Maori Kogoro rubbed his face and stood up: "Abominable! How can there be a stone here?

Rabbit Chuan asked, "Are you all right?"

However, Rabbikawa asked not Maori Kogoro, but the little monk who was kicked by Maori Kogoro.

Mao Lilan covered his mouth and exclaimed: "God, Dad, you kicked Jizo Bodhisattva down!" Maori

Kogoro held his hip shaft with a painful expression: "What kind of bodhisattva do you care, come and help me!"

Mao Lilan hurriedly bowed to the Buddha statue: "Sin and sin, bodhisattva is not strange... What to do, you will definitely be blamed by the bodhisattva, right?

Tu Chuan said indifferently: "Sister Xiaolan, you don't have to worry, Jizo Bodhisattva is a good bodhisattva who even all the living beings in hell can save, and he will definitely not blame his uncle."

Mao Lilan frowned, still worried: "Even if you say so, I still feel a little hairy in my heart, and I always feel that something bad is going to happen."

Conan also raised a smile and said: "Sister Xiaolan, don't worry, the Buddha statue was not kicked down by the uncle, it was originally fallen here, and it was the bodhisattva who tripped the uncle."

Rabbit Chuan nodded: "So to be precise, Uncle Maori did not kick the Jizo Bodhisattva down, but kicked the Jizo Bodhisattva's head." Mao

Lilan's heart was terrified, how to hear them say this, he felt that his father was even more sinful.

Conan laughed helplessly, Xiaolan was still so afraid of these gods and ghosts, but where in the world are there any ghosts!

Falling to the ground was a small Buddha statue about two feet tall, which was supposed to sit on a stone platform beside the road, but was now lying on the ground.

And in the eyes of Rabbit Chuan, there is a three-inch tall little monk sitting next to the Buddha statue with a dejected face, full of big bags, the big bag is taller than a person, and he was kicked when he saw it, which is really funny... Ahem, Rabbit Chuan held back a smile, what a pitiful look!

The little monk walked unhurriedly to Rabbit Chuan and performed a Buddhist salute with his palms together: "Amitabha Buddha, the humble monk fell forward, and I have seen the Rabbit River Hall."

Rabbit Chuan nodded slightly, and the former mage who was born from the statue of the Bodhisattva of Jizo, Rabbit Chuan came precisely after receiving the commission of the former fallen mage.

Speaking of which, the former fallen mage's commission is very simple, that is, he wants to find someone to help him up, and he is always lying on the ground and being kicked, which is really a headache.

This matter is simple to say, but after Rabbit Chuan understood the situation, he found that this was really a headache, because the former fallen jizo has become part of the legend, in addition to using physical methods, it is also necessary to start from the legend.

Amuro first helped Maori Kogoro up, turned around and squatted down next to Moriran, and said, "Although I don't know why Jizo Bodhisattva fell to the ground, how about we lift it up?"

Mao Lilan suddenly brightened up in an instant: "Yes, you must quickly help the bodhisattva up!" "

After saying that Morilan and Amuro are going to lift up the Buddha statue, Rabbitakawa is a little looking forward to it, won't his commission be completed?"

"Ah! Can't help ah! A somewhat familiar voice stopped the duo from doing good deeds without leaving a name.

Rabbit Chuan sighed slightly, sure enough, things were not that simple, but he still wanted to work harder.

A gray-green car approached from a distance, and the people in it shouted, "If you lift up that Jizo Bodhisattva, you will be punished by heaven!" "

Huh?" Amuro Toru and Morilan have already helped halfway, Rabbit Chuan stretched out his hand and pushed, Bang, Bodhisattva reset!

"Babble——! They all said that they couldn't help, why did you still hold it up! The people in the car shouted in panic, "That's the former Bodhisattva who was used to suppress evil spirits!"

Everyone looked dazed: "Fall forward? Jizo Bodhisattva? The

crooked-mouthed driver poked his head out and said, "Yes, it's just... Hey? Aren't you the detective I almost arrested last time?

"It turned out to be a rookie police officer from Gunma Prefecture." Maori Kogoro took off his sunglasses, recognized the person in the car as a mountain village police officer from the Gunma Prefectural Police Station, and said indifferently, "Isn't it disrespectful to hold up a Buddha statue and let the bodhisattva fall to the ground and gnaw mud?" The

mountain village police officer's expression was serious: "You foreigners don't understand, this is the legendary Toushen Forest!"

Mao Lilan asked cautiously, "What is the head god?"

The mountain village police officer said in a gloomy tone: "The so-called head god is a kind of plague that causes headaches, and it is said that people who have troubles will be confused by the head god as soon as they enter the forest, and there is no way to get out of this forest!" Therefore, it has become a suicide destination.

"After that, the villagers wanted to use the Bodhisattva who had fallen to suppress those undead who committed suicide, and once they were lifted up, they would definitely attract the undead and lead to disaster!" After speaking, the mountain village police officer himself trembled, "It's terrible, it's really terrible!"

Amuro's expression was difficult to say, it was said that this person was a police officer in Gunma Prefecture?

Mao Lilan had already seen the sign standing behind the Buddha statue, which said "Don't hold it up", and suddenly felt a chill, could it be that she had attracted the undead?

Rabbit Chuan said indifferently: "What is there to be afraid of, Uncle Maori is also a famous plague!" What kind of gods and evil spirits, they dare not come out to do something!

Rabbit Chuan glanced at the top of Maori Kogoro's head, and the little monk was already sitting on it chanting, probably wanting to suppress this plague.

As for why it didn't sit on Conan's head. What else can it be, of course, because it doesn't dare! Hahaha!

"Stinky boy, what are you talking about!" Maori Kogoro didn't believe in anything dead or undead, "Speaking of which, why are you here?" "

Oh, I'm going to the Aoi House Hotel in front to investigate the case, what about Detective Māori?" Officer Yamamura instantly switched back to normal mode and looked at Maori Kogoro with an expectant expression.

Maori Kogoro secretly said unhappily: "That, there is something on my side, and I just happened to go to the Aoiya Hotel in front." "

Māori detective going to Aoiya Ryokan too?" Aren't we going along the way? Officer Yamamura was excited, "Get in the car, I'll give you a ride."

"No thanks," Maori Kogoro refused without thinking, "my daughter said she likes forest bathing and wants to walk around this forest."

"But Ling Yuan is already in the car?" The mountain village police officer pointed behind him, and Mao Lilan was sitting in the car with a well-looked look.

Māori Kogoro: ......

The car was moving at a fast pace, and Maori Kogoro sat in the front row and said, "That Buddha statue, didn't you say that you can't stand it up, and it doesn't matter if you put it there like this?" The

mountain village police officer looked reluctant: "There is no way, if you help the capital up, you will be punished by heaven if you push down the Buddha statue casually, so you can only find the master in the temple another day to come and see." The

people in the car were speechless for a while.

Amuro was staring at this nagging colleague behind his back, and he felt that this person was unreliable.

The mountain village police officer shrank for a moment, always feeling that there was a cold gaze staring at him at the back of his head, could it be that the evil spirit had come out!

Oh, my God! Heavenly Spirit Spirit Earth Spirit Spirit, Guanyin Bodhisattva is about to appear! Buddha bless, must keep him safe and sound!

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