Shiratori Renzaburo got up and sent him: "Please go slowly, Aunt Sato."

"Haha, no need to send it, you guys have a good chat." Mrs. Sato smiled, this young man is really good.

Miwako Sato fidgeted, nervously holding the phone, please, Yumi, not that I will call my little brother to save me, why hasn't it arrived yet?!!

It's so embarrassing to go on a blind date with a colleague, she almost pulled out of the Metropolitan Police Department with that toe on the ground!

However, who is Yumi's younger brother?

"So it is!" Shiratori Renzaburo suddenly spoke up, and Miwako Sato was frightened, "It turns out that the princess waited for the arrival of the warrior to save the beautiful princess from the hands of me, the big demon king?" Miwa

Sato laughed and said, "Haha, what are you talking nonsense?" Seeing

Miwako Sato pretending to be stupid, Shiratori Renzaburo said helplessly: "Okay, I see that this is done." If Takagi can really come over, I will quit, but if he is afraid to come over because he is afraid, then you will marry me as my wife, what do you think?

"Why, why did you bring Takagi in?" Miwako Sato looked dazed.

"Can't you?" Shiratori Renzaburo saw that Miwako Sato was in deep thought, looking very nerve-wracking, and quickly changed his tone and laughed, "Haha, I see you're too nervous, just kidding."

Unexpectedly, Miwako Sato actually answered: "Okay, no problem."

This time, Shiratori Ren Saburo looked stunned: "You, do you know what you are talking about?"

"Of course I know what I'm talking about." Miwako Sato sat down, "If Takagi comes, even if you lose, you must quit, if he does not come, I will marry you and be your wife with peace of mind." "

Shiratori Renzaburo is in a complicated mood at this time, a little excited, but more heartache, do you trust him so much, Miwako?

Miwako Sato smiled and said, "Since it's a bet, let's set a time limit, just limit the sun to set, how?"

Rabbit Chuan and Conan personally lay on the door like a signal grid, revealing a melon eating expression.

"Wow, it's getting more and more interesting, those two men fighting for one woman!" Suzuki Sonoko held his face and died of excitement, "One is a handsome and golden senior, and the other is a simple and simple junior, it feels like the plot in an idol drama, Officer Sato is so happy!"

"But what if Officer Takagi doesn't come?" Mao Lilan was very worried, how could Officer Sato bet on such a thing!

"Maybe Officer Sato originally wanted to marry Officer Shiratori?" Sonoko Suzuki smiled and said, "Officer Shiratori is a rich boy who often comes to my family's banquets!"

Morilan said worriedly, "However, I still think that Officer Sato and Officer Takagi are more suitable." Seeing

that Mao Lilan was so worried, Shindeki Zhiming spoke: "Since she dares to bet, it means that she is sure of everything."

Tu Chuan dismantled the stage on the side and said: "Ten to nine stable, isn't that the same as ten tips to know nine tips, I don't know anything, I don't see stability at all."

Mao Lilan covered his mouth in surprise: "Huh? So what can I do? Tu

Chuan took out his mobile phone, lowered his head and began to edit the information: "So you can't be too honest, today I will teach you a trick, if someone has to choose between A and B, then you must tell him loudly, I choose C for this question!"

Rabbit Chuan looked at a good show, pressed the send button, life must not follow the flow, by himself in the multiple-choice question.

In the next room, Shiratori Renzaburo frowned and gambled and said, "Since you said so, then it is so decided." Miwako

Sato was proud: "Well, in a word, it's hard to chase a horse!" "

Miwako Sato was relieved, smiling exceptionally brightly, absolutely can't be wrong, Yumi said that the little brother must be Takagi, if it is him, he will definitely come to pick me up, definitely... Huh? Certain? Why?

And at this time, Takagi did not know that Miwako Sato had handed over her fate to him, and he was now worrying about the case that broke out in front of him, suspect ABC, which one should he choose?

Takagi Wataru and Officer Chiba, today was supposed to visit Yonehana Town to investigate a case, but at the end of the investigation, someone happened to rob a convenience store, he and Officer Chiba chased all the way, and finally blocked the robber in a public toilet, but there were three people in the toilet at that time, and the witnesses' testimony was completely different, what should I do?

Officer Chiba suddenly remembered: "By the way, Takagi, Yumi just called and asked you to see the information.

Takagi scratched his head anxiously: "I'm busy now, how can I have the mind to read her text messages, anyway, it's not a big deal, it must be asking me to sing together or something." Gee, really, it shouldn't be, how could the testimony be different? "

On the side of the Water Capital Building, Shiratori Renzaburo specially called the Twilight Police Department to confirm the situation of Takagi Wataru.

Miwako Sato learned that when Takagi was visiting, she suddenly encountered a convenience store robbery, the key is that Takagi guy can't find out who the prisoner is, and he wants to call Takagi in a fit of anger.

"No, you're foul and unfair to me." Shiratori Renzaburo grabbed Miwako Sato's hand, "Don't worry, he will definitely rush over after solving the case, or do you not believe him at all?"

Miwako Sato awkwardly withdrew her hand, put away the phone and said, "Cai, no, haha..."

Shiratori Renzaburo sat back, "However, the police officer who is on duty will inevitably be punished if he leaves his post without permission.

"I remember that he had already been punished once some time ago, and if he was punished again, I am afraid that he would have to leave, if even then he decided to rush here... Oh, I respect him as a man.

In the next room, Sonoko Suzuki gloated, "Wow! It's really a classic progression of idol dramas!

Maori Lan said in disgust: "Garden! You really are, I can't stand you!

"Shh! Be quiet. "Shindeki Zhiming is also helpless, these two girls are really lively.

Conan said, "I'll go to the bathroom." "I want to urinate directly.

Rabbit River knew at a glance that Conan must have gone to Takagi as a foreign aid, and it was in the identity of Kudo Shinichi, how could this work!

Rabbit Chuan rolled his eyes, hehe, picked up the phone and called Takagi first.

And at this time, Conan, who was sitting on the toilet, had already put on an earring-type mobile phone, holding a bow voice changer in one hand, pressing the phone number with the other, ready to do a big job, his family Xiaolan's CP, absolutely cannot BE!

"Toot - Toot - Sorry, the number you made is on the call, please dial again later." Sorry, the number you dialed is busy...'

Conan: ... Huh? Heavenly death Takagi too!

On the other side, Takagi Wataru, who received Rabbit Chuan's call, burst into tears with excitement, Rabbit Chuan brother, help, Rabbit River brother!

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