Rabbit Chuan glanced over: "Or do you want to stay and bind the local spirits?" "

Madara Yangyu has just died less than a day, and he still doesn't quite understand the meaning of Rabbitikawa dialect.

Rabbit River let him float out, and although Madara didn't know why he did it, he still obediently floated out, and as a result, he hit the wall with a bang.

Rabbit Chuan pulled Madara Yang Yu down: "Now understand, you belong to Yang Shou unfinished accidental death, before your Yang Shou is exhausted, the prefecture will not accept you, so you can only stay in this manor, commonly known as Earth Binding Spirit." "

Can only stay in this manor?" Madara Yang Yu was full of excitement, "Don't! I don't want to stay here! Even if I die, I will run out!

Rabbit Chuan looked as usual: "Oh, you're dead." "

Madara Yangyu: .

. "So you have two choices now, one is that you stay here and bind the spirits, waiting for the Yang Shou to run out, and someone from the prefecture to pick you up."

"What about the other one?" Madara didn't want to stay here at all.

"The other is that you give your yang life to someone else." Rabbit Chuan looked at Xiao Liuli lying on the ground again, "Just when Xiao Liuli needs, it should be used as waste, the key is that you are still blood relatives, it is more convenient to change."

Madara Yangyu subconsciously asked, "Can't you change it to someone else?"

Rabbit Chuan replied: "Yes, but you need the birthday eight characters and the same thing on that person, and then tie two scarecrows, and you may also need a small book, which is troublesome."

"So the point is convenience?" Madara Yangyu was speechless.

"How else?" Rabbit Chuan gave Madara a look to experience for himself.

Madara Yangyu's whole soul trembled, Rabbit-sama is so terrible!

Rabbit Chuan just wants to solve trouble, doesn't want to make trouble for himself, he is not a dead-brained detective, since there is a simple and quick way, why do you have to make so much trouble?

Madara asked cautiously, "Then, is there no other way?" "

Madara Yangyu has just died, and when he knows that his yang life is not over, he still thinks that he can be resurrected, and he is very happy.

But in reality, Lord Rabbikawa tells him that not only can he not be resurrected, but he cannot leave this nightmarish home, and even give Yangshou to his sister?!

Although it is for my sister, but the change of life is a little... Well, he hopes to get out of here and stay away from that man, his terrible father, even if he goes to the Yin Cao Di Mansion, it is better than here!

Just when Madara Yangyu was about to accept his sad fate, Rabbit Chuan suddenly opened his mouth: "Yes, since you don't want to change your life, then change your soul!" "

Change soul?!" Madara didn't know how to feel it.

Tu Chuan raised his chin and pointed at Xiao Liuli: "After a while, when your sister swallows her breath and the soul floats out, you will pounce into her shell, snap, you will be your sister in the future." Rabbit

Chuan glanced at Madara Yangyu's lower body, painlessly changed that, or little loli, loli YYDS!

"No, no need!" Madara Yangyu moved, "My sister is still young, and I work hard for my sister as an older brother, it should be, it should be!"

Madara Yangyu trembled all over, he wanted to survive, but if he survived as Xiao Liuli, it would be better to die.

In the eyes of that perverted old father, they and his mother were his collections, but Liuli and his mother were special, because among the three of them, only Liuli inherited his mother's emerald green eyes, which was the most precious collection in that man's life.

Think of it this way, it's good to die, at least he is free!

Belch...... After solving the problem of the earth binding spirit, he is completely free!

When the ambulance arrived, Madara Yangyu sat down in front of Rabbitikawa "Lord Rabbitikawa, please, exchange my life for my sister, let my sister live, and let me ... Be free!

"Oh, I see." Rabbit Chuan nodded casually.

Madara Yangyu waited for a long time, but he didn't feel anything, slowly raised his head, and looked at Lord Rabbit River stupidly.

Rabbit Chuan glanced at him, and his tone was light: "Oh, it's over." "

Huh?" Madara Yangyu's expression was dull, "Don't you need any ceremony?" Hair, scarecrow or something?

Rabbit Chuan secretly rolled his eyes, what can he do in the public, and Conan is still there!

Besides, isn't it just a change of life, how can it be so troublesome.

Still, life needs a bit of ritual.

Rabbit Chuan changed his position, holding Madara Yangyu with one hand, and put the other hand on Madara Ruri's wrist, silently speaking: "Madara Liuli, what I say, Ru Dang listens, in my name, exchange life for Ru, Ru should accept it, you must obey!" "

The Madara clan raises its feathers, Ru orders to pay him, he lives to pay Ru, heaven and earth are witnesses, do not regret!"

Rabbit Chuan was silent, but Madarame Ruriri seemed to feel something, lying on a single rack and turning to look at the location of Madara Yangyu, as if she saw someone she shouldn't have seen.


Madara Yangyu in the void nodded, be strong, Ruri.

Rabbit River gave up his place to someone else.

The emergency doctor took Madara Ruri's health card and confirmed again: "Madara Ruri, 12 years old, blood type is type B, right?"

"No, she's type A blood." Mrs. A Lu held Xiao Liuli's hand, she had lost two children, and she could not lose her last little daughter.

Mr. Madara and Mrs. Midori couldn't leave the guests alone, and they had other things to do, and finally the maid accompanied Madara to the ambulance.

Madara Yangha's matter is solved, and Rabbit Chuan intends to solve the next problem.

Madara raised his eyebrows and exhaled, and they all walked to the door, so let's go directly!

The world is so big, he wants to go out and see!

However, dang!

Madara Yangyu hit the wall again!

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