Rabbit Chuan closed the file and continued, "Mrs. Hudson said that today is September 30th, and coupled with the conversations of the agents, I think what we have just encountered is the two consecutive killings that occurred in the early morning of September 30, 1888.

Mao Lilan was afraid, she had seen so many cases, but she had never encountered such a horrific case, but in order to solve the case, in order to clear the game, she still asked: "What kind of case is that?"

Tu Chuan held his chin and recalled: "Today in history, at one o'clock in the morning, a coachman found a female corpse near his home. Unlike the first two victims, the 44-year-old woman had her throat slit and died of excessive blood loss in the left neck artery without being caesarean section.

Rabbit Chuan paused: "I think this is the corpse we encountered when we first entered the game." Rabbit

Chuan felt that Noah's Ark was probably to protect the children's young minds, so he directly moved the timeline and took out the least harmful corpse, because for the normal game process, the player has to start the investigation from the first murder of Jack the Ripper.

Noah's Ark is too small to look at the children of Mihua Town, but it is just an ordinary corpse, and our rice flower town is all over the ground, what is there to be afraid of.

Simple murders have long been commonplace for them, and when they first enter the game, the feeling of facing an open chestnut impact is called exciting.

Thinking of this, Rabbit Chuan shook his head, and then said: "When we first arrived at Baker Street, the detectives on the side of the road said that someone had found a second body, and two murders occurred in a row within an hour.

"According to historical records, at about 1:45 a.m., a female corpse was found in Bishop's Square, also cut her throat and abdomen, her intestines thrown to her right chest, in addition to which she was also deprived of part of her uterus and kidneys."

"From the perspective of criminal psychology, serial homicides have a certain pattern, and as the number of cases increases, the crime gradually escalates, from simple disembodiment to taking off internal organs, and the case committed by Jack the Ripper does conform to this law."

"The first murder was solved by us, and the murderer escaped, but in less than an hour, the murderer completed the second murder, and the completion of the second murder is very high, which shows that the murderer is not only arrogant, but also should have some surgical knowledge."

Rabbit Chuan said in one breath, looked down, couldn't help but take a step back, the friends were staring at him straight, strange and scary.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"That's it, I just feel that Brother Rabbit Chuan is so powerful!" The three little ones were so excited that although they couldn't understand it, they felt that Brother Rabbit Chuan would definitely win.

Mao Lilan smiled and said, "Yes, the way you talk is like Shinichi." Rabbit

Chuan glanced at Conan, because of the theatrical version effect?

Miss Xiaolan, I forgot Kudo Shinichi to death recently, and now it is estimated that my mind is full of Kudo Shinichi, and everyone can think of Shinichi.

"You, who the hell are you?" Stars Hideki broke free from his stunned friends.

Rabbit Chuan turned his head to look at the stars Xiushu, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly: "Do you really not know, or do you fake not know?" "

Huh?" The stars Hideki was stunned, he really didn't know, did they know each other? Don't know, right?

Tu Chuan hugged his arms to his chest and smiled proudly: "Your grandfather calls me brother, so according to the generation, you should call me uncle and grandpa." "

Huh?!" Before Hideki the stars could speak, his friends exploded, "Stars, is it really fake?" "

Uh..." Shuxing Hideki silently counted the generation, "It seems to be right."

Rabbit Chuan is proud, little sample, play with me, you are still tender!

Conan hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Brother Rabbitchuan, show me the file?" "

Brother, we're almost done, don't fool people and children, the deputy director of the Star Police is still watching outside."

Rabbit Chuan handed the file to Conan, and what he said was not wrong, a few days ago, I met the deputy director of the Stars Police in the Metropolitan Police Department, but he just patted him on the shoulder and said: "Brother Rabbit Chuan, it is worthy of being young, and my uncontending subordinates have caused you trouble." Therefore

, Rabbit Chuan feels that his life is not wrong at all.

And the deputy police chief or something, and Hattori Heiji's father Osaka Prefectural Police Chief is only at the same level, which is one level lower than Detective Hakuba's father, the police chief Hakuba, there is nothing to be afraid of.

In fact, the tutoring of the deputy police chief of the stars is very strict, and the family of the stars all serve in the police service, which is the light of justice that shines for the peace of Tokyo.

It's just that the security of Tokyo, everyone understands, the police station is 365 days a year, plus intermittent 007, there is no time to accompany the stars Hideki.

Stars Hideki is just a child who lacks the company of his family, the crying child has sugar to eat, and the child who can make trouble is managed, so he turns himself into a bear child, and Rabbit Chuan is understandable.

Rabbit Chuan believes in the Star Family, not the kind of bad people that Noah's Ark said, after all, this year, there is no dream, no pursuit, no sense of justice, who will think so much and run over to mix the police world? Isn't it fragrant to go to politics and business to make money?

Rabbit Chuan thought that this should be the reason why Noah's Ark chose Hideki the stars, because Hideki the stars don't need a game transformation at all, what he needs is a mixed doubles that his parents love.

Conan opened the file, and the record in the file was similar to the record of the Jack the Ripper case he had seen in reality.

However, Conan saw a photo, and two rings of the same size were found at the scene of the second murder.

Conan looked down and saw the notes Sherlock Holmes had written in the file.

"Jack the Ripper plunged London into panic and caused social unrest never seen before. But why did the murderer call himself "Jack the Ripper" submit articles to the newspaper? Why do we have to cause social unrest? I'm sure there must be something shady in this case. "

Shady ... Shady?! Conan suddenly woke up, "Speaking of the biggest shady scene of this era, isn't it Professor Moriarty, is he even in this game?"

Maori Lan said, "Conan, you said Professor Moriarty?

"I said a few of you, don't play dumb riddles there without thinking about yourself." Takizawa couldn't bear it anymore and stood up, "Who is that Moria's professor?"

Conan said seriously: "He is Sherlock Holmes's old enemy, Professor Moriarty rules the dark corners of London, most of London's crime cases are related to it, he is the head of London's criminal syndicate, "Napoleon of crime."

Mauriland said, "So, is it Professor Moriarty who is behind Jack the Ripper?" But Professor Moriarty never shows up in front of people, how do we find him?

"We can't find a professor, but we can find someone who can reach him." Conan looked very excited, his eyes shining, "For example, Colonel Sebastian Moran." "

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