After a three-hour drive, Rabbit River and they reached Osaka from Tokyo.

Mao Lilan looked left and right in the station: "To East Nine or East Six, where is that bus standing?"

"Sister Xiaolan, let's get out of the stage first." Rabbit River went straight forward.

Mao Lilan was stunned: "Huh? But Hattori said we could change buses directly at the station.

Rabbit Chuan waved his hand: "Oh, how troublesome that is!"

"That said, let's just take a taxi." Maori Kogoro and Rabbikawa have the same idea, it is more troublesome to take a bus, and it is not enough to take a taxi.

Mao Lilan slapped his head: "That's what I said!" After

getting into the taxi, Rabbit Chuan called Toyama and Ye back, and Toyama and Ye didn't say anything, only asked when they arrived.

Rabbit Chuan said, "Oh, we'll be right there. The

stadium was full of people, and the referee shouted: "Noodles! One book! 4-1, Kyoto Senshin High School wins! "

Okita Soji of Kyoto Senshin High School is as imposing as a rainbow, and Toyama and Ye know at a glance that if there is no Heiji, they will definitely lose.

"You're almost there, aren't you? I'm still going to pick you up at the door. "Distant Mountain and Ye Feng ran out of the sword dojo furiously.

Rabbit Chuan stared at the phone in his hand, do you want to send one to Hattori Heiji?

Forget it, don't fight, it's good to surprise him when the time comes.

But Rabbit River didn't fight, Toyama and Ha did, this time without Kudo's fox spirit occupying the line, and Hattori Heiji's phone was connected at once.

"Hello? Heiji, where are you?

"What for? I'm solving a crime.

"Then hurry up, Kudo they'll be there soon."

"What?! You say Kudo they arrived? That's impossible!

"They came by taxi, they will arrive immediately, if you haven't solved the case by then, give me a good chance to come back to the race!!"

Hattori Heiji hung up the phone, now there is no time to grind, can only use that method, quick victory.

Toyama and Ha received the Rabbikawa and Mori family at the entrance of the gymnasium, circled around them, and then asked Moriran, "What about Kudo?" Heiji said Kudo would come too.

"You said Shinichi?" Mao Lilan was stunned, "Haven't you heard?" "

I heard about yo~" Rabbit Chuan raised his hand, "Brother Heiji said that he called Brother Shinichi over, after all, the two of them often make porridge on the phone." "

Oh..." "Oh..."


Lilan and Yuanshan and Ye Er looked indifferent.

Conan sweated coldly, good you Hattori Heiji, and hurt me!

"He, Sister Ye, how is the game?" Conan quickly changed the topic, "Brother Heiji, did he make it to the final?" "

Yes, it's the finals soon, but Heiji..." Toyama and Ye smiled reluctantly, "Heiji is solving the case now."

As soon as he heard that there was a case, Conan didn't care that Hattori Heiji was not shallow in harming people, and quickly asked: "Is it a human life?" Yuanshan

and Ye nodded: "Well, in the dressing room next to the pool, someone was killed." "

Brother Heiji is over there too, right?" Conan looked up and said to Maori Kogoro, "Uncle, let's go and help my brother solve the case, let him come back and concentrate on the game, okay?"

"Okay, okay, just leave it to the detective and let that kid go back to the game." Maori Kogoro patted his chest to assure, but in his heart he was sighing, alas, how to get off the car and encounter a murder, this Osaka really has no time to stop.

Rabbit Chuan looked into the crowd and faintly seemed to see a small black flashing by.

Well...... It's okay, it's just Blackie, it's not a big problem.

Toyama and Ha led them to the dressing room next to the pool, where Officer Otaki of the Osaka Police Department was surveying the scene.

Officer Otaki gave a brief account of the case.

"The deceased was a member of Shinnai University's kendo department, and at first, his classmates Akaguchi, Mianya, and Kotegawa were found in the warehouse for his body."

"After the body was found in the warehouse, the three people immediately left the warehouse, Carcass went to find the head of the kendo department, Crota, Mianyi went to call the police to report the case, and Kotekawa went to call an ambulance, but when they returned to the warehouse, the body disappeared."

"At that time, Kotekawa who went to call an ambulance returned to the warehouse to check the injuries of the deceased, he noticed that there was no one else in the warehouse except the deceased, and then he left the warehouse again."

"The university student at the entrance of the annex said that after Kotegawa left, a strange guy came out of the annex, wearing protective gear on his face and body, but holding a protective gear bag in his hand."

Maori Kogoro understood, "That is, after the carcass, Mianya, and Kotegawa left, the weird man wearing protective gear hid the body in a protective gear bag and moved it from the warehouse in Beguan to the locker room of the swimming pool.

Officer Otaki nodded: "He must not have expected that the body of the deceased would be found so quickly, so he moved the body here."

Rabbit Chuan found a problem: "Officer Otaki, according to what you said, the first crime scene is the warehouse of the annex, are there any clues there?"

"Uh... This..." Officer Otaki froze, it was over, he completely forgot to survey the warehouse.

Rabbit Chuan and Conan were speechless, whether the police officer in Osaka could still do it.

The way to prove whether the warehouse is the first crime scene is very simple, just take the luminol reagent and measure it.

Rabbikawa and Officer Otaki, as well as his subordinates and forensic officers, arrived at the annex with great force.

Before he reached the door of the warehouse, Rabbit Chuan heard a voice in the warehouse and gestured for everyone to stop.

Rabbit Chuan whispered, "I seem to have heard Brother Heiji's voice, and there is another person, who seems to be the murderer."

"What?!" Yuanshan and Ye immediately covered their mouths and lowered their voices, "Heiji, he caught the murderer?" "

Suddenly everyone heard the warehouse clanging, did they start fighting?

Tu Chuan shook his head: "No, let's walk over carefully and eavesdrop at the door to see what is being said inside."

Toyama and Ye nodded, and everyone crouched in the doorway, unaware of it, Heiji Hattori, who was performing an impassioned reasoning show.

"You drugged Tasumi's wine beforehand and sprinkled him with red paint, making others mistakenly think that Tasumi was hacked to death."

"After everyone leaves, you come back alone, shove the katana stained with red paint into Katana in Yumi's hand, wake up Tasumi, and then let Yusumi see the bloody dummy wearing the 'crotch' brand protective gear."

"Just like that, Atsumi mistakenly thought that he was drunk and hacked his crotch to death."

"Then you give him the idea to put on a protective gear to cover his face, and move the body of 'crotch' to the changing room next to the swimming pool and hide."

"And you rush to the dressing room first, wait until you get to the dressing room, and kill Tasumi in the dressing room."

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