Mrs. Green was too sad to attend tonight's dinner, after all, someone at this table was the killer of her two children, and the dinner ended in silence.

After dinner, the hosts are busy while the detectives exchange information in the living room.

Maori Kogoro still felt that Rokuboro Maiko was the most suspicious, after all, she was the only one without an alibi.

Very good, congratulations to Maori Kogoro for successfully ruling out a wrong answer.

"The question now is what happened 25 years ago?" Conan mused, "I remember Professor Yamano saying that it took Mr. Purple 25 years to breed the current luminous butterfly.

Kaneda looked at Yosuke Gogi, a jack of all trades, "Does Mr. Goki know?"

"Oh, about this!" Yosuke Goki took a sip of coffee to moisten his throat, "A lot did happen 25 years ago.

"First of all, the owner of this house, Mr. Madara Shiko, who was originally a butterfly fan who liked to collect butterflies with money, was not a scholar at all, but since 25 years ago, he suddenly published several papers at the society, and suddenly became a rising star in academia."

"Rising stars in academia?!" This sentence touched the sensitive nerves of detectives, a local tyrant cross-border academia, it is difficult to say whether there is anything tricky here.

"And Mrs. Ah Green also married Madara Ziwei 25 years ago." Gogi Yosuke immediately broke a big news, "It is said that she originally studied at Yaedo University's medical school in order to inherit her hometown's hospital, but since her lover committed suicide, she has completely changed as a person, turned around and married into a wealthy family, and married an old man 20 years older than her.

Conan grasped the point and asked, "Why did Mrs. Green's lover commit suicide?"

Yosuke Gogi said, "I don't know, I just know that the man works in the research room of Yaeshima University with Professor Yamano."

"Wait!" Kaneda's face changed drastically, "Professor Yamano is a scholar who studies butterflies, which means that Mrs. Midori's suicide lover is engaged in butterfly research?!"

Kaneda held his chin and said with trepidation: "I think the motive for this murder has surfaced, the target of the "Undead Butterfly" is not the deceased himself, but the entire Madara family, the "Undead Butterfly" hates the Madara purple stripe, this is a massacre!!

"What?!" Everyone present turned pale, especially Mao Lilan, who was the first time she had encountered this kind of massacre.

"Why do you do such a cruel thing?" Mao Lilan clenched his fists, tears came out, "Miss Tateyu, Mr. Yang Yu, and Xiao Liuli, they didn't provoke anyone, they didn't know anything, why did even they die?" "

Kanedaichi inexplicably remembered the legend told by Mr. Takezo that the beautiful lady, who was robbed by power, killed herself and his three daughters when the abuser was old....

Madara Ziwei is 65 years old this year, and there are only three children under her knees, Miss Tateha, Mr. Yang Yu and Xiao Liuli, could it really be Mrs. Alu?!

Conan put forward a bold guess: "Mr. Purple Pattern published a lot of papers on butterflies 25 years ago, and Mrs. Green's lover who studied butterflies committed suicide, so could it be that Mr. Purple Pattern snatched the person's paper, and that person committed suicide, and Mrs. Purple Pattern married Mr. Purple Pattern to avenge her lover!"

And Kanedaichi's guess was even more daring: "Therefore, Mrs. Green gave birth to three children for Mr. Ziwen, and when Mr. Ziwen was not on vacation, she killed them again, and took this opportunity to destroy the Madara family?" "

Hiss——!" Everyone present gasped.

And Rabbit Chuan spewed out a sip of black tea: "Poof——! The

eyes of everyone present were focused on Rabbit Chuan.

"Ahem!" Rabbit River was choked not lightly, it is worthy of Kanedaichi who has passed through strong winds and waves, and the idea is bold!

Rabbit Chuan took a breath, took out a handkerchief and wiped his mouth: "Ahem, my brother... Conan of our family guessed correctly, Kanedaichi-san guessed correctly, Mrs. Green married Mr. Ziwen is indeed to cut off the descendants of Madara Ziwei, but Kanedaichi-san thinks too much, Mrs. Alori uses another method. "

Huh?" Kaneda was puzzled, "What method?"

Rabbit Chuan turned the teacup and said, "Today Mrs. A Green said that Xiao Liuli's blood type is type A.

Rabbit Chuan gave them a meaningful look and let them experience it for themselves.

"I remember that Mrs. Green is type O blood, and Mr. Purple is type B, this, this?!" Now it was Kaneda's turn to gasp.

"What's wrong with this?" Mao Lilan was puzzled.

Conan wore a look of disdain: "According to Mendel's laws of heredity, if both parents are type B blood and type O blood respectively, then the child can only be type B blood or O blood."

Rabbit added: "Unless there is a genetic mutation, it will only become other subtypes of blood, such as Rh blood type." Maori

Kogoro, who has many years of experience in catching rapes, immediately thought: "A, A, Mrs. A-green gave Mr. Ziwen green?!" "

Maori Kogoro is resentful, who is the other party? What a blessing!!

Rabbit Chuan coughed twice: "Ahem, so, Kanedaichi-san's speculation is not valid, and it is impossible for Mrs. Green to kill her own child in revenge on Mr. Ziwen." "

Mrs. Green's name is good, love is a light, green to you panic.

This Mrs. A Green probably wanted to cool off before Madara Ziwei was dying, and tell this old man that the child of the concubine is not yours, and the child of Sister Mei is not ... Ahem, string lines, that's probably what it means.

However, Mrs. Green never expected that this old man was a pervert! Planted herself in a pit at once, but for revenge, she endured!

Rabbit Chuan does not evaluate Mrs. Alu's retaliation methods, after all, on Rabbit Chuan's side, no one uses such a warm method, just this, let potassium cyanide and eight eggs be embarrassed!

"I know who the murderer is!" Maori Kogoro suddenly shouted, "The murderer is Mrs. Green's dead lover, resurrected from hell - the undead butterfly!"

Rabbit: "Huh? "

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