Say the tour group, and the members of the tour group will arrive.

Hattori asked for a long time, only to come up with a clue, that is, their trip turned out to be a promoter, and that person actually ran away the day before the trip.

In the middle of the photograph is an old man holding the tornado scroll, the other four are the dead Mr. Kato and Miss Katagiri, the initiator of the trip, Mr. Hirano, and an unknown man.

The members of the tour group met on Mr. Hirano's website, and they chatted with each other very well, so they decided to have an offline base, and the cosplay after-action show was also proposed by Mr. Hirano, but he himself did not come.

"So, if you want to say that someone is using this trip to kill people, then you might as well ask Mr. Hirano what he thinks."

Leaving such a clue, the three turned and left the crime scene.

Hattori Heiji stared at the photo with a solemn expression, and the suspect had one more, or rather two.

Rabbit River felt that Hattori Heiji thought too much, according to the current situation, what is called Hirano, it must have cooled early, 99.99% is the nameless scorched corpse found by the Osaka Prefectural Police in the moat.

It is estimated that Ke Xue consciousness also felt that Hattori Heiji was pitiful, and suddenly a gust of wind blew up, blowing away Maolilan's umbrella.

Hattori Heiji and Conan looked at the umbrella flying into the sky in awe, blessed to the heart, and looked bright in an instant.

"Hey, Hattori! Maybe we made a big mistake!

"Yes, we would be mistaken, that umbrella is not hinting at the treasure map, but..." Hattori

Heiji and Conan said in unison: "Golden Tang umbrella!!"

Just as everyone went to pick up the umbrella, Hattori and Conan swooped away.

"Oops, this umbrella is broken." Maori Lan found the umbrella.

Maori Kogoro said indifferently: "If it breaks, spoil it, anyway, take the bargain." "

The umbrella ... It has done its best.

Officer Otaki then noticed, "Huh? Where did Brother Heiji go?

Toyama and Ye blushed: "He just ran away with Conan, I think he already knows who the murderer is, because Heiji's face showed that radiant expression again." "

Wait a minute." Maori Kogoro noticed that another person was missing, "What about the Rabbikawa kid?" He also went with him? Picking

up Hattori Heiji's umbrella, Rabbit Chuan put away his cane and quietly left.

The guy from Hattori thought that the umbrella would hinder his speed of chasing people, so he threw it directly, how innocent the umbrella is.

Conan and Hattori ran wildly in the heavy rain, and Conan's calf actually caught up with Hattori Heiji's thigh, and Rabbit River did not follow.

But it doesn't matter, Rabbit Chuan wears Dr. Agasa's special tracking sunglasses and slowly chases them.

When you wear sunglasses, no one loves them.

Anyway, Conan has a detective badge on him, and Rabbit Chuan is not afraid to lose it.

Conan called the hotel where the tour group was staying while running, and learned that there were still two people who had not returned, and turned his head to see the bald old man, Yuhiro Yuya appeared across the road.

Conan prepares to call the police, presses the familiar number, and when he presses the dial button, Hattori stops Conan.

"Don't call the police first, the police will only beat the grass and startle the snake, what if the murderer runs away?" Hattori Heiji looked calm and calm, "This door of truth is better opened by the two of us."

With that, Hattori climbed over the railing, crossed the road, and followed behind the old man of the bad house.

"Hey, hey! Hattori?! Conan couldn't call back, and the back of Hattori Heiji in front of him seemed to coincide with the figure of the young detective group, in short, his heart was so tired!

Conan and Hattori Heiji quietly followed Old Man Badya, but to no avail.

The praying mantis catches the cicada, and the yellow finch is behind.

Secretly, in a place they didn't know, a pair of red-glowing eyes were staring at them deadly.

And behind the yellow finch, there is Rabbit River.

Rabbit Chuan stood in place, black clothes and black umbrella and black sunglasses, almost blending into the night, apparently the professional bad guys did not notice him.

The group of sunspots, their eyes glowing red, Rabbit Chuan felt that they did not look like they were robbing the tiger scroll, but like they were going to rob the tiger charm.

At this moment, a hand suddenly slapped on his shoulder, Rabbit Chuan suddenly turned around, and a pair of sharp eagle eyes appeared in front of his eyes.

"Uncle Hattori?" Rabbit Chuan breathed a sigh of relief, scared, scared, his eyes were so sharp!

"Hmm." Hattori Heizo narrowed his eyes and nodded slightly.

Rabbit Chuan saw that there was no one else behind Hattori Heizo, and the eyes of the squinting uncle were quite good.

Hattori Heizo took Rabbit River and hid in the alley, where he joined the large army on the other side of the alley.

This level is much better than his son's.

After the group of yellow finches chased the praying mantis and gradually walked away, the police eagle dogs chased the smell.

Ginjiro Toyama said helplessly: "Their noses are very smart, they can smell the police, in order not to alarm them and kill them all, we can only follow them not far away."

Rabbit Chuan took off his sunglasses and showed the positioning to Ginjiro Toyama: "Then let's follow the distance and follow this positioning."

Toyama Ginjiro was stunned: "Your sunglasses are quite interesting, tracker?" "

It is a children's anti-wandering positioning artifact, which can locate the accurate location of children in real time." Rabbit Chuan sighed, "Alas, no way, who let Conan that little guy go, and the group of young detectives, alas~ I had to put on them anti-lost badges." "

Toyama Ginjiro is happy, don't say, this little thing is quite useful.

Hattori Heizo knew with just one glance that the cost of this gadget was not low, and it was used by the public security.

No matter how useful the props are, after all, they are still foreign objects, and the iron must be hard by itself, which is the educational philosophy of Hattori Heizo.

Speaking of which, Hattori Heizo doesn't like Kudo Yusaku's American educational philosophy.

What Hawaiian training camp, bells and whistles, did not learn any real skills.

It has to be their kendo, one force down ten times!

When you face gangsters, winning is better than anything, and winning is nothing.

And it turns out that he is right, his son can already be used as bait, and Kudo Yusaku's son ....

Alas, American parents, that is, big hearts, children are like this, still outside the world of two.

Forget it, he can help worry about it.

Hattori Heiji and Conan follow the old man to an abandoned factory building, which is pitch black and nothing can be seen.

"Kudo, you have an anesthesia needle ready." Hattori Heiji was walking in front again, and when he turned around, he found that the person was missing, and called in a low voice, "Kudo? What happened to you? Is it a small solution? Hattori

Heiji saw that the old man of the bad house was going farther and farther, and it would be too late if he didn't chase, so he quickly said: "I'll go first, and when it's convenient for you, I'll follow you yourself!" After saying that, he immediately chased over.

At this time, Conan was grabbed and covered his mouth.

It's over, it's over, it's over the calf, he's really going to send it this time.

Hattori Heiji you are a bad thing, quickly look back, who will go to the toilet at this time!

Conan's face was full of horror, cold sweat, and he didn't even have gin wine... Wait, there is no ginjiu, but his parents have it!

Conan looked up and fixed his eyes, it was actually Officer Otaki?

Turning his head again, his brother, Uncle Toyama, and Hattori Heiji's father, and countless policemen.

Hehe, sure enough, the parents of the world are generally black, fall!

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