood up and said: "Brother Fengmi, please don't say that I am dying of old age, I just turned 60 this year." To

the old-timers, Kazemi Lianghui was equally arrogant: "Hmph, I'm not talking about your age, but about your acting skills." By the way, I heard that it seems to be a very famous actor before.

"What did you say?!" Nanyunxiao was angry.

"Dad, calm down." Nan Yunxiao's son, that is, Nanyun Shinqing, who played the deceased, stood up to play the circle, "The wind sees you too, before you start shooting, don't quarrel."

"Hmph!" Kazemi Yoshiki snorted coldly.

It is worthy of the entertainment industry, it is really wonderful to tear, just watching up close, Rabbit Chuan feels as if he has eaten several mouthfuls of melon.

However, those who dare to be so arrogant in Conan will not survive tonight.

The director glanced at his watch and was worried: "Why hasn't Miss Yucheng come yet?" "

Miss Rain City?" Rabbit Chuan heard the director's words, and now only the heroine has not come.

If it is in rice flower and you are absent from work for no reason, you can basically judge that it is cold, but this is Shizuoka Prefecture, so it should be possible to rescue it.

Mao Lilan excitedly stepped forward and asked: "Excuse me, are you talking about

Miss Yucheng..." Maori Kogoro excitedly pressed his daughter's head: "That Miss Yucheng Ruri, who sits on the first chair of the healing actor?!"

Rabbit Chuan thought to himself, I should really take this picture to Yoko Okino to see, your iron fan, climbed a few walls today.

"Yes," the director looked at Maori Kogoro strangely, "It was Miss Yucheng who asked me to invite you here, I thought you knew each other?"

"Hmph!" Kazami Ryoki spat out a cigarette, "What is not cured, I don't want to be cured by that kind of 37-year-old aunt."

"Oh, I'm also thankful for Bumin!" Rain City Ruriu suddenly appeared behind Kazami Yoshiki, "A down-and-out idol imp like you! "

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