Conan and Mauriland opened their eyes one after another.

"Conan, are you all right?" Maori Lan picked up Conan.

"I'll be fine, Sister Xiaolan." Conan turned his head to look at Rabbitchuan, "What about brother Rabbitchuan?"

"It's okay, it's too good." Rabbit Chuan stood up, this should be considered the resurrection point of the game, and his feet returned.

Mao Lilan asked strangely, "Huh? What about the stars? "

Oh, the stars, he..." Conan was about to explain.

"Okay, let's go!" Noah's Ark interrupted Conan's words, raised his hand to open the light door, and immediately threw the three players out of the gate, "Goodbye, it's good to go."

Maori Lan didn't know why, but her intuition told her that there was the exit: "Let's go, Dad, Mr. Yusaku, and Dr. Agasa, they must be in a hurry." Mao

Lilan led Conan and pulled Rabbit River towards the gate.

"Then, goodbye." Conan suddenly looked back at Noah's Ark, "You'll always be here, right?"

Noah's Ark shook his head slightly: "If my kind of computer continues to exist, it will only be used by adults to do bad things, and now it is not the era when artificial intelligence should appear." "

Noah's Ark made a decision from the beginning, and this game is Hiroki's last wish and the last and most glorious trace of the world it left with his life.

"Let's go, go back to your world." Noah's Ark held back tears, "When you wake up, please tell everyone one thing, real life is not as simple as games."

Conan nodded solemnly to Noah's Ark, "Let's go, Sister Xiaolan, brother Rabbitchuan."

Mao Lilan looked down at Conan and then at the child: "What about that child, won't he leave with us?"

"It..." Conan was very reluctant, but felt that Noah's Ark was right.

Rabbit Chuan glanced back at Noah's Ark and said with a smile: "It's also going to see its father."

Conan looked at Rabbit Chuan blankly: "It seems... Mao

Lilan laughed, "That's great." The

figures of Conan and Morilan disappeared into the light gate, and Noah's Ark smiled gratifyingly: "Goodbye, Kudo Shinichi."

Rabbit Chuan stood in the light curtain and did not speak to Noah's Ark from beginning to end, because they... Come to Japan!

"Xiao Nuo."


You seem to be very happy."

[Happy? 【

Well, yes

, because Hagiwara said that Kojinpei was happy when he was on vacation, and Kono was also happy when he was on vacation. "

Matsuda? Can he still take vacation? "

[Looking up Matsuda Jinpei's merit value for you... Looking for it, please wait a minute...]

"No, you don't have to."

Rabbit Chuan stepped out of the light curtain and opened his eyes again, his consciousness had returned to the real world, the game capsule began, and all he heard was the sound of joy.

Kudo Yuzuo appeared in front of Rabbitikawa and reached out to take Rabbitakawa out, saying, "It's great that you're safe and sound."

Conan also walked in front of Rabbit Chuan: "Brother Rabbit Chuan is so powerful, swoosh, kick, kick Jack the Ripper!"

Rabbit Chuan was stunned, huh? How did he think that the old brother was secretly accusing him in front of his uncle?

As it turns out, that's it.

Conan gave his father a look, you don't care about this bear child?

This small body, he actually dared to force Jack the Ripper, that is Jack the Ripper, he has a knife in his hand!

"Hahaha!" Kudo Yusaku burst out laughing, "It's brave!" "

After praising my nephew, I lowered my head and returned my son's eyes, smash, let's not talk about the second brother, you two are half a pound and eight taels."

"Brother Rabbit Chuan, thank you for saving us." The three little ones ran over to thank them.

Rabbit Chuan smiled and encouraged them: "Well, you guys are brave too.

"Haha, this game is really fun!" Ayumi turned to ask, "Right, Haibara-san?"

Haibara lamented: "It's better to have the real world." "

Xiaolan!" Maori Kogoro's tears rang out, "It's great that you're okay!"

"Dad..." Mauriran turned to comfort the old father.

Everyone in the venue was immersed in the joy of being lost and regained, only the stars were confused, who could tell him what happened?

Suddenly, an ethereal electronic sound sounded in the venue, and Noah's ark was disappearing.

Conan felt something, looked up at the sky, and murmured, "Rest in peace, Noah's Ark."

Rabbit Chuan senses that the game world has been shattered, and as he wishes, the fragments carry the otherworldly people through the barriers, hoping to return to their world.

Rabbit Chuan left the space for the Kudo father and son, walked to the side and said, "Kono! "

[I'm here.] "

Launch the system, search for the keyword "Noah's Ark", scope "full real world", target... Remove Noah's Ark completely. "

Yes, searching for data sources, locking, deleting...]

Rabbit Chuan looked at the sky: "Science is forbidden magic. [

Delete complete.]

"And the real world doesn't need magic..." [

Brother, welcome to hell. 】

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