Conan was flustered, how so?

Conan knelt beside Yue Yexue, who had fainted, carefully observed Yue Yexue's situation, his face turned pale, his hands were shaking, he was covered in cold sweat, and his pulse was beating fast.

Conan originally thought that these were all manifestations of pre-confession syndrome, but now that he remembered it, when he entered the door, Yue Yexue was drinking water, could it be that she was taking poison at that time?

What kind of poison is it? Potassium cyanide? Caustic soda?

No, no, the symptoms are not right, her symptoms are a bit like hypoglycemia... By the way, it's a hypoglycemic drug!!

It is a medicine for diabetics, if it is given to normal people, blood sugar will decrease, if this symptom persists for too long, it will eventually lead to death.

Miss Xiaoxue, she planned to commit suicide from the beginning!

"Abominable! I must not let you die! "Conan began to rummage through the cabinets, how could he die because of that pathetic misunderstanding!

Conan had been enduring, he had learned the lesson of the previous butterfly manor and did not tell Yue Yexue about it.

In fact, Miss Kaoru and Mr. Kenzaki are fake engagements, and the person that Miss Kaoru really likes is Mr. Makuma, and they all do this to force Mr. Makuma to face his feelings.

In short, this is another yin and yang mistake, Yue Yexue misunderstood, she killed the wrong person!

Conan grabbed a bag of white sugar, bit open the bag, poured it into Yue Yexue's mouth, and poured a glass of water.

"Hold on! Miss Xiaoxue, you must hold on! Conan

rescues people in the kitchen, while Rabbit Chuan takes everyone to watch the live broadcast of the entertainment station.

On the TV, Ma Kuma, surrounded by reporters, cried bitterly and said, "She is very important to me, I can't lose her..." Yoko

Okino was excited: "Kaoru Kokau, she succeeded!"

Hoshino Terumi looked surprised: "That kind of plan to fool fools fools actually succeeded?"

Rabbit Chuan said with a smile: "This is called tribulation to see the truth, Mr. Ma Xiong is not afraid of his own grievances, can silently stay by the side of his beloved, just watch his beloved happy, he is afraid that his loved one will be hurt."

Kenzaki Shu finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Great, that guy finally recognized, if he doesn't recognize it again, I'm afraid that Kaoru can pull me to get married next time, but it's over..."

Call an ambulance quickly, Miss Xiaoxue she took the wrong medicine and passed out in the kitchen!

"What did you say?!" The crowd was flabbergasted.

Rabbit Chuan said: "Miss Xiaolan, go and call the Twilight Police Department back and let him take Miss Xiaoxue to the hospital by the way." "Good

!" Maori Lan turned and ran.

The front foot of the police department had just gone out, and he was about to go to the hospital to visit Kusano-smoke, but before he got on the elevator, he was pulled back by Mao Lilan and said that Yue Yexue fainted, and quickly rushed back and used a police car to send Yue Noxue to the hospital where Kusano-smoked.

Blocking the door of the hospital to entertain the reporter, come to work, come to live again, add chicken legs to the photographer!

Rabbit River saw Yoko Okino burst into tears, but felt that she was in a good mood, and before she could ask what was going on, she heard Yoko Okino say: "Great, from now on we will be friends of life and death!"

Rabbit Chuan didn't know why: "Huh? What's the solution here?

Yoko Okino said of course: "We are best friends, isn't it normal for best friends to love and kill each other because of misunderstanding?"

"Uh..." Rabbit Chuan found some classic cases, "It seems to be so..."

Forget it, don't care, Kusano-Smoker has no intention of deceiving first, Yue Yexue misunderstood without authorization, Yue Yexue let Kusano-Smoked take a trip from the ghost gate pass, and now he also walks from the ghost gate once, just as a report for a report.

Rabbit Chuan was actually worried that Yoko Okino was excited, took his girlfriends to the mansion together, and then came to a zombie idol combination or something after death, and achieved "good girlfriends, one life, next life." ".

Yoko Okino almost broke her skills, how could she have such a terrible idea as such a kind, cute, law-abiding, honest and friendly delicate girl?

Rabbit Chuan was noncommittal, so he had to say: "If Kusanofu doesn't want to pursue it, don't forget to go to the police station to withdraw the case, don't talk nonsense casually, waste police resources, the police station in Yonehua Town is very busy."

Yoko Okino immediately said obediently, "Okay, I see." Yue

Yexue was in a coma for two days before slowly opening his eyes.

A lot happened during this period, Kusano-san and her agent Kuma-atsu announced their marriage, and announced that the prisoner was a fat and short aunt, and because the other party may be her fan, as a star she herself also has certain responsibilities, so she decided to retire and get married.

After Yue Yexue woke up, the girlfriend foursome opened the story, everyone was at fault, and they paid the price for it, and they will still be good girlfriends for life in the future.

Yoko Okino: In the next life, too!

By the way, Yukino said that Terumi Hoshino had once rejected Osamu Kenzaki's confession, and she liked the younger little white face.

Yoko Okino silently put away the knife, oh, it turned out that her best friend dumped Kenzaki Shu, so miserable Kenzaki Shu.

It's very miserable, Rabbit River counts, Yukino Yuki likes Osamu Kenzaki, Kusano-san uses Osamu Kenzaki, Hoshino Terumi dumps Osamu Kenzaki, and Yoko Okino wants to sword Osamu Kenzaki.

Generally, a man like this who has a relationship dispute with four women basically can't live for one episode, congratulations to Osamu Kenzaki for escaping.

And Conan, who was far away next to the police car, was full of excitement, big summer, why is it a little cold?

"What?! Officer Sato went on a blind date?! Moriland and Sonoko Suzuki were stunned.

Yumi Miyamoto, who was sitting in the police car, said, "yes, I think Miwako should be dressed up and sit face to face with that blind date now, right?"

Conan stepped forward and asked, "Excuse me, who is her blind date?"

Miyamoto Yumi said: "Miwako she didn't know herself, she said she didn't even look at it, she just smoked from a large pile of photos."

"So, isn't it a stranger you don't know at all?" Maori Land and Suzuki Sonoko were even more worried.

Miyamoto Yumi was not very worried, and comforted them: "It's okay, only men who can't find a girlfriend will come on a blind date, I think the other party must be a simple and old-fashioned uncle."

"Not necessarily, maybe the other party is a young and handsome rich boy with similar interests as Officer Sato!" Rabbit River means something.

Miyamoto Yumi said: "How is it possible, like that kind of golden turtle son-in-law, how can it be reduced to the point of blind date."

"Maybe that's it, this kid is very clever about this kind of thing." Sonoko Suzuki held her heart in her hands, "It's romantic to fall in love at first sight with strangers you don't know!" "

Garden!" Mao Lilan dragged his girlfriend, who was different from me, and tired.

"Didn't Officer Takagi do anything?" Maori Lan was a little disappointed, "Alas, I thought Officer Takagi would take action after knowing that Officer Sato went on a blind date?"

"No, Takagi doesn't know yet!" Miyamoto Yumi waved her hand, "Miwako didn't want to go on a blind date at all, just had a meal, so she didn't tell the people in the police station about it." After all, Miwako's guy is very popular in the bureau, and if he doesn't do it, it will cause a big riot in the Metropolitan Police Department!

Rabbit River thought to himself, well, it is in the arms of the highest person in charge of the Sato Miwako defense line.

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