"Huh?" The two people walking in front suddenly stopped, "Huh?! "

Why don't you leave?" Rabbit Chuan was about to ask what was wrong, when he saw Mao Lilan running all the way to the stone bridge without taking an umbrella.

Rabbit River looked up, and a roaring figure struggled over the railing of the stone bridge and fell into the river.

Mao Lilan and the distant mountains and leaves grabbed the railing and looked into the river, followed by a familiar call.



Rabbit River held the railing, the river was full of fire, and there was a man floating in the river, motionless, allowing the flames to burn his spine, apparently helpless.

Mao Lilan turned around and accidentally saw a small black man flashing through the small entrance.

In Osaka Castle, Conan and Hattori Heiji launched a carpet search near the castle tower, not even sparing the land, and finally under a wall, Conan picked up a burnt No. 1 battery.

Hattori Heiji looked at the battery and said, "If this is what the deceased had at that time, then he couldn't have committed suicide, this must have been homicide!" "

Hmm." Conan nodded solemnly, suddenly remembering something, squinting at Hattori Heiji, with a bad smile, "I persuade the ministry, I really can't see it, you are actually so afraid of Minister Toyama?"

"What do you know little ghost?" Hattori rolled his eyes.

"Hattori, shouldn't you be..." Conan was stunned, he thought that this kid didn't get the hang of it, but he didn't expect that he would actually please the old man in advance, this kid can do it!

Hattori Heiji quietly said to Conan: "Don't look at Uncle Toyama, he looks amiable and happy all day, but in fact the means are black!" "

The gang of thorns in the Osaka Prefectural Police Criminal Department are all obedient and obedient to him, do you know why?"

Conan shook his head.

Hattori scanned the surroundings vigilantly, making sure that there was no one nearby, and once again lowered his voice and said: "Because those who dare to bubble are thrown into the family registration department, saying that they have been working as a clerk for several years to sharpen their temperament." "

If I enter the police station in the future, I must be a criminal policeman, so I don't go to the household registration department to sit on a cold bench!" Hattori shook in disgust, "Do you say I dare to offend him?" "

Conan: .

. This man is really helpless.

"Hattori..." Conan

was just about to say something when he suddenly heard a familiar call in the distance.

"It's Xiaolan!"

"And Kazuha!"

Conan and Hattori pulled their legs and ran.

Compared with them, the two old fathers rushed to the scene one step ahead, and the sons-in-law ran really slowly.

Before this, Rabbit Chuan specially told Toyama Kazuha not to tell Hattori Heiji about Sensei Scoop.

"Why?" Far Mountain and Ye puzzled.

Rabbit Chuan said, "Because I found out Uncle Toyama, they seem to have other arrangements.

"How could you think that?" Toyama Ginjiro had a solemn expression, and did not forget to greet his daughter, "Kazuha, are you okay?" Yuanshan

and Ye shook their heads: "I'll be fine, Dad." Seeing

Dad, Yuanshan and Ye finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Dad, there was a person on the bridge just now, who lit his coat with a lighter, and then struggled a few times and plunged headlong into the water!"

"Don't worry, Dad is here." Toyama Ginjiro comforted his daughter, and then ordered his subordinates to go down to the river to salvage the body.

The police salvaged the body, and the deceased was the only woman in the tour group, Maho Katagiri.

The people at the police station are nearby, and there are actually dead people again, and the faces of Ginjiro Toyama and Officer Otaki are not very good, could it be that they are looking for the wrong person?

After a simple autopsy investigation, the deceased died on the spot, and the fatal wound came from a heavy blow to the back of the head.

Officer Otaki speculated that after the deceased fell off the bridge, the back of his head hit the pier, causing the deceased to die on the spot.

Toyama Ginjiro asked, "Are you sure she started the fire herself and jumped off?" "

Hmm." Toyama and Ye and Maoliran nodded together.

Rabbit Chuan nodded first, then shook his head and said, "The person we saw really set fire to his coat with a lighter, set himself on fire and fell into the river, but whether Miss Katagiri is also like this, I don't know."

"What do you mean by that?" Maori Kogoro looked surprised.

Rabbit Chuan replied, "Because we only saw the back of the person, but we didn't see the person's face."

"I think someone may have smashed Miss Katagiri to death beforehand, then threw Miss Katagiri's body into the river, and poured gasoline on the body that surfaced."

"After that, the man put on the exact same coat as Miss Katagiri, and when someone passed by, he set himself on fire in front of the person, pretending to be in pain, took the opportunity to throw the lighter into the river, set fire to Miss Katagiri's body, and then jumped into the river himself, potentially in the water, and finally became what we saw."

"Because there are witnesses, even if the police find that the deceased died of a brain blow, they will think that the deceased accidentally hit his head when he fell to cause death on the spot."

Rabbit Chuan said that he was tired, stopped to catch his breath, and let the others digest it well.

Maori Kogoro turned the words around in his head and said, "Although it makes sense, what about the evidence?

Toyama Ginjiro suddenly smiled and said, "This is very simple, just check the burns on the back of the deceased to see if it is a front injury or a postmortem injury, and everything will be revealed." "

Toyama Ginjiro is full of smiles, the young people now are really not to be underestimated!

Toyama and Ye asked, "Then who is the murderer?"

Mao Lilan said: "I saw a dark shadow at the entrance, could that person be the murderer?"

Tuchuan shook his head and said: "He should be a witness prepared by the murderer, after all, this place is so remote, and the murderer's modus operandi, if there are no witnesses, will not work."

"If the murderer who killed Miss Katagiri and Mr. Kato are the same person, then the murderer should be Oda Nobunaga."

"Oda Nobunaga?!" Everyone looked confused, is this a fraudulent corpse?

"I'm talking about Mr. Ribpan, who plays Oda Nobunaga." Rabbit River pointed to the umbrella and said, "Remember the death message of Mr. Kato?" "

Umbrella?" Maori Kogoro said, "Isn't he referring to the Dragon Tiger Stone?"

"He was not so kind, he died to the end, and he didn't forget to share the secret of the treasure map with everyone." Rabbit Chuan couldn't help but complain, how much a public and selfless person can do this kind of thing, "I think what he wants to say is not the dragon tiger stone, but Oda Nobunaga's immediate staff-golden Tang umbrella!"

"Well, you have a point, but..." said Ginjiro Toyama solemnly, "I hope you don't tell anyone else the truth of the matter for the time being."

"Mr. Toyama?"


The Maori father and daughter and Kazuha Toyama did not understand.

Tuchuan said with a smile: "Because the police want to put a long line and catch big fish, they don't want to hit the grass and scare the snake, right?" "

This involves a serial tragedy that happened 13 years ago." Ginjiro Toyama said regretfully, "I didn't expect that the rib plate was the murderer, and he dared to kill the killer under the noses of the police." Maori

Kogoro expressed understanding: "Alas, this is something that no one expected.

Toyama Ginjiro said, "Next, we will keep an eye on the dead ribs, and when the time is ripe, we will kill them all."


"Sister Xiaolan!"

Suddenly, the voices of Hattori Heiji and Conan were heard not far away.

Toyama Ginjiro turned to them and said, "By the way, this matter is kept secret from Pingji.

Toyama and Ye subconsciously said, "Why can't you tell Heiji? "Said, can't they go home?

Toyama Ginjiro's face changed slightly, and he said with a smile: "That kid is anxious and impulsive, which will hinder our actions." "


Isn't it acting, several of them are professional.

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