A brand new day begins~

Because Rabbit, Conan and Morilan defeated the robots, saved the world, and achieved a big victory in human history, Maori Kogoro decided to celebrate their success and take them out to relax.

Target, hot spring town, go!

Well, that's how it should be.

However, under the dark night sky, goose-feathered snow has fallen.

Knock knock, thunderous drums.

Rabbit Chuan's group sat on a row of benches, and in front of them, a group of people draped in sacks and holding torches danced around the bonfire.

Rabbit Chuan held his arm and froze, Maori Kogoro hugged himself and trembled his upper and lower teeth, Conan in small shorts shivered with his bare legs, as for Maori Lan... I have to say that the girls here are really forbidden to freeze.

"It's really cold!" Rabbit Chuan looked up at the sky.

When they left Tokyo, it was still July, and the sky was getting cooler, so how did they get to Shizuoka Prefecture and suddenly it became the middle of winter?

Rabbitakawa : Hmph, if there is no world-conscious pot in it, I will eat the pot!

World Awareness: Shh

Bang bang, together with the drums, the village chief stood next to them and said: "In the Warring States period, there was a military general named Dashi Hideto.

"General Hidetomo once spoke to his lord Ohara Genmu to persuade him to abolish the harsh government that poisoned the people, but Xuanwu was furious and killed all the members of General Hidetomo's family in a fit of anger."

"In desperation, General Xiuyou put on the armor of the expedition, slashed Xuanwu, and then stabbed the knife into the throat and committed suicide."

"To this day, General Hidetomo's ghost is still roaming the world, and anyone who sees his ghost is said to end up dead."

"This Rushing Xiuyou Requiem Festival was held to provide for the unjust soul of General Xiuyou."

"The robes used in this sacrificial dance symbolize the armor that General Hideyou wore when he swung his sword and slashed at Xuanwu."

"Really, we obviously came to soak in the hot spring, why are we watching the festival dance here" Maori Kogoro put his collar up, and his whole face shrunk into the collar.

Tuchuan sighed deeply: "It's not because of bad weather, heavy snow blocking the mountain, we have to stay in the village." "

Moreover, the village is holding the annual Requiem Festival for Rushing Slip Show Friends, and no one cares about them at all, and they are not familiar with life in the wilderness here, so they can only go to the countryside first and follow the customs, so that they can get an explanation."

After saying that, Rabbit Chuan looked at the person sitting behind them, dressed quite stylishly, obviously not from this village, but fortunately, tonight there is a fall.

"And today is the 500th anniversary of General Hidetomo's death, so please enjoy this requiem dance slowly." After saying that, the village chief turned around and left, in short, without watching the Requiem Festival, it was impossible to let them enter the house.

In the flying snow, red torches flew up and down, and Mao Lilan was fascinated: "It feels so dreamy~

" "Xiaolan, let's go." Maori Kogoro couldn't bear it anymore, he was about to freeze to death.

Rabbit Chuan said in a very determined tone: "But the pass to the hot spring and the road back to the city must have been blocked by heavy snow, where else can we go now?"

Conan also said: "And there are no hotels nearby, so let's wait for the requiem festival to end and go to the village chief's house!" "

This..." Maori Kogoro looked back at the group of demons dancing, "Oh, when is this going to end?"

"That..." the blue-clothed young man sitting behind Rabbit Chuan interjected, "Actually, not far ahead, there is a family surnamed Gate, and I am also planning to go there, if you don't dislike it, I can take you with you." "

Rabbit Chuan opened his mouth slightly, big brother, do you know what you are talking about?

In this way, the blue-clothed young man got into Maori Kogoro's car, and the group set off towards the gate house.

"Can we really go together?" Mao Lilan was a little apprehensive, "It's so late now, let's bother rashly, isn't it?"

The young man in blue said: "It's better to go together, in fact, the owner of the gate family is the president of the gate industry, but his reputation is not very good, in order to make money, he will stop at nothing and scold his family." Maori

Kogoro's eyes changed slightly: "A president with a bad reputation?" Little things, I have seen this kind of person a lot.

Rabbit Chuan nodded, well, basically saw it once, there is no next time.

"But you really know." Mao Lilan said with a smile.

The blue-clothed young man turned around and said, "It's not a secret, in fact, I am the youngest son of the Daimon family, and my name is Daimon Lianglang, but I haven't been home for several years." "

Along the way, the gate is good all kinds of diss his father, go home and don't forget to bring a big gift to his father, Rabbit Chuan can't help but give a thumbs up, this is a filial piety!

Mori Kogoro drove to the Daimon family's mansion, where he saw a historic Japanese-style mansion.

Tu Chuan followed the gate Lianglang into the courtyard, watching the falling snow on the side, quite quiet, and murmured: "If you spill a little red plum, maybe there is another style?" "

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